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Posts posted by Chapien

  1. It was just another ordinary day in Manehatten for Sparks. Well, as ordinary as life in Manehatten can be for a Stalliongrad native. The weather was actually fairly nice for most ponies, but Sparks, still unused to the warmer weather of southern Equestria, was sweating in the relative heat.

    Although he was still a relatively new intern at Northern Storm Industries, his hard work had already gotten him noticed and earned him some recognition- so much recognition that the company deemed it appropriate to give him a bit of a vacation. Sparks accepted, but he didn't really know what to do with his time. Sparks was a hard worker and an engineer at heart. Without any work to do, Sparks wound up spending most of his days simply strolling the streets of Manehatten, nothing better to do than take in all of the foreign and bizarre sights of Manehatten, getting a bit homesick as he did so.

    With a sigh, he stopped at crossroads, contemplating where to go next, without any real destination in mind. He had to admit, he still found himself extremely lost in this city, despite having been here for a while, the street names appearing foreign and confusing to him.

  2. If you look at the map in the World Lore section of the forums, the crash site will be north of Trotingham and south of Stalliongrad, in that mountain range. But as Phil said, though rescue forces may be integral towards the end of the thread, that may not be for a long, long time. The point of the thread is to develop characters who probably don't like each other by forcing them to work together in what is essentially an extended emergency.

  3. ((Although this thread is open to all, I would like everyone joining to post here first: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/10806-the-airship-crash/ which is the OOC thread.))

    Gears "Sparks" Clockwise sat in his seat, boredly staring out of the window. This was his first time in an airship, and at first he was completely fascinated with the concept of being so high up in the air, but after a few hours of flight, he quickly became bored, with absolutely nothing to do but look out of his window at the landscape below. And even then, he could not see much. The moment the airship had entered the mountain range an hour or so back, the area below the ship became covered in dense clouds, making viewing just about anything next to impossible. So really, he was just staring outside at an endless expanse of impenetrable grey, absolutely nothing to do.

    On the seat next to him sat his trusty tool belt, the only supplies he had packed with him besides a few changes of clothes. Sparks had not packed much; after all, he was simply returning to his native home of Stalliongrad after his long, extended stay in Manehatten to resume his intern work at Northern Storm Industries. The ride wasn't supposed to last too much longer, just a few more hours, but Sparks expected that these clouds would delay the trip by at least a few hours.

    Although Sparks had been eager to leave Stalliongrad, he was honestly happy to be returning. The relatively warm weather of Manehatten did not suit him well, and he greatly preferred the cold snow of Stalliongrad over the heat of the southern beaches any day. He was happy that he would finally be returning to Stalliongrad by this evening, provided that nothing went wrong.

    And what could possibly go wrong, anyway?

  4. Hello, this application is very well done, but I have a few issues with it that I would like to bring up and have clarified.

    First, for age, it is advisable to put which of the three age groups the character belongs to, rather than a description. These age groups for female ponies are foal, filly, and mare. The description is fine, it just makes it easier for a reader to instantly identify what age the character approximately is. The backstory is fairly good, but remember that everything has to fit in with the key elements of the show; that is, I'm not entirely sure that the Equestrian justice system would have the concept of suing (seeing as that in and of itself is a fairly new concept in our own society anyway). It seems to have just been inserted for no reason; can you expand or alter it in any way, to make it more fitting to the Friendship is Magic universe? Also, why did her parents want to pressure her into competitive flying? And how good was she at it, exactly? Sure, she had interest in it, but what exactly were her capabilities?

    This is a great application, I just feel that it can be a tiny bit more expanded upon.

  5. As I've already said, I'm definitely in for this. Sounds like a fun idea. :)

    I'm in on this! :D

    This sounds fun. I saw "Crash" and thought I could use my search and rescue OC, but he's too far out of range for this. However, I have others I could use :3

    I would Partake, although, if any of you are here on steam, message me when you start to RP, Id is, Rasputin. With the purple monster on.

    Fantastic! I will let you all know when the thread is up, which should be in about a day or so.

  6. Hello and good morning, I had a brilliant idea for a roleplay and I wanted to share it all with you and gauge how many of you would be interested.

    The general idea of the RP is that a bunch of ponies in an airship for various purposes (whatever you want, really) all crash land somewhere in Equestria. The ponies are then forced to work together in order to survive until they are found and sub sequentially rescued, which will take as long as the thread remains fun/fresh.

    The idea I have for the thread is an airship transporting ponies from Manehatten all the way to Stalliongrad, with the crash occurring somewhere north of Trottingham, perhaps in the mountains in that region, on the way to Stalliongrad.

    Please post if you are interested and your ideas for the thread here.

  7. Spark couldn't help but giggle very slightly at Pathfinder's behavior, but he quickly cleared his throat and regained his composure. "Right. It's very simple."

    He picked up a screwdriver out of his toolbelt, which he had worn to the party despite being told repeatedly that it was unnecessary, and unscrewed a small screw on the top. A small panel on the device popped open, revealing the inner intricities of the device.

    "Essentially, it is a basic dissassembly, only without many tools required beyond a screwdriver. You have to figure out which screws to remove and in what order to remove said screws. If you remove the wrong panels or screws, you'll find yourself stuck, unable to advance in the puzzle. To the common onlooker, the puzzle seems impossible or arbitrary, but to a trained mechanic such as myself, one has to simply follow the various cogs and wiring, as well as notice the very specific way the panels are connected, and to disassemble it."

    He turned the device around, revealing a stopwatch that was running. "In addition, the moment the first panel is removed, a timer starts in order to time how quickly you can complete the puzzle."

    Sparks beamed widely. "My fastest time was two minutes and five seconds!"

  8. Sparks immediately brightened up at the mention of his device, all nervousness washed away from his face in an instant. He picked it up quickly using his horn, and cleared his throat. "This is the PB-5000, or in laypony's terms, a Puzzle Box! It's something I've been working on in my free time. It isn't really useful per say, but it's definitely a lot of fun. I made it to practice and keep my skills sharp. Basically, you're supposed to disassemble it, and if done correctly, you should be able to reassemble it. It requires a bit of skill to pull off, but it is fantastic engineering practice- a good way to stay on top of your abilities!"

    He smiled widely, talking quickly while looking at his device, an immense look of pride in his eyes.

  9. Sparks blushed heavily, looking away slightly. I'm not -that- young... I'm nearly a stallion!

    "U-um, th-thank you, Miss Pathfinder. I'm Gears Clockwise, but, uh, please, call me Sparks. I'm an intern f-for Miss Snowfall's company... I'm an engineer."

    He smiled again and looked slightly to the side, at the food table, where a small boxed contraption of his own creation sat on the corner (having set it down when Snowfall had approached him), before looking back at Pathfinder, regaining a bit of his usual, youthful confidence.

    "A pretty darn good one, if I do say so myself!"

  10. She simply must be the worst pony; even Twist is throwing fruit at her.

    Wait, what?

    EDIT: Oh, that's the whole point of the joke. Don't I just feel late to the party? -.-

    Yep. And if you pay attention, that's Fluttershy in a Twist costume. The picture is drawn by Petirep, the artist behind the Mentally Advanced Series and Rainbow Dash Presents, and in that series EVERYONE hates Fluttershy. Or as they call her, the "Yellow One".

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