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Everything posted by GreyMatter

  1. *dashface* My Little Picnic was *so awesome!*
  2. Well, somepony else can make it. Sorry, Extravagant and I are at My Little Picnic. We send our regards. Cainiam said if we make enough situational threads, we can get a seperate subforums for situational threads. If you make one, let me know. I will gladly join.
  3. Ya know why I THINK the RP is doing so well? It takes a different route. There aren't many that do this now, but this one was a situation. Look at these, most RPs are plots. You are given a plot, now build on it. Grey Area, and I have seen these crop up every so often, Grey Area was a situation. "You live/work in a Condo. What now?" It goes anywhere. We are only on the third day within the RP, and already we have almost 500 posts, had someponies almost dies, two ponies fall in love, several ponies move in, and now an outbreak of Poison Joke. What's next? I was expecting this to go for a long time, and it looks like it will. This is going very far, and who knows what will happen? NOPONY! Because there is no plot, what happens, happens. Like in real life, but more entertaining! THAT, my friends, is why Grey Area has worked so well. THAT AND the amazing chemistry between the characters and RPers
  4. Shelock Holmes Reference. 'Nuff said.
  5. "Well, I got beds made. Just no pillows. Use a second leaf as the blanket." ((OOC:While I am on the subject, it is bedtime for me. G'night. Sorry if I am slow to respond tomorrow, i have an MLP event in 12 hours. Hence, bed.)
  6. "And the bad news? Is it that you have a wicked stomach ache from testing them all?"
  7. Grey has his face buried in his hoof right now, and Hot Head is too busy caring about himself. In turn, his arrogance means Snowy can't ignore him to tend to her brother. Nice timing for Hot Head to enter, eh? Adds some more drama, like we had last (RP) night.
  8. Well, if any mods come to me about it, I will direct their attention to this, before immediatelly buckling, anfd having them move the thread.
  9. ((One of the few OOCs to take place in the thread itself, is this: Please check the OOC thread, I have an announcement about the future of THIS thread, considerring the direction it has taken. If you think it is safe here, just let me know.))
  10. Erm, with all this talk about drunk, I'm seriosly considerring moving the "Party at the Grey Area" Thread to the 18+ subforum. Anypony got a problem with that? Besides, this is the number one post here, Grey Area is the number one post in the main forum, so maybe we can dominate all three, huh?
  11. "That may work. The question is, which leaves are safe to put near our faces?" Said Grey, not wanting to be the one that had to test them out.
  12. Vinyl Scratch chuckled. She had never been given a POSITIVE nickname in her career, mostly just derisive names. "Yeah, no problem kid, and...other kid...Thanks for the milk!"
  13. Guys...We've done an amazing thing here. A great thing. I wholeheartedly thank you all.
  14. Guys...I'm tempted. Very tempted...somepony stop me from pulling out the Dora "We did it!" song. Please?
  15. I made cookies...is that enough?
  16. I know I'm jumping the gun a little here, but...WE DID IT!! WE ARE THAT AWESOME! I LOVE YOU GUYS! I KNEW WE COULD DO IT! EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE!
  17. Guys...we are ten posts away. You think we can do this tonight? I'm ready. I can sleep in tomorrow! C'mon! Let's give it one last push over the top before bed, eh?
  18. "I-I'm fine dudes. I can normally hold my spice, I just need to know that a food is spicy, that way I can at least take it slowly...Say, does anypony know what was in that punch?" Said Vinyl Scratch, not knowing what she had done to it. "Hey, kid? Thyme, I think. That was some good stuff. Had a lot of spice to it. Just, uh, warn a pony next time..."
  19. "Wait!" Said Grey. He put on a gas mask. "This should protect me from the pheremones. In we go.
  20. "Alright. And, you mentioned the ancients. Doubtless they had the technology I do, but the question is, do they have the ideas I do? For instance, doubtless you have some manner of self repair, as do Nemesis and Grey Steel, but they use nanobots to repair them, and my assumption is you simply have miniature arms to self repair, but I may be wrong. Thats just the drawings they used in school. Also, Grey Steel uses movable panels, as opposed to plates of metal. They can dynamically reform, changing his stance and design dramatically as needed. To put those on you, however, would take a while. Also, did the ancients ever consider DES? It is my own system, that acts as the digestive system in a pony. It is able to make energy out of typical pony food." Said Grey, as they apporoached the house. "I'll get my mobile lab set up, and if you have your blueprints in your memory, could you upload them to me? That way I can match you up, and see IF I can add anything.
  21. "Well, here's the thing, Nemesis...his personality is a glitch. I made a mistake with his battery core, and he shouldn't exist, but my hoof must have slipped in programming, and I gave him a personality. I meant to do that, but I just don't know how I did it yet. I need to run through his code, but where his batery is, it should have fried his D:/ drive right away, his personality pushed him through it. And Grey Steel...technologically, it is superior even to Nemesis, and outward design wise, even you, as I used plates on him. But...he is just an avatar. A way for me to be where I can't be. But Nemesis is like you, and once I figure out where I messed up, I can make more like you."
  22. Sooooo...Don't expect many replies tomorrow. There is an event here in my hometown for bronies tomorrow. My Little Picnic, and it starts at 1pm EST, so I'm gonna be there for a while. ALTHOUGH, I will spread the gospel of this site while I am there.
  23. Vinyl headed right over to the "Bass Drop," and without a though, dug right in. After swallowing the whole thing, she realized how hot it was. Not that she couldn't handle spice, but she wasn't ready for it. She ran as fast as she could, bumping into Watcher and knocking his flask into the punch, before burying her own head in the now-spiked punch.
  24. "Th-th-that-this-YOU! Zynk? The mythical Zynk?!? Here? My Celestia! Sketch! This is what got me into robotics! A creature of myth, they said it couldn't be done! They said not then, not even now! Well, I did it now, and clearly...SOMEPONY did it then! Granted, the drives may be relatively small...and battery is probably less than ideal, not in power, but in capacity. Assuming this thing was built with the same space as Nemesis and Grey Steel, if it went to sleep mode with 1%, it could easily read 25% now. Only because, long storage at any battery level below 100% can ruin a battery. Should be running out right about now, if I'm right. No matter, we can replace it. Zynk? If I can find anything you don't have...mind if I upgrade you? It would mean SOOOOO much to me!"
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