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Everything posted by GreyMatter

  1. Grey, who had spent the past moments implementing the new power distribution system into the V2 designs he worked out with Nemesis, send a message across Nemesis' readout: "Building the V2, be there soon" He sent it, too wrapped up in the beauty of the half finished creation, that he forgot Nemesis would not recall designing the V2. Grey had designed robots for a long time, but never had anypony to help him. He worked with Nemesis to design the V2, which would have been the next generation version of him. The designs were complete, and the robitic arms were building it when Nemesis had left, and the two were in the process of writing the code. Grey knew that this was his chance to test out the initially intended code, but had more important things to do... At that time, the robotic arms had just finished attaching the body plates to the creation. Grey didn't have time to apply a full paint job. Instead, he opted to simply spray paint on his own Cutie Mark...
  2. Erm, A102 is Snowy's room. A101 is open, sonce saucy spider left, and so is any room on any higher up floor.
  3. No, Easy said "Hey dude, I'm here" At one point, implying that he was near you then, at the lobby. Cloud then said he walked up to Easy.
  4. Done, and the argument they were having is settled. If Watcher is not convinced, Grey will offer overtime pay to train Clear, that way he can say he is only.doing it for the pay. Depends on how important honor is to Watcher.
  5. Double post, I'm sorry, but I'm bumping this thread, to see if anypony is still interested, because I was kinda getting my hopes up.
  6. Well, given that he is trying to start a business, I suppose it would be management, correct? Also, he hasn't picked business because he would be particularly good at it. If he was, his cutie mark would be something like a tie. As I explained, he picked business so he could choose his own hours, so he would have the chance to spend time with his family. So far as what the cutie mark means, it is high intelligence. As you are likely aware, intelligence measures not what you know, but how quickly you learn, so he learns quickly, and remembers well, which means that he knows more, not just for his inquisitive side that likes to explore and learn, but also from remembering what he has been taught. I know this needs to be added up there, but I need to figure out how to not shoehorn it in.
  7. Grey read the message. His hunch was correct, this creation could only survive because it was actually alive. Grey was faced with questions, among them, was if he would redesign the future versions to fix this problem, or simply require they have the same resolve. That was unimportant now, as he needed to comb through the codes to see what didn't match up. He had to do that manually though. "How is your wing coming along?"
  8. Sorry for the repost, but it keeps unfollowing me from my threads, and on the mobile version, you can only follow when you post.
  9. Oh no, it isn't too late, so long as Clear has not been directly referred to as any specific species, it is perfectly fine.
  10. My only question is, who supplies the magic? Crystal balls need magic, and to my knowlege there are no unicorn workers, and even so, would it even make sense to have some random worker power the security system? It certainly would be odd to make a renters power it though.
  11. Grey began to pour over the schematics once again. He still could not figure out what it was. He could not link the two. A difference in the programming would explain the personality, the sentience of his creation, but not why none of the others worked. At least, not for more than a few seconds. Finally, he saw something. He had made a fatal flaw in the physical design. It wouldn't show up in any error reports, because it was made according to design. One of the battery cells was pressed up against the D:/ drive, causing an overload, which fried the drive, and shorted out the pony. Nemesis, however, had a glitch, a mistyped line of code, somewhere, that made him...pony. Nemesis had a certain resolve, and like a pony in pain, Nemesis was able to push through the pain, amd, with great effort, keep the drive running. Grey spoke to Nemesis, "I think I found out what sets you apart. At least, a part of it. Is there any sort of pressure against your D:/ drive? How many volts are flowing through it?" Grey also sent a typed message for reference. "Minimum voltage required: 4v (emergency operation, 1.2v) Maximum safe voltage: 100v Total failure at: 150v Recommended voltage: 75v"
  12. Grey was stunned, to his memory, that was the first time she had frowned near him. It was...diffferent. He worried, until he realized why, that she felt it was unsuitable. He knew he was where he needed to be. He knew his ideal family, with three (or more) foals, so they would have siblings to keep each other company, unlike what he had. Only one question remained, whether they would be earth ponies or pegasi, or perhaps some of each. But that wasn't what mattered, he loved his future foals regardless. They trotted toward the bay, eagerly awaiting what houses they would see for sale, and with aid from Grey's parents, the only thing they had to consider in purchasing a house would be the foals.
  13. Grey would always remember when she pointed out where to go by using herself as a spinner, as he remembered everything from that day. He began to playfully chase her as she had gone. When he caught up to her, he looked beside him and saw a condo. "Great for a couple," he remarked, "But not so much for a family, huh?" He looked forward. The bay was in sight. "What about waterfront?"
  14. Grey looks at her once more, before begining down the hill. He says to her, for what could have easilly been the millionth time, "I love you." Even so, it still felt like the first time, and he remembers that night, once more, at Sydphony's concert, as they were headed up the catwalk. It seemed somehow fitting, that the last major step he with her was going up those steps, and now, his next big step, was headed down a hill. As if, with her in his life, it was balanced. "Where to, dear?"
  15. Grey sent the files, as well as a message. "What about your imaging systems? Those working? They should be able to scan your systems and see how they line up with the schematics. Anything, from a dent to an area getting too much power, to an area getting shocked, to one getting burned, will show up. The only things that won't show up is anything that isn't physical. Any information, which means, if those are working, and it doesn't show up, something in your programingdid this, I just need to isolate it and add it to future designs."
  16. There they were. Grey Matter, hoof in hoof with his fillyfriend of several years, Pesto, was atop a hill overlooking what would become their new home. His mind was filled with memories of the past few years. They met on his first day at Canterlot U, where he majored in business. She was not enrolled at that point, but had come to see Sydphony, a well known musician who happened to be friends with Grey. The two had hit it off, and by the end of that same day, had fallen in love. It was a short period of time, but they felt as though they had known each other much longer. Not wanting her to leave, as she lived her life at that time on the road, Grey eventually convinced her to enroll, where she majored in Visual Arts, with a minor in Fine Arts. But that was several years ago. Since then, they grew closer everyday, and they had a plan. They were both very forward thinking ponies, very concerned about raising a family. Grey, as a child, rarely had time with his parents, and had few friends in Fillydelphia. For Pesto, it was always nervewracking for her to live in such a bustling city as Manehattan. They knew where they wanted to be. It was a quaint town. Everypony seemed to know each other, a perfect place for raising foals. Also important, it was on the water. This provided them a chance to vacation every day, simply by trotting down to the bay. It also opened many opportunities for Grey to start a business, so he could make his own hours to spend time with his family. For Pesto, it gave her many unique species of tree for her leaf prints, and provided ample inspiration for her other artworks. Baltimare. Still, with all of this in sight, the two were not looking down on the city that would be their future. They were instead looking into the future, into each other's eyes. Wherever their house was, they knew they had made a home in each other's hearts. They had been together long enough, they hardly even needed words anymore. He looked at her, and cocked his head toward the city, as if to ask her what she thought, or if she was nervous about their future, and the adventure they were soon to embark on...
  17. "Alright. Well can tell then that your three primary senses are working. If you are interested, I am currently prototyping you other two. Although, I am testing them seperately, because to install them requires actual work in your C:/ drive. I need to add the parts that interpret the senses. If I were able to send you the blueprints of your design, could you run an internal scan to find any variances? Hopefully then we can know why you are...you. No matter what though, you are unique."
  18. Previous OC relationship approved!
  19. "Is your thought-voice broken? A monologue, where in you can send an audio message without physically talking. You can essentially think it to me. That is, assuming by the conversation that you can still think."
  20. Grey flipped a switch, turning on a microphone so he could speak more naturally. He spoke inti the microphone, "Test. You said you could hear audio from me, can you hear this? You said you were not receiving visuals. Do you mean you cannot receive them from me, or are your digital eyes not working?"
  21. You saw something you wanted to unsee, and brain bleach is applicated through the eye, so, as a result, your eye hurts.
  22. No, you aren't making it hard. Just Noedig471
  23. You are making it really hard to love and tolerate right now...
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