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Everything posted by GreyMatter

  1. You can't know that unless you pulverize it, only then can you be sure there is no metal in it.
  2. Maybe it has a precious metal inside it? Try breaking it upen.
  3. Decorate with it! If it is flat, then it is approved to skip on water.
  4. They are going to be physically hurt, or they could die.
  5. If you damage the wall, then it is not approved, unless the person was in some kind of danger unless you did get their attention.
  6. Yes, I just don't get how we went from spelling backwards to Pig Latin. Which, incidentaly, is nothing like regular Latin. I would know, I had my Latin exam today.
  7. Depends on if it causes any structural damage to the wall.
  8. The condition of whether or not one should throw rocks is to be, from here on in, approved on a case by case basis. As for NoedigJk471, you lost me.
  9. That is a good reason, the ends justify the means, so, APPROVED USAGE OF ROCKS.
  10. Cathalos: Eenope. There is never a good reason to throw rocks at anybody. .backwards themselves sentences the reading prefer much I ,No: NoedigJk471
  11. Because somepony else hit you with a rock, and you were dazed and confused when you picked it.
  12. "Is all your communication equipment operational? It may not be working at full capacity."
  13. I dunno. Decoration? Breaking windows? Throwing at people you don't like?* *The writer of this post does not endorse OR condone the destructive use of rocks.
  14. With a "BWONG" Grey recieved the message. He typed back, "I'm in Ponyville. Do you know why you can't send out sensory information? I'm not recieving any sight or sound. Also, are the touch sensors working? To what extent? I programmed it so you could feel, pain, tickle, or whatever else, but I tried to put in a failsafe so you would not be incapacitated in case of something like your broken wing."
  15. Maybe not rocks, but I could see myself attaching some sort of weight, if not, I would just invest in a weight set at that point.
  16. A word of note: As you may have guessed by Snowy's actions, I allow you to RP as multiple characters. If you want to, go right ahead. While I prefer to be informed of these, if I do not respond, you can go right ahead and incorporate the character. All I ask is that you ask yourself if you can handle the two, without getting them mixed up and confusing everypony.
  17. Grey matter got a notification that he was able to send a copy of the program. He sent it, now saved into the A:/ Drive, along with the attached message, "I upgraded the program to v3. It will tell you the progress, as well as allow you to take control of what areas to focus on. Also, if you have more power than you need, the program will work on maintenance and upkeep as well. It also will has three settings, Fast, Balanced, and Powersaver. Fast will reduce you to 5% power, but takes less time (The program will run an estimate). Balanced leaves you with 25%, and takes more time than fast. Power saver will leave you with 75%, but takes a lot of time to do."
  18. It is understandable, as Clear doesn't know anypony, I just was a little unclear on it. Thank you!
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