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Posts posted by Autumn

  1. Test your MLP:FiM knowledge and win an award icon!

    All you have to do is correctly guess the episode the frame or portion of the frame below comes from!


    A carrot farm?

    • Aiming for this to be a weekly thing to look forward too.
    • Anyone and everyone is welcome to play including those that already have the award from previous weeks.
    • Threads will be locked one week after the answer has been revealed to allow banter
    • Those caught cheating or suggesting answers to others (spoiling fun for others) may be banned from all future competitions: ie. DO NOT post answers.

  2. Wow, okay, seeing the results so far I am really doubting my answer now. But know what, I made my bed so I'm sleeping in it.

    I can almost picture Artax sitting in a dark room, watching his computer screen as it cast an evilish glow across his features, smiling to himself as he pet his required villain cat and spoke... "Yes... This will do nicely. Bwahahaha! *thunder*"

    lol... you're not far off! :artax::blush::artax::shifty::artax::halo:

    I did say I was gonna raise the bar and make it much harder! I think it's a little more fun this way!

    You'll all face-palm when you see the full frame on Saturday. ;-)

  3. Closing thread before some plonker decides to post information on illegally obtaining episodes and gets themselves banned.

    I fear I may never be able to watch another episode of FiM... you know, with legal problems and things... :sad:

    OP. your statement may have been more appropriate in your profile "what's on your mind?" section.

  4. Have just tested on multiple browsers and including mobile devices.... all working.

    It's a veeeeeeery simple hyperlink. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    Change browser.

    (why on earth do people call it a 'chat box'?.. where is this officially written, I'm sure I've written chatroom or chatclient everywhere and have never ever used the term 'chatbox'? O.o)

  5. Test your MLP:FiM knowledge and win an award icon!

    All you have to do is correctly guess the episode the frame or portion of the frame below comes from!


    Small silhouette on something.

    • Aiming for this to be a weekly thing to look forward too.
    • Anyone and everyone is welcome to play including those that already have the award from previous weeks.
    • Threads will be locked one week after the answer has been revealed to allow banter
    • Those caught cheating or suggesting answers to others (spoiling fun for others) may be banned from all future competitions: ie. DO NOT post answers.

  6. Thank you to all those that donated to the 'Adopt a RL Pony' goal!

    We've reached the goal and it will be re-set.

    What happens next is we'd like our members to vote to decide which lovely pony Canterlot.com is going to adopt.

    We're going for Redwings Horse sanctuary who are currently full to capacity so are raising funds to build a new facility.

    Each equine has a story to tell and a reason why they need the sanctuary.

    Click the images below to view information about each Equine and use the poll to vote on who you think we should adopt this time (yes, there will be more in future!).

    Any change from the purchase of the adoption will be included as a donation to the charity.







  7. I tried makind a set of heads in 23x23, and while that's possible, it's intense. 4 extra pixels for a body, not to mention other props, I just don't think it's possible, captain, even if the ponies were chibi.

    Then don't waste your time.

    I've considered going back to the smiley project, but onte thing that's held me up is that if I DO make smileys by hand, they wouldn't match the style of the current smilies, as those were seem like they were just shrunk digitally. I guess what I'm wondering is, if I can come up with a set of smilies, using characters from the show, and they're deemed to be of sufficient quality, number, and diversity, would they be alongside the current smiley set, or could they replace them?

    Because side by side, anything I can come up with by hand would look incongruous next to the current set.

    Start with some of the BASIC expressions and show me what you have in mind.

    Send to me directly and don't show publicly, that way if I reject them it won't be publicly and I won't have a bunch of people whining at me because they liked them.

    27x27 is actually already HUGE for a simple thing such as smilies.

    Just don't forget in making them, the EXPRESSION is the MOST important thing it needs to convey.

  8. Test your MLP:FiM knowledge and win an award icon!

    All you have to do is correctly guess the episode the frame or portion of the frame below comes from!


    An odd pink-swirly thing!

    • Aiming for this to be a weekly thing to look forward too.
    • Anyone and everyone is welcome to play including those that already have the award from previous weeks.
    • Threads will be locked one week after the answer has been revealed to allow banter
    • Those caught cheating or suggesting answers to others (spoiling fun for others) may be banned from all future competitions: ie. DO NOT post answers.

  9. The winner is: Northern Lights

    How was the winner chosen? Very scientific really...

    I assigned a number to each of the people that correctly guessed the number (listed above alphabetically, 1 assigned to the left and 8 on the right)

    and, without telling of my intentions, asked someone in the ChatRoom to pick a number between 1 and 8.

    <survey>: I choose ..4! 8D

    Unfortunately the winner hasn't bothered to put their steam account name in their profile, so they'll have to wait for their prize. XD

    P.s. Yes, we know different people counted different amounts, but as stated it was based purely on our own count.

  10. Hello everypony! I've got a suggestion for you!

    I can't put my finger on it, but I believe this forum is operating on vBulletin 4, or 3 at the earliest. vBulletin has the ability to have an integrated chatbox where you'd like it. And it can be enabled for guests, or members only. If I can remember the link, I'll postit. A forum i'm visiting now uses it, and it has custom fonts, colors, and you can put emoticons, images, and such. No need for IRC would be nice, though. It uses your default username, so all you do is log in, and it will appear. I suggest you do this!


    Very much a pointless item.

    We have a live chatroom already and... a forum where people can also post words and writings and all that stuff.

    Another consideration is how far do visitors and guests want to have to scroll down to get to the content they want. Front page space is a premium and we try not to clutter it with too many 'widgets'.

    As pointed out, we are most certainly not using vBulletin. Their support is absolutely dire.

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