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About DashieInTheDark

  • Birthday 10/14/1996

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  • Interests
    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Anything Computers. Games. (Preferably Steam) and technology as a whole.
  • Location
    Somewhere over the rainbow.
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  1. Now before you read any further, I want you to note that the title I have given this is only because it is closest to describing my idea that I can get, and is in no way affilated wit hthe official "Bronies for Good." The idea I had for a collaboration so to speak was of videos, articles, etc, collected over the past 2 years of the brony fandom. All that focus around the "good" that the bronies have done. (Charity, helping others, etc.) All things of significance to make some form of "offficial" media. I want to put it all in to a video, to the tune of John Lennon's "Let It Be." This may sound cliche, but to my research, we do not have something quite like this. We have the yearly "Bronies: We Made It" Google videos, but nothing like this. I am posting to you, Canterlot, specifically, because I need material for the video, and will have trouble finding it all myself. As I stated before, any videos, articles, etc, large enough to catch attention "cross fandom" so to speak,will be put in the finished product. I'm not pciky, but it has to be more than a heartwarming comment on a Pony video with 27 views. Although there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that, the "authenticity" of the video wouldn't be as high, because "one person cannot change the world." I do hope you get what I mean, and do not look at me as if I am evil. D: I will be hunting for material until I have enough to make a complete video without each clip taking 35 seconds. I really hope that you guys may assist me in this. You will, of course, be credited, along with the source itself, in any manner you wish to. I do not have "high" expectations, but one can hope. I will post more details as they come to mind. Thank you, ~Dashie
  2. This is what I'm rocking right now. Running Rainmeter with Omnimo right now. If any of you guys would like to have the panel design (you can change them almost infinitely how you'd like) let me know and I can help you set it all up.
  3. I would almost recommend you delete the vectors and text. Not because they're "bad" but because the design in the background alone is very cool. Can I assume you made it? Or did you just add the vectors and text to it? Also, I would defnitely recommend you try to blend your vectors in to the iamge itself a lot more. They stick out almost like they're just stickers stuck to it.
  4. Howdy! I'm here today on a great warm and sunny afternoon to bring you some of my photography I have taken over time. The goal in these pictures is to capture the "feel" of what it is portraying. (like most art? ) This first picture today is of a simple leaf that fell off of a tree last Fall, and I just so happened to take a (good?) picture of it. I left it alone on my PC for a few months, and decided to touch it up in GIMP today. The feel of the image is supposed to make you feel like Winter is apporaching, and htat is why the leaf fell off of the tree. Tell me what you guys think, and if you have any opinions! Note: The Camera I was using isn't very good, and I didn't have a Tri-Pod, so actual "image quality" cannot really improve at this moment.
  5. I logged in just to post in this topic, so I hope you guys can take the time to read it thuroghly. The FiM fanbase is based around creativity, we've all established that. Given the circumstances before us as presented in this topic, the show ending is indeed a very, very bad situation for the fandom. To put it into perspective; once there are n new episodes, there's no new content to base anything around. No new music involving the show, no new original PMVs, no new art. (We can keep creating what we have now, but no new show characters, places, etc.) And these are the foreunners; there's plenty more harm the show ending can do. Without new content being produced, the only thing that potentially "holds the fandom together" for a long duration of time is fanfiction. And while I know it's very strong right now, it will get very old quickly Based off the premise of everything else that would die. No new characters, places, you get the idea.. So for a few years, at least, the fandom would hold its' own. But after that, I don't see it living for much longer. This, however, is given that Hasbro does not make a new generation (unlikely) or the new generation does not live up to the expectations of the current fandom (more likely.) To run a simple experient, try this: During the season break right now, pay attention to the music, fanfictions, art, and PMVs produced, and displayed on EqD. You'll notice a very obvious consistancy. Mainly centered aruond [colour=#ffffff]Twilight becoming an alicorn.[/colour]So keep an eye out for that. I may not be right, but in these circumstances, there's not much else left but the creative ability these episodes provide to the "creators." Bt hey, that's just my two cents.
  6. Hasbro just released / will be releasing Derpy Hooves toys. Why would they cut her from the show if they're going to use the show to SELL toys according to this? Why would an employee tell the fans such a big spoiler, and not mention any other details, like, at all? If Magic Duel was in the works almost 2 years ago, then all of Season 3's work is done, and news like this would have been brought up near the end of last year / early this year, not now. They recycled pinklestia for Cadance, are they going to make a new Alicorn toy just for the already established Twilight Sparkle, whose toyline is already made, and selling? I can't see Uni/Ali Twilight selling very well on the same shelf, honestly. A move like this would easily drop their profits a realistic 35%, even after the money they make from advertising toys with the show, the ywon't make this move. I can't seem to find a name, a source, or anything. It's likely this was an image someone made for memebase, specfically. Because I haven't found anything else discussing it. Something this big would be on Equestria Daily, but it isn't. But if this confirms Season 4, does that mean Season 4 WON'T happen if this is fake?
  7. Hey ya'll, long time no see! I'm going to share with you guys, my current Computer setup in my room. It's not very "clean" or organized, but it is comfortable. If I had a better camera, I could get you guys better pictures, but alas, I do not. That's my N64 hooked up to my TV, which I watch, as well as play N64, and use as a workspace for Vegas Pro 11, Macromedia Flash 8, and some of the windows for Gimp. The computer itself: Case: (I can't remember! lol) Motherboard: ASUS m4a87td USB 3.0. PSU: Corsair GS600 600 watt. RAM: 5gb 1333mhz generic HP ram. (Hope to get some Corsair Vengeance RAM soon) GPU: Sapphire 6870. CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 975, OC'd to 4.0ghz Monitor: HP 23x11 LED / Dynex' 19 inch 720p LCD TV. That's about it, HDD, CD drive, and such are pretty generic, but will be replaced sometime soon. (I hope) What do you guys think? And please share your own!
  8. I hope I'm not too entirely late, but whoa. My...that's ana amazing, and clean setup you've got.. I'm beyond jealous.
  9. A movie? Well, for starters ,giving them the usual 90 minutes for animated films (Like Powerpuff Girls, Ed Edd 'n' Eddy, etc.) The ywould be able pan the entire story out longer, and have more emotion to it. They would need to write a script that would fit the length, not squeeze it in. Animation? They'd have to triple the animation quality of A Canterlot Wedding, or double S3's "apparent upgrades "so far. For an episode, this isn't necessary, but for a "movie" to be accepted into theaters, this is a must. However, with the size of the brony community, a movie wouldn't work. Even with the girls that watch FiM, (Shocking, I know.) there's not a big enough audience for a movie. If Michael Bay didn't participate in the making of Transformers, it wouldn't work. THAT was lucky enough to do how good it did, then it kicked off. The movie would go to theaters, and sell $200,000 - $1,000,000 in tickets, EqD would be filled ,and there'd be more PMVs, animations, and stuff, but that's it. I'm not trying to be negative, but it really wouldn't work. Maybe a 4-part (or 2 45 minute parts) for a "special" on The hub, but not a movie. What I said before applies to a DVD, or theater film.
  10. Not "entirely" related to S3, but I made a Lyrics video for the Crystal Fair song, guys! Best part? It was posted to the front page of My Little Brony! :3 I've never submitted anything there, this is a great feel!
  11. Let's get techincal, shall we!? The show is done in Adobe Flash Professional CS5 (They've upgraded to CS6 recently, but only after the finale, which is apparent in the animation for S3 so far) They've got what is called a "color palette" in Flash, which holds every single color that you see in the show. The way the layering is done, goes something like this: -Side view of Pony looking toward right of screen- Back Left leg / Back Right leg-> General (Bean-like) body / Rear right and rear left legs.-> General head shape -> Hair, eyes, and mouth / mouth effects. -> Eye lids -> Eye Lashes / Tail. Layering the ponies like this allows them to have correct dimensional values,so that they appear "real" and "3D" whilst in a 2D setting. The way they ake it appear as though it is a 3D world, is the way they layer everything ,which follows a similar pattern to the Pony layers. The way they made the dramatic Fluttershy effect in "Putting Your Hoof Down" was a rather simple effect, but you can find the explanation elsewhere on the board. I'll add more later, if necessary.
  12. This is great! Props to the artist! People need to learn to get Rainbow Dash's "mood" right, where I'd replace Pinkie and Dashie's "expressions" to better suit them. Otherwise great! :3
  13. 1:36 in the video: "Gah! Twilight!? Did you fail!?" This would imply that she had already completed the test, no? She says "Will I fail, or will I pass." meaning the "Test" hasn't been graded yet. However, like I said earlier. Spiek asked IF she failed, meaning she had to of completed it. She also says "on Friendship's bliss, but I wasn't prepared for this!" which tells me the test ALSO was not about friendship. Because she mentioned friendship, and that levitation would have been a breeze. Something tells me it's something none of us are expecting.. Just na observation! ^^;
  14. 12/14 of my PMVs have made it in their "PMV" section. So...12 times, plus the they posted my notice about my giveaway on the Nightly Roundup. So technically 13 times. (P.S. Anyon wanting to see my PMVs, just click my signature. )
  15. The only possibility is that I think he thinks there's only room for Chrysalis, in which Cadence would be returning as Chrysalis again.. I don't know though.. I'm wondering how they're opening S3.. Are they doing an action packed 2-parter, a regular episode introducing more stuff, or maybe something that "recaps" the last two seasons.. September is fast approaching, guys! :3
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