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Everything posted by DreamNotes

  1. *thinks thinks thinks* Awww.....*shacks head* Bad thoughts bad thoughts ><
  2. *holds up ice cream cone too appy* Here you go appy!
  3. it's like a hug and a tackle, at the same time, at least that's how it was explained too me
  4. Welcome, oh welcome, all the welcomes there are too you!
  5. -3 Rarity -3 Applejack Powerup x2 Pinkie Pie Everypony we must rise up against the Applejack and Rarity!
  6. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I couldn't stop laughing while testing out that clone spell, the Blue Mage actually thought that was really me, it was without a doubt the funniest thing. Your faithful student, Dream Notes
  7. Dream bursts into laughter "I may know a thing or two" he says to Thunder, he then turns to Neon "So future DJ extraordinaire, what kinda groove do you think these ponies here are in mood to move too?"
  8. Dream looks around the club a little, he didn't realize they had just opened though it makes sense "Probably, I was making it a point try and make my way into every club in town at least once some time back. You guys seem to be doing pretty good, for just opening. Say who's the DJ tonight?" He asks curiously, while still drinking his mix drink.
  9. *finishes writing notes* ....ensure to make hooks in characters.........
  10. Hello 911, Sorry about my last call, apparently the part ended yesterday, the wubs was her dishwasher......
  11. "Probably, there's a good chance I'd come to this club before" He said, he was a little out of it from his trip, and the pony at the bar did seem familiar so there was a good possibility that they'd meet before. He took a sip of his drink then said "Names Dream Notes and your's?"
  12. I like it, and the Knight deserved what he got
  13. Dream Notes trotted into the club. His train had pulled in a few hours ago, and the light blue unicorn had been gone from home for far too longer,far too long being at least a month, and it was time to reacquaint himself with his hometown's night life. Taking in the club, the music, the dance, and noticing the stallion causing a little trouble Guess somethings just never change, hope this isn't a sign that all the fun is over, or maybe it's just beginnin.He thought to himself. He trots over to the bar " 'Ey barkeep, can I get an apple cherry mix?" He asked. It'd been awhile since he was at a good club, buck, it'd been awhile since he was at a club at all and not as the warm up act.
  14. Welcome welcome welcome A fine welcome to you Welcome welcome welcome I say how do you do? Welcome welcome welcome I say hip hip hurray Welcome welcome welcome to Canterlot today
  15. Awww Rosie's putting sad ponies up too ; ; And yea, I can't sit through twilight I tried I did, it made me want to break the tv.......
  16. Twimsy, that's epic! and here you guys go http://youtu.be/XQPdOtMyxJU
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