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Everything posted by DreamNotes

  1. Angie....that started off cute, then sad, then went creepy~ >< why'd it have to go so creepy. Oh and I must not forget, poor viking he didn't deserve that.
  2. *finishes nomming on the rest of my egg and vegi sandwich* nomnomnomnomnom
  3. I personally think I'd miss my hands the most, I mean really think about just how much you do using your fingers.
  4. Step 4 Step 5 http://youtu.be/RGMe_mNjUng Step 4 makes me sad
  5. Oh god I love those ones, 1min I'll link the other 4 steps! Edit: Step 2 Step 3
  6. Hello 911, I have this crazy blue haired pony in glasses next door, that started a party 3 days ago and she hasn't stopped. Her wubs are so loud I can't sleep.
  7. Welcome, and hi. Now let's make this welcome 20% for you shall we
  8. Welcome, hello, and howdy too you! Hope to see you in the rps some time soon.
  9. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I made a visit to the police station. I was witness to a horrible attempt at mind control, after I got done talking to the police ponies, they left saying they had to catch Golgo right away in case he's now an evil mind controlled spy. Your faithful Student, Dream Notes.
  10. Heal Pinkie Pie +3 Hurt Applejack -3 Powerup x1 Pinkipie Hex x1 Applejack
  11. What I meant was when was the last time you could go out and buy a blank dvd that has less than 80gb of space on it. Answer is you can't anymore! What I was saying is that the industry isn't moving with the times, and there not going too. They make too much money off of it staying at the old 8.5gb only format. However, I still stand by my statement, with modern advancements in tech they could easily fit the entire first season on one dvd. And if you've been anywhere, where they sell the bootlegged movies, like Dubai or Bahrain, I've seen them easily fit 12+ full length movies on one dvd. Yes they were poor quality, but that's because they were bootlegged. To end my statement, bootlegged videos....If your a U.S. citizen don't get them, if you do expect to have them confiscated when you head back to the U.S., other countries well I don't know what laws you have against them so I can't say.
  12. The Sanvich really does know what he's talking about. ((and yea I think JakJak got confused, so we'll just fix it with this, this is a compliment, next is an insult. GO!))
  13. Dear Princess Celestia, The best advice I can give too anypony trying not come under the effects of a mind control device is this, listen for the noise, those things make a lot of it, especially right before somepony tries to use them on you. Your faithful student, Dream Notes
  14. Hello, and welcome, and yea I agree I keep getting all my tabs mixed up <.< >.> not all of them being here.
  15. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I spotted the Blue Mage hiding in the ceiling telling Golgo to obey him, and referring to himself as the Sky Pony. Your faithful student, Dream Notes.
  16. And the answer to that is the same as the answer to the other 99 questions...... Money. Facts are facts, every blu-ray player out there can play dvds, every video game console on the market can play dvds, and every computer that has been released in the last, at least 7 years can play dvd (I'm pretty sure it's been longer than that too), finally to top it all off a blank dvd disc is dirty cheap, where as blu-ray discs. Not so much, now once they do like the complete season or complete serious might see it on blu-ray, but until then I'd be amazed if they did it. I'd buy it, but I'd be in shock while I did.
  17. You are totally right, I mess everything up and will try even harder to fix it.
  18. With modern advancements in DVD tech, you can easily fit all the episodes and extra features on a single DVD...... The thing to remember though is, wait for it, wait for it, they want to make money. If they sell the dvds at $10+ per and 5 episodes per dvd season one alone would get them about $50, then later in say a year or 2 maybe a little more, once everyone that's going to buy the dvd's buy them, they then release the complete first season, and that'll get them anywhere from $30-40...... Then everyone buys the complete first season, why cause it'll be the one that has the extras. Tada money making magic as performed by most the entertainment industry.
  19. I've never heard of any place called "Grandparent's Small Town" or "Ann's Cafe", but I think I maybe might have heard about some place called St. Joseph's Island......that's a big MAYBE though But now I'm wanting to google it!
  20. Why thank you Sanvich, I take your opinion of my insanity very highly and will try and make it better for you.
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