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Everything posted by DreamNotes

  1. The Sanvich is right, about being an individual and not letting a marshmellow tell you what too do.
  2. Hmmmm playing Kingdom Hearts while watching MLP: FiM....... There needs to be a Pony for Sora, a keyblade wielding pony!
  3. +5 Pinkie Pie -1 Applejack x1 Hex Applejack x1 Power Up Pinkie Pie
  4. And you know what you're talking about. With Sarcasm! ((I keep trying to pop in for a compliment but I keep finding myself in time for an insult >< and I can't just leave it undone!))
  5. That's what makes a good movie right, no real plot too follow just a bunch of explosions!
  6. Welcome Welcome Welcome A Fine Welcome to You!
  7. Welcome, and I love that song it makes me laugh every time I hear it.
  8. I understand them releasing so many dvd's, almost ever single cartoon serious does it, and has been doing since the days of VHS. They'll go put as few episodes as possible onto the dvd, and release that. It'll be a while before we get a complete season dvd set with extras and commentaries, and all the bells and whistles we want. In the end it all comes down to this. Back in the day, it was a good business move, and they'll continue to do this until it stops making them money. Now I'll go back to drooling over the idea of what we see above, might actually turn into reality someday.
  9. I think the problem is Hasbro refuses to actually acknowledge the bronies. By that I mean they refuse to acknowledge that the show has a teenage and adult fan base, not just a little kid fanbase, so they won't even attempt to properly market to teenagers and adults. So, in short, Hasbro themselves will probably never add things like you know extras, commentaries, anything that would make the dvd better. Though I do see why, I mean their only trying to market to little girls, little girls don't wanna see the extras, the commentaries, a mini-game, any sort of extra. Since their target audiance doesn't want to see it then the most logical move, in there lack of logic that is seen here, is to just not waist the money and put out a dvd that only has the cartoon and nothing more.
  10. Wait but if there are 2 of them then there not.....lone....and.....but.....then........but...but...but...logic breaking.........kdhngofnksdhk.......Error, Error, Error....
  11. +2 Pinkie +2 Vinyl Scratch +1 Octavia -1 Rarity 1x Powerup Octavia 1x Power Vinyl Scratch
  12. He giggles a little "Don't worry, if this is any sign I'm sure your gonna be amazing with your magic."
  13. "Really?" He said, over exagerating shock. "Could have fooled me." grinning at the, then winking at Snowy.
  14. "There you go perfect!" He says grinning at her. "That's very impressive for you age, little one."
  15. The sound from the horn was shacky at first but became more stable "Your doing good" He said excitedly.
  16. "Don't worry, it's simple all you do is focus your magic into the box. That will make it louder. Now one...two...three....Here I go." He plays a single long note on the violin.
  17. Noticing the foal about to leave he says "Would you like to try to make it work?", grinning at her.
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