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Everything posted by CyborgPinkiepie

  1. When im not ponying i.... Video games Surf the internet 3-D animation/modeling sometimes.. Maybe some programmings too... Sit around all day And of course, sleep ​And Much, Much, Much more...
  2. you mghit be albe to raed tihs. jsut tkae a wrod and srcmblae the lttres bteewen the fsrit and lsat lttres. ejony dsicroding it up! now ltes hvae a prtay!
  3. About Myself: Video games, Reading,Programming,Technology, and those sort of nerdy things... How I found Canterlot.com: I was browsing through goolge late at night, then i found this website. looked around and it looks pretty good How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Before i was a fan, i was an anti-brony, (yes i know. :c), but then i got dragged in by several bronies. So I finally decided to watch it. After watching the first 2 episodes, I officially became a brony. and that's how equestria was made! Now i cant believe i hated ponies. they're so awesome. My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie Despite my name, i am a colt, but cyborgs don have genders, do they? whatever. I can tell this site is going to be PRETTY AWESOME! Now, that i have joined, is there going to be a party? Anyway, i think that this concludes this topic Cheers!
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