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Posts posted by Ciraxis

  1. I see one cards that costs 1. And a fair number of expensive cards. Is this for multiplayer? I admit it is hard to think of think of on theme one-drops.

    Indeed it is for multiplayer. I could add a Sol Ring or some other one drop artifacts but...naaah. If there would be one hybrid mana knight I would add him instantly. Although I pondered over Student of Warfare put I decided that it would make deck too white heavy.

    Also, explain the inclusion of Diamond Valley. Why this is a good card in this deck. If you really feel you need life gain, how about a instant speed surprise powerhouse like congregate?

    I prefer repetitiveness over surprise factor. Diamond Valley don't take spells slot AND with Emeria I can use it over, and over. WIth all the lord each knight can grow to impressive size and that mean a lots of life.

    How well does concerted effort work? Seems like it could hose green/black decks, but is otherwise underwhelming.

    With Stillmoon and 'Sword of Fire and Ice' it can hose every colour. Also by giving everyone vigilance it gives Knotvine Paladin boots up to eleven when he attacks.

    Speaking of concerted effort, some Leonin Skyhunters might be nice.

    Completely forgot about that one. In place of what would you put it in?

    Oblivion rings are great, but surely you are going to use at least one of those on a creature right? Swords to plowshares is just too strong to ignore.

    Also, your 4 knight exemplars are begging you to include a wrath. Elspeth doesn't count.

    Not Swords but Path to Exile, I would rather give opponent extra land then extra survivability.

    And I guess you right about Wrath effects - but not in the mainboard. I wanted something more original than...this, but I guess Whirlwind have to go then.

  2. [colour=green]"It's almost time, good thing that I made it."[/colour] Swift Squall said to himself, as he watched the clouds through the vehicle window. There was not the first weeding he attended too, but it was first one where he was a guest. Because of this, unicorn would not be able to forgive himself if he would be late.

    For that reason, he also bought special set of clothes. While he still had a coat, it was not his usual brown and grey duster. The one that Swift had on his back right now was made from finest materials, alabaster white silk embroidered with emerald green ornaments, that represented furious sea storming the cliff - fitting for his 'Squallcoast' family name.The shirt underneath the trench coat matched it perfectly. Under his neck was light green old style cravat, held together by a buckle with a single pearl. Swift didn't left behind his sword either, but now blade scabbard was made of mythril and gemstones, all of this polished so carefully that one could use it as the mirror. Swordstallion mane was not in his usual ponytail style either, they got combed into feathered mane that surrounded his face. Even his sunglasses were different - while they were still present on his nose and still green, this time their lenses were transparent - Squall had no intention to hide anything from Dunder, not on his own special day.

    To sum up - Swift for the first time in his life, looked like a noble that he was - a very regal appearance, even if a little old style.

    At this moment, an Earth Pony in uniform approached Swift.

    "Mr. Squall, we are ready. We believe that synchronized manoeuvre will be performed without errors." he said.

    [colour=green]"Good, and the presents for Ice and Dunder should be in place by now, not that they know it."[/colour] count of Filydelphia smiled at the imagination...he literally couldn't wait for the look of all his friends faces.

    [colour=green]"Remember, start when I will fire red and green light from my horn, no sooner."[/colour] he reminded the pony.

    "We will Sir, after all, we are the best."

    [colour=green]"Of course you are...Well...time for me Captain. I will see you next week."[/colour] Swift said to the stallion, as he putted on the parachute. Without any further words, swordstallion bailed out from the airship, to the Ponyville far below.

    As he fall like a meteor, the only sound Swift could hear was a roar of the air in his ears. His coat, mane and tail were waving furiously because of the terrifying speed at which swordstallion approached the ground.

    [colour=green]"Ten miles, six miles, four miles, two miles..."[/colour] he counted in his head. When only mile was left between him and the possibility of becoming a pancake, unicorn opened the parachute. His fall now halted to almost a stop, and skydive turned into graceful glide over the roofs of the Ponyville. But he didn't glide all the way. As he was over the building he was supposed to appear in, his sword almost literally jumped from the scabbard (with the use of his telekinesis that is) and cut down the lines that was holding him in air. Squall made a triple back flip before he landed before the door, his legs astride.

    [colour=green]"Good day everypony!"[/colour] he said with a smile as he thrown aside now useless parachute container.

  3. Squall couldn't not notice Dunder reaction to his question, instead of helping him relax he made his pal even more uncomfortable.

    [colour=green]"Umm...sure. Whatever you say."[/colour] he quickly agreed to Blust proposition. [colour=green]"Bro...time?"[/colour] To be honest, unicorn wasn't entirely sure what his fellow swordstallion had in mind. Squall just hoped it would not involve any heavy drinking...

    [colour=green]"Equestria Girls? Pleeese...[/colour] he waved his hoof. [colour=green]"It have a nice vibe and all but...I prefer something heavier."[/colour] Swift took a glance at 'Rock' section, and he liked wahat he saw: Eye of the Tiger, Rock You Like A Hurricane...wait, no...lyrics of that second one contained one particular word....Bucks.

    However, he felt that Welcome To The Jungle, Run to You and Poison would be okay. He just hoped that Fire would agree, so to confirm it he showed her the song titles.

    "[colour=maroon]Oh feathers. I'm still terrible.[/colour]", she blushed slightly as she grinned at Squall. "[colour=maroon]Maybe you should go first.[/colour]"

    [colour=green]".....Remind me to take a crossbow next time we go adventuring anywhere. In you capable hooves, breaking any stallion fighting spirit will take no time at all."[/colour] Squall said with straight face before bursting into the laugh. As he finished giggling unicorn heard the sound of hooves behind him. Swift quickly turned around and gave newly arrived Earth Pony an enquiring look from behind the sunglasses. He looked...odd. Squall was pretty sure he was young...younger then everypony in bar with exception of Wind Walker. His moustache seemed even stranger considering this fact. And his lack of mane and tattoos on head...was he one of this oversea monks?

    [colour=green]"Errr...hello there?"[/colour] he greeted him, not quite sure if it was appropriate. He gave his friends a look that almost literally spoke "Is it just me or is he strange? Help!"

  4. So here I am, at Art Request area with my first request on Canterlot...now come to think of it, my first art request EVER.

    What I kindly ask you to draw is ponification. And the one I ask to ponify is Prince Lyon from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones...I believe he was not ponified by anyone yet. Here is some help: Reference 1: Official Art, Reference 2: In Game Mugshot, Reference 3: Fanart 1, Reference 4: Fanart 2.

    I don't have any preferences except the fact I require him being the unicorn, anything else I leave to you Sonic.

  5. Name: His real name is shrouded in mystery, he is instead known as the 'Black Knight'

    Sex: Male

    Age: Unknown although there are rumours.

    Species: Unknown, apparently pony and he himself claims to be one.

    Appearance: Only two ponysonas in all of Coltara know how he really looks like. Despite that he is easily identifiable and well known in Dragoran Empire. His impressive, behemot for the pony statue, onyx black plate armour and scarlet cape are signs of dread for those who face him, and can't be mistaken with anypony else.

    Origins/Residence: Land of his birth is a secret and he will ignore any questions about it. Currently he resides in Ashen Gate at Empress side but is also known to have mansion at Riptide Bay

    Bio: First stories about pony in pitch black armor started around five centuries ago. From that time onwards it's owner was often sighted during important events and in places all over empire. Inhabitants tell among themselves stories about this enigmatic warrior. Some say he is dark spirit that is bound to the service of the Empire by the powerful magic. Other stories claim that he is pony cursed by gods to live forever for some terrible atrocity that he committed in the past. On the opposite there is the tale that tells that black armour is simply passed from pony to pony, from master to student who is deemed worthy. Whatever is the case Black Knight from time of his first appearance was known as one of the Empire Great Generals. He has proven to have excellent tactical skills and his swordsmanship has no equal in all of the land. Black Knight possess incredible power because he answers only to one who sits on the Throne and no pony else. For this reason he was often target of assassination attempts from various parties, even The Bloodhooves. All have failed miserably, thanks of his terrifying combat skills and indeed he had never known defeat. His allegiance however appears to be more to the throne then the Imperial Family itself. In two cases of palace revolutions, he switched sides to these of the victors without the blink of an eye. Black Knight also appears to support planed invasion on Equestria with his whole heart, urging Empress to hurry.

    Cutie Mark/Destiny Mark: Like his true appearance, unknown.

  6. [colour=#000080]"And what's a 'men'?[/colour]", she asked the earth pony as she made her way down the stairs.

    (OOC: " A miserable little pile of secrets." Sorry, couldn't resist.)

    Swift like the rest followed Muggo. The pub basement was turned into another drinking hall. While the room was dark it surely possessed both the charm and atmosphere. However the shadows were a little too deep for Swift to see properly, so he allowed his shades so slide down somewhat, exposing his emerald green eyes. Strangely Squall didn't felt as uncomfortable as he expected, maybe because he was among friends that he knew he can trust.

    [colour=green]"Darts."[/colour] he noticed, and walked straight towards the dartboard. He picked the three darts that were laying on the table and thrown them with his tail. One hit the bull while other got straight to the eye.

    [colour=green]"I haven't forgotten."[/colour] he said with a smile, before he turned around [colour=green]"While I was in REA we used to play darts all the time at the evening. Myself wasn't the best player but in next years that skill saved my hide a couple of times."[/colour]

    While Muggo' disappeared into the storage Swift noticed that Dunder was unusually quite for himself. Squall guessed that he still felt guilty and confused about that love triangle he got himself into. In this situation Count couldn't feel angry at him any more, opposite in fact. Squall felt the burning need to cheer his pegasus friend. Maybe ask him about something pleasant?

    [colour=green]"Now Dunder, when I think about it you never told me about your fiancée."[/colour] unicorn started while throwing next set of darts [colour=green]"So....what kind of girl is she?" [/colour] he asked.

  7. I also had some...thoughts about characters.

    First Nobodies. As we know strongest Nobodies all have their own elements theme. So if I can ask you SilverWisp...

    Trexcurn - Water/Holy

    Shax - Wind

    Vixrels- Ice?

    And now about Heartless. It is well know that the stronger the willpower of the heart the more monstrous form their Heartless take. The only exception was Xehanort who give himself into darkness on his own free will, and as such kept human form. Since Heartless Commanders look relatively...normal, can we assume that they followed his steps and did exactly the same?

  8. Oh, no it's fine. I am perfectly okay with that. And you kind of right Ecplise. I know you made your post already but I change spell Shell. I hope it will not be much of the problem but I mention this just in case.

    I have a few...issues with your post Cloud, to be honest.

    1. Trex was strangling Shax...continuously. He didn't really stop you know. That said it would be perefectly fine to escape with teleportation but....

    2. ....but he was filling her lungs with water at the same time. Teleportation escape still apply but first act after it would be to throw up that water, not stripping out of clothes.

  9. hi hi

    So, I got a chance to talk to some of my friends about the episode, and I was relieved to hear that I wasn't the only one who thought the Crystal Ponies acted like weird robots. One of my friends had this hypothesis about them, which I think sounds actually somewhat reasonable.

    The Crystal Ponies are actually sentient, magical constructs.

    • At the end of the episode, they show you how normal ponies can turn into crystal ponies. ie, you don't make them the normal mammal way, at the very least.

    • Thats why there weren't really any colts or fillies in the present Crystal Empire.

    • The whole purpose of the Crystal Empire seems to involve reflecting love and harmony across the world, in the form of the northern lights.

    • The Crystal Ponies seem very susceptible to changes in emotion, like the crystals around them, they change from light to dark easily.

    • That gives King Sombre a motive, since if the Crystal Ponies are actually made out of Crystals, using them as slaves to mine more crystals would be the necessary way to expand his empire.

    • Thats also why they all acted the same in regards to the Crystal Fair, because it was their central purpose in life to power the Crystal Heart and spread light across the world. It was why they were constructed in the first place. ((Compare the episode to Luna Eclipsed, even though it was half as long, we saw a cranky old pony declare "I should have been in bed 5 hours ago," we saw a nervous pony say "visitors not welcome on Nightmare Night," we saw little Colts and Fillies running around being scared, older mares scaring them, and other mares trying to keep them from being scared. Different viewpoints on the same event.))

    • Thats why they only have a few different kinds of Cutie Marks, because they were built with specific purposes in mind.

    • There was even a period of time where they were treated as slaves, by a character who wasn't a Crystal Pony. Just like how in a lot of stories about intelligent robots, they start off as slaves, but people realize they deserve to be treated fairly because of their intelligence. (Twilight Sparkle's realization later in the episode.)

    • Thats why King Sombre was able to curse them, even though curses don't exist in the setting. They're powered by emotions, so all he had to do was put up a shield to block emotions, much like how Cadence and Shining Armor made a shield to keep him out. And without emotions, they disappeared.

    • And it helps explain why King Sombre was so evil, because he tapped into his negative emotions to power them all.

    You know Ginger...it reminds me of one story I heard.

    One day, Tex Avery creator of Daffy Duck was at some public meeting (I can't recall what it was about but it matters not). Suddenly one man from the audience asked to have some say. He made complete psychological analysis of Daffy along with listing his mental problems and asked Avery about opinion. To which Tex said "Mister, you propably right. But for me it's just crazy duck."

    ........Which I think it applies here too.

  10. And he called Reeve a keyblade novice. He's young but he's been a keyblade wielder about 10 years. Novice, no, but Trexcurn wouldn't know that since Reeve doesn't hunt nobodies.

    He was mocking all of you.

    And since this is...well...Kingdom Hearts I have some propositions regarding various worlds we can meddle with:

    Port Royal - 'Dead Man's Chest' and 'At World's End' storylines.

    Pride Lands - 'Lion King II: Simba's Pride' I guess.

    Agrabah - 'King of Thives' would make poor material for a plot. How about we use another video game story? Nasira's Revange to be precise.

    Maybe Pocahontas themed world? Or the 'Dinosaur'? And on top of it - 'Treasure Planet'.

  11. Mind if I join?

    What are you?: "Nobody of course."

    Name: "Call me Trexcurn"

    Race: "Unicorn, as you can see."

    Gender: Stallion

    Appearance: His mane is dark brown, long and with curled ends. Tail have the same colour as the mane but it is a modarate lenght. His thick, curved eyebrows dark shades under eyes and a yellow irises give him handsome if diabolical appearance.

    He is quite tall and muscular but not enough too make him sluggish. As all Organisation XIII members he prefers coat - his own being dark blue outside and white inside. He also wears a white steinkirk under his neck.

    Weapon of Choice / Keyblade description: Two trusted whips:

    Tsunami Lash:

    While handle is made of ivory looking metal, the rest of the weapon is made of water, which is formed at will. It allows Trexcurn absolute control over H2O which he can then shape into blades and needles. If given enough time he can multiply water to the point of filling even most specious of rooms. For this reasons Trexcurn usually carries a few bottles of water under his coat. His most powerful attack using this weapon is called Hydro Storm. On the top of all above facts it can of course serve as a normal (if wet) whip.

    Strength: A

    Defense: B

    Speed: B

    Magic: A

    Sacred Cord:

    A holy elemental whip. As with Tsunami Lash when not in use it's just a metal handle - in this case dark blue. Rest of the whip is made from the solidified light. While more defensive in nature then it's twin it's capeable of blinding enemies and forming explosive orbs of light and laser rays. It's most poweful attack is Radiant Cross which while taxing have high destructive power and makes Trexcurn invincible for a few seconds.

    Strength: B

    Defense: A

    Speed: A

    Magic: B

    Magic and other abilities: Trexcurn is not well versed in Black Magic. While he know the basics like Fire and Thunder, his speciality is Water spells among them such heavy hiters Waterja and Flood. Besides that he knows status inflicting ones like Slow, Poison, Sleep and Hold.

    Trexcurn true magical might lies in his knowlage of White Magic. He mastered recovery magic, and protective one as well. His list of spells in this regard is mostly complete.

    Trexcurn list of White magic:

    Cure ->Cura->Curaga














    Trexcurn list of Black Magic:












    His summoned beast is Alexander, however Trexcurn prefer more subtle methods and he would rather retreat then summon him.

    Trexcurn also have ability to fell others 'scents' not unlike Zexion. He is able to identify other from large distance and with great accuracy. This ability allows him also to see others potential and nature like predicting others potential to Weild Keyblade and measure Darkness in their hearts.

    Trexcurn can also create water clones. However unlike Demyx he prefers quality over quantity. His clones are more durable and are able to cast his water spells. They can even fool somepony in right circumstances into believing that they are real Trexcurn.

    Personality: Trexcurn is no nonsense stoic. While he himself analytical type that tries to see hidden meanings for most of things he cames across, orders always come before his own ideas. For this unicorn when you do something, you do something right, there is no such thing like half-rumpped effort. If you try to kill, you kill. Find MacGuffin, you do find MacGuffin.

    Trexcurn is always extremely polite, even when insulting somepony he will never use profanities. Even when angered (as much as Nobody can be angered) his is more like a state of tranquil fury.

    Cutie Mark: Celtic cross encircled by a whip.

    Goal: Trexcurn remember that he used to be a hunter. He can't recall what was his prey or for who he worked for but he recall that his job was both exciting and satisfying. He experience these fellings once more and for that reason he often volunteer for most dangerous and combat heavy missions.

  12. [colour=#0080FF]“Keep it.” she said gruffly. With a tough looking pony like this, she couldn't afford to show weakness. Not that she would do any less under normal circumstances, but the ante was upped a bit here. Stallion, obviously battle scarred, sword Cutie Mark... everything projected 'tough guy'. But Scout was going to do her best to pretend it didn't affect her. “Thanks anyway.”[/colour]

    That voice tone clarified things a bit. A filly huh? She certainly masked well.

    [colour=green]"Maybe I should. I paid for it. Besides...cut it out kid..."[/colour] Squall said before he jumped from the place, did a dual front flip in the air and landed sitting on the branch next to her. It was for show of course, he had to prove that he is agile enough to catch her with ease so she will not think about escaping.

    [colour=green]"You know I know, and I know you know I know, so let's just skip this part."[/colour] he said pulling the throwing knife. Second later he levitated a dropped carrot from the ground and he started podding it.

    [colour=green]"First off...I won't report you because this would solve nothing. The problem is not you or other pickpockets - Yes, it's that obvious - but the fact that you ended here in first place."[/colour] he paused prettending to check is the carrot clean enough yet. I truth, he studied the filly and her belongings from behind his shades. After a moment he ressumed podding the carrot.

    [colour=green]"I also will NOT ask you why you steal, it's clear. I can count your ribs and, besides what's other reason to steal food? To sell it? Hmph, good joke.... Neither I will say stealing is bad, you should be ashamed yadda, yadda. You surely got caught more then once, they gave you talk about that and then let you go...and of course you knew better then listen to them. So no such rubbish."[/colour] he stopped and gave Scout a glare over the sunglasses.

    [colour=green]"What does this guy know? You think. I been in almost all major cities in Equestria and some in Aquilia. I seen kids like you in all of them. I will not ask why you not at home at this hour. One must have a home in first place isn't it? And the family..."[/colour] he observed her, and instantaneously knew he hit the mark.

    [colour=green]"Pfff...you won't listen anyway."[/colour] Squall muttered when he got up. [colour=green]"Here...carrot, clean again."[/colour] he put now clean vegatable and apple in her bag.

    [colour=green]"Oh...one more thing. You realize you owe me you like it or not? Not reporting and bringing you tha apple..."[/colour] swordstallion said in casual tone.

    [colour=green]"And since stealing is okay...how about I help myself with THIS."[/colour]

    Immiedietly, using his telekinesis unicorn pulled the book that was sticking out of the bag. He hold it high, out of filly reach.

    [colour=green]"I think I will keep it. Stealing is no problem after all right?...Unless...you want to make a deal?"[/colour] stallion asked in the mocking tone.

  13. [colour=green]"Just one more thing Fire."[/colour] Swift assured his pegasus companion. His horn lighted up once more and another visiting card flied from his pocket along with a bits for the box.

    [colour=green]"If for some reason you will not find me at adress I gave you earlier Miss Cydonia, then write a letter under this one. This is my true home, at Fillydelphia"[/colour] he explained. Afterwards he walked towards Fire and nodded.

    [colour=green]"Until we meet again Miss Cydonia. Hopefuly, soon."[/colour]

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