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Posts posted by Ciraxis

  1. 12 hours ago, QuickLime said:

    I'd only be comfortable with that premis if an Applejack rper signed off on it, I don't just want assumed motives here, Not to mention Pink Lady is hiring people, and she's not about to just hire someone because AJ asked them to  keep an eye on her.

    PL is a grown adult with her own business, so I can't see her willingly being babysat like a child.


    Well,l that's the thing - Lady wouldn't get the true motive for Squall's joining. After all, Apple ponies are stubborn.


    That said I understand your reasoning, you thread and your rules. If it rubs you wrong way, I can just as easily change Swift's motivation to fit in.

  2. After some consideration I decided to bring Swift Squall into this. Squall is financing the construction of Fillydelphia Botanical Gardens - the first in the world to be completely enclosed and in controlled space. Despite his finances however, getting some exotic, oveseas plants roves to be a problem. Some seeds and saplings are not fit for long overseas journey. But Everfree is known for plants that shouldn't be in Equestria at all.....


    - He's the unicorn, which group don't have. Telekinesis for the win. Also in in excellent physical shape. Possibly Equestria's best swordpony (although that claim is up to debate).

    - Swift's been in Everfree more times then he cares to remember. Noblepony had displeasure of encountering majority of the dangers the lurk in the forest, and learned how to handle them too.

    - Being trained commando, Swift has survival skillet. Squall knows first aid, camouflage, shelter building, how to find food and water, and most important - navigation.

    - Extremely well equipped, to the point of being walking armory. Having his own company with R&D, he's known to sport gadgets that wouldn't be out of place on Batman's utility belt. That and very well supplied first aid kit.

    - He's rich. He doesn't need to be paid.:roll:


  3. "Right, what can I know? It's not like I spent past thousand years on - among other things - delving into my private studies on the matter, while You and the Empire took the mother of all power-naps." Hou shoot back before flipping her mane. "And - correct me if I wrong - wouldn't any sane pony hold onto his or her memories so much harder, in an environment deprived of any kind of stimuli?" she asked smugly.


    Her smirk however quickly faded when Sombra got straight up demanding. That won't do.

    "I see you have wrong idea about your position here." Hou said, lowering her voice "You still think about us as equals. This...is not correct." she said, before flaring up her arcane might, pushing the stallion back few feet. The plants around them started to get corrupted by dark magic, and this time it was obvious it was not illusion. Shuren's aura was so large that he could actually hear it. It didn't required a genius to figure out that she was gorging herself on souls in past ten centuries.

    "If you are so certain of that, why don't you ask Discord directly? If he's still alive after today, and if you brave enough to accept the answer that is. I explained You enough, and have no obligation say more then I want!" she announced as their surroundings got further twisted. As practitioners of dark arts, it didn't bothered either of them, but it was clear that cleansing this taint from Whitetail Woods will require lot of work.


    Hou walked few steps forward with head held high. The talk was over it seemed.

    "I made clear what I want. I don't want You in the Heartland. So last chance Sombra. Call, or fold." sorceress said, while already waving protective spells around herself.

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  4. Shuren flashed an audacious smirk when Sombra tried to psych her out with physical size discrepancy between them. She begun encircling the stallion while still talking....


    "Yes, you are still perceptive. And just as easy on the eyes as before...." she admitted while checking him out.... "....But....." she put the hoof to her temple, poking it. "There are few gaps here, isn't it? Memories that have holes in them, like a film reel with too many frames removed. Knowledge that you realize that by all means you should possess. Spells that names you recognize, but can't recall how to cast them..." she said, noticing with joy the unease in his eyes.

    "You but a half of a warlock you once were Sombra." Hou stated, noticing with satisfaction that the former tyrant had no idea what she was talking about.


    "You really have no clue, are you?" white mare noticed with great enjoyment. And it was nice to see his magic again, even if it was only....a foretaste. She herself enveloped her body in in toxic green-and-orange colored aura - just so she won't be upstaged. It was much more impressive then in the past. Illusions apprently, wasn't the only field in which  sorceress improved.

    "You want to know what happened? Grogar happened. Yes, that Grogar. Or rather, Discord, pretending to be Grogar happened." Huo explained "What he tried to achieve through that, I don't know nor care - but he assembled a group consisting of Chrysalis, Tirek and his corresponding partner...what was her name?" sorceress paused tapping her chin as she tried to remember "Ahh yes, Cozy Glow. Well he wanted them to work together...and it worked. Too well. Anyway after unmasking and subduing Discord, those three now are in process of executing their revenge...and taking over Equestria perhaps?" the mare shrugged.

    "But I am surprised I need to explain all of this to You Sombra. After all 'Grogar' summoned you at the first meeting, when this little dark club was established." Shuren dropped the revelation with a sinister grin.

    "Although this You will probably deny that...right?"

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  5. "More or less." Shuren confirmed former tyrant's estimation "The years you irrevocably lost need I remind you. Didn't it occurred to you, how you could use all this time?" she asked.

    "But even that short amount of time you got was not gracious on you. You aged like milk. Spoiled, sour and on the way of becoming cheese." Hou summed up while leaning against something invisible. Sombra could notice that the sorceress was no longer smiling, instead sporting expression of...disappointment? It was hard to tell.


    "And cheese is not an ingredient that I wish should be added to the meal that it's cooking up north. Many tiny pieces of light, two more that are well matured, and three, meaty pieces of darkness. All that is left is to allow them to simmer on their own in the pot...." Hou explained, laying thick the cooking metaphors.


    "....But then I heard some reinforcements could arrive. And a part of those reinforcements was You. This....this would tip the scales too fast for my liking. I don't need another cook here...." Shuren admitted while squinting her eyes.

    "......obviously I can't allow that to happen. But I am a reasonable pony, and I hope you are still one as well. So like a dark mage to dark mage - turn around, forget about the case and maybe we can later talk, about various things over a drink or two....." she proposed before widening her stance.


    "....Or I will have to become more insistent. And you will find out how WELL I have aged." Hou added, threateningly.

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  6. Squall caught up quick on what was Twilight was implying. His face expression behind the mask became a grim frown as Princess continued with her explanation. Somehow, Mycus's sudden case of death by poisoning by the hoof of his apprentice stopped being so tragic.


    For a moment, Sparkle looked like she was going to freak out, but she held herself together - for now. Swift meanwhile, was previously exposed to his own share of horrors - both as the sellsword and as agent of EPIC - so noblepony was less shaken up by the inequine alchemical experiments, although he was uneasy all the same.

    "....." Swift put his hoof on distressed mare's shoulder, in a reassuring gesture "Steel your heart Sparkle. We have to get to the bottom of this." he advised, before allowing the purple pony to move forward.

    Stallion looked at the room over his shoulder. After what Twilight had said, he had an urge to scour this place with fire - but this wasn't his call to make from the moment he invited the Princess for this trip. Perhaps later, when they stop the region from exploding.....


    Leaving the laboratory behind, Squall caught up to Sparkle. They were in a very long corridor - one lengthy enough that they couldn't see the end of it. Perhaps he can uplift his companion's mood by making her brain-cells work a little?

    "....Extracting magic is a one thing....." unicorn started "Both Tirek and that friend of yours, Starlight Glimmer, showed that it is possible - even if their methods were quite different. What puzzles me is how Thrice-blessed knew it's the alicorn magical essence that what he needs. Roam's record show that there were none alive in his time period - so how could he come to such conclusion? Could he calculate this up? Or did the records were wrong?" he questioned. Perhaps the next room will get them some more answers.


    But 'the next room' didn't seemed any closer. This was odd. By his estimate they had to walk along a mile - and yet there was no sign of door of any kind, or the corridor's end for that matter. Noblepony turned around....


    To see that the passage stretches endlessly into the other way too. The lab they explored moments before was nowhere in sight. There was only one explanation for this.

    "We walked into yet another trap Sparkle. First spell that manipulated time, now magic that stretches or bends space...." Swift guessed.

  7. "Of course you did...that crown was very tight after all..." Hou answered, sporting that infuriating smirk of hers. One that implied that she knew more then she let on. The raven on her hoof squawked and turned into dust before Sombra's very eyes. She couldn't do that so quickly before.....

    "For example, about how much world passed you by, when you were sent to....let's say, time-out....?" sorceress kept going, while her clothing changed rapidly from one design and color, to the next. It was clear she was trying to psych him out, made him question what's real and what's not.

    "...Or was it because that cape isn't really befitting you anymore?" Shuren kept dwelling on subject, as their surroundings first turned photo-negative, and then into brilliance of psychedelic colors.


    "Why am I.....? Oh Sombra, isn't that a question that I should ask You?" Hou deflected the question by throwing it right back him.....

    "For example....it would be very inconvenient if you are going north..." she glanced briefly over her shoulder ..."...or north-west...anywhere near heartland of the Heartland really. Very, very inconvenient....." Shuren's smile turned a bit more sinister. it seemed that a lot weighted on Sombra's answer here....

  8. So glued was Sombra's attention on this oddly familiar mare that he didn't notice he changes around him. Brunches of trees around them started to twist, starting to resemble the claws and talons, the woods outside the road started to be filled with ominous white haze, the crows's croaking could be heard from the distance. Even the group he was traveling with seemed to thin out.....


    ....But most important of all - he failed to notice that he made a wrong turn at the last crossroads. Or rather, failed to noticed there was another pathway.

    "<giggle> So you finally noticed..." the mare on which the former tyrant was focusing on spoke at last. "Too little too late...You used to be more attentive." she continued as her coat, mane and clothing changed shape and color before his very eyes. The eastern pony....

    A raven flew from outside their view, and landed on mare's extended leg. It's eyes shone jade, unnaturally so. Soul magic. And not of a healing kind...


    The unicorn mare turned around. Different garb, different manestyle but the same face, and the same self-assured expression he remembered back when they first met....

    "It's been a while Sombra. ...." Hou Shuren greeted her acquaintance. "My, you became even more brooding....."

  9. "Yes. To both." Ossia answered before sliding down some small slope.

    "I discovered the cave by accident when tracking some crystals for...research purposes." pink mare said.

    "Since it was so out of place and far from...anything really...I kept it in mind. I used it since then, in different dimensions, whenever I wanted to hid something or as a hideout. Although in some of them I found out it was less unspoilt then in the others. Discovering mummified remains of Harmonious Path Hermit come to mind." Nerezza recalled, before blasting some rocks that were baring their path, in turn causing small avalanche.

    "If we going to take recruits, we will need hideouts. Multiple ones. No offence to your manor, but bringing too many inside it's basement is risky. This cave system can serve well as the first one in Long Guo. After some refurbishing...." Ossia said.

    "....Which brings us to yet another goal of this trip besides countermeasures against your aunts and Battlemage - funding for that kind of renovations. You own wealth is more then enough.....but it occurred to me that your wallet taking regular dents will eventually get...suspicious." alicorn pointed out. She didn't had to add to whom.

    "Which we will remedy in a simple way. Some substances are rare. So rare that they are worth two hundreds times their weight in gold. But what is sparse in this world, in other may be as common as limestone. We will find some that we can carry, and sell it at black market. At Wingapore or Airbourne. Those places are the thing in this timeline, right?" Ossia asked, her knowledge of this timeline still having some large gaps.



    "Ahh there we go. Let me enter first. For all we know, there can be wendigo inside. Haven't slain one of those in a while." she mused while squeezing through the small entrance.


    The amaranth light cast y her horn was immediately reflected by hundreds if not thousands of citrine crystals. So numerous the were in fact, that navigating through then resembled a game of Twister.

    "Yes I know...." Ossia said while bending and flexing her body around the obstacles. "...But I promise, the cavern beyond this one is much more spacious and...uhhh....less damp then this one."

  10. It appeared that the fur coat that she summoned didn't quite do the job, judging how hard the royal pony was cuddling to her. But as befitting a mare centuries old, she had solution for that too. Even if the clones felt rather nice.

    "Hold still." she asked while flaring her horn, and then poking Blueblood's temple with her hoof. Immediately, Prince could feel as if he was wrapped by dozens upon dozens of hot towels.

    His sight somehow was improved too, allowing the the stallion to see much farther and sharper in the dark then he could in the day.


    "Don't worry, it wasn't anything that important really. I will share you some it at different time." she reassured him before walking to the edge of the stone shelf they were on.

    "Do you know where we are?" Ossia asked. Apparently it was a rhetorical question, because she didn't bothered to wait for his answer.

    "Far north my Apprentice. Beyond Mount Faba, the desert surrounding it, the mountains that border the dry expanse and even the swamps that lie beyond those peaks. In fact when you turn right, you will see marshlands in question."  she waved her hoof in dramatic question, showing Prince wetlands below. The reservoirs of water dotting it seemed so small from this height.


    "And when you gaze to the left....the cold, windy tundra, ending at the other arm of the mountain chain. And at feat of those other mountains a a thin line - a branch of Serpent Wall that bars the path of the hordes that call this place their home." Nerezza explained. Those that read about Long Guo history at least in passing, knew well capabilities of the barbarians  from those frozen wastes.

    "But neither of those places are of interest to us. Looks east." she commanded her student - whcih amounted to looking forward.

    "Can you see Prince? A  long cloud of haze, sandwiched between two smaller mountain ranges? There is a valley beneath this ashen cover. This is where we need to go. But this is place, better explored during the day - even if little light pierces this cloud." finally pink mare revealed their target. Ossia stepped away from the precipice and begund walking down the snowy 'path' - for the better lack of term. It was clear they were first ponies who stepped on this mountain.

    "There is a cave down below where we will wait till daybreak. Watch your step, but fear not. I am near."

  11. It seems that Ossia's words really got into Blueblood. good. So far, his activities amounted to...well...sticking it out to his aunt so she acknowledges him. To make her protegee grow, Nerezza needed to plant a seed of ambition in him.....His desire to be recognized made him latch to that idea quickly....Goooood....



    "Ahhh...It may have not been in the past, but this is where you are selling yourself short my student." Ossia said to the stallion. "There is more to the stealth then just remaining unseen. Ever heard of 'Beakbreak City Shuffle'?" alicorn asked.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    When magical flurry of sparks and lights faded from their vision they were.....elsewhere.....

    The first thing that Blueblood could notice was the breathtaking view they had on the star filled sky over mountain peaks..


    The second was that the lack of air was certainly not just metaphorical, and how freaking cold it was!


    "........Amazing is it......?" Ossia asked, her gaze glued to the stars above. For a moment oblivious to the problems the unicorn was having, probably because she showed none of the same issues.

    "....You may have been told otherwise, but nopony created this view. There is no great destiny written in them, nor are secrets of the gods or past or future hidden in their patterns. There just...are. A distant suns, glimmering at us from million and billion of light-years away. And it's beautiful....Eh?" Nerezza paused her monologue, noticing that Blueblood started to turn...well...blue....

    "Ack! I forgot!" Ossia cried out, casting a spell, one that made Prince breathe normally "Usually at such altitudes I am alone. Are you all right? Need something warm?" she asked with a concerned look. Without input she conjured a fur coat to appear on his frame.

  12. "Well...isn't this clever...." Squall muttered while studying his gifts. Flux could almost see gears turning inside of stallion's head. It's seems that this...disk-ball gadget was a source of inspiration for the business-pony. "Have to show it to Bevel. There is potential in such design...simple but elegant...."


    "Ever....?" Squall scoffed. "As if that was still a question! I want at least four." noblepony announced. It seems Squall really got his mind on rebuilding House Squallcoast.

    "Four kids that will be spoiled sweet....by Auntie Flux among others...right?" stallion looked intensely at the changeling. it seemes that saiying 'No' wasn't an option when it comes to this.

    On the other hoof ,he was still on the fence if drifter like her would make a good Namemother, but he was not limiting his choices yet. Spring Breeze was on this list, as well as Ice Storm, Miss Applejack, Henka, Wind Walker and Sigrun.



    Flux's gift was further wrapped up in some expansive looking, purple fabric. Swift studied his friend's reactions, not even blinking as the changeling was getting to her prize. He wanted to savour her expression. Wasn't that was one of the most fun parts of gifting someone?


    Was it....? Of course it was! Only Swift was both loaded and stubborn enough to make it practical. And he made two of them for her.

    "I commissioned a spare...just in case....." noble-stallion commented as Flux's legs first grasped the handle, and then ignited one the spellsabers. The weapon's aeatheric blade was of the same colour as her magical aura,  and it's low, calming hum filled the room. Squall walked some extra miles for the material quality too. The handle was made from finest moonsilver, and the weapon itself was four times more magic efficient then usual weapon of this kind. But that still wasn't all....

    "This is dual-phase version. See this ring?" Swift asked while picking up the spare and pointed it at the ceiling. "When you turn it...." unicorn said while doing just that. Out of nowhere the blade doubled in length! "...You can adjust it's length. This is because they have two set's of crystals inside. Good for surprise attacks, or to throw off opponent in duel." count mused.


    "It must seem...an odd choice of gift for Heartswarming...." noblepony lampshaded "But if you remember, I once offered to pass my skills to both you and Spring. This offer still stands.....if you are up for it that is." Squallcoast said.


  13. The stage mare was....quite melodramatic in her response. It was hard to pin to who she was talking exactly. Perhaps to everyone at large. When she started to fall apart at the seams, Squall's stern expression softened - if only a little - upon seeing those tears.

    "Look, girl." he started again, much calmer and quieter "You seem to have an tendency of speaking before thinking....Maybe sit down for a moment , and ask yourself what did you said that....."

    Swift wasn't allowed to finish. When he spoke, Trixie used spoke to make hasty exit, proving her qualifications as the stage magician.

    ".......Apologies towards the right pony would suffice......" Swift mused before turning his visage toward Twilight.

    "You can reach her, right Sparkle? Better bring her back before she does something reckless." he said before turning to Bluebelle. Thankfully Archchancellor got herself back together.


    "There are those that care for you Blue. They....WE will always be there for you." unicorn said as he walked towards the Princess and patted he on the shoulder.

    "You will get there, I know it." Squall said encouragingly before bouncing away from the royal pony. After all, Twilight and her interactive pink friend seemed to be 'cooking' something.


    Swift's eyebrow's moved up when he saw enchanted confetti forming words in the air. At first he didn't understood why every-pony was paired up. then it clicked within him.

    "So that's how it works." he mused. Being sellsword for most of his life didn't left much room for those kind of parties. Or any kind of parties for that part.


    Thankfully Squallcoast was paired with someone who he actually knew.

    "You have to tell me that story sometimes. With details." noblepony spoke to his changeling friends before giving Hope a glance. "Still roaming around the realm and meeting new buddies I see." he mused.


    Swift accepted his gift gracefully. He did not unpacked it yet, it will be so much better if they do this simultaneously.

    "It must've be hard. Getting gifts for a pony who can buy anything." he lampshaded. "Don't worry, I will treasure it regretless. The fact that it's from you is a value enough." Squall reassured his friend.

    "Now...this is something that I've meant to give you for a long time now...." swordpony said as cylindrical package floated through the air into Flux's awaiting legs.


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  14. This was a really, really long week fro Swift Squall Squallcoast.


    Heart's Warming season was always the one that brought great surge in demand for all kinds of products. And Swift, being a head of large corporation had to stand up to the task of meeting that demand. And that meant longer shifts in his office. Which he had to juggle with:


    Visiting his parents.

    Overseeing the construction of Fillydelphia Botanical Gardens AND finishing touches upon Tempest Tower (opening next tear!).

    And getting gifts for friends and loving ones. Large amounts  of gifts.

    Also, setting up dinner with Fire this evening.


    Simply put, swordstallion was exhausted...!



    But not exhausted enough to bring more of Heartswarming Cheer to the land!


    And seeing that he was going to Ponyville anyway (to discuss some very important things with Sparkle. Away from bustle of Canterlot), showering the town with gifts seemed like a splendid idea. Already his employees were leaving packages under every doorstop.


    Meanwhile Squall himself was hurrying to the School of Friendship, carrying big fat sack of presents of his own. Apparently some small event tied to holiday was happening there, and that was reason enough for noblepony to do this place himself. Swift wasn't exactly clear on the details - an odd thing for him, but, after all he was in hurry.


    Thus stallion closed to the school, the bag floating next to him while he whistled holiday songs.

    And soon he begun hearing talks coming from the building. His ears perked up when Squall heard the familiar voice of Bluebloo...Bluebelle. But soon his eyebrows furrowed. The Princess seemed....upset? Was Blue arguing with somepony? As he closed in, unicorn could hear the later part of response coming from some mare. And judging from her words, it indeed was the case....

    16 hours ago, Ashton said:

    Trixie winced and took a step back "I just- I've been collecting and studying artifacts I was told were from Starswirl, its something I've been doing for years, trying to understand them, searching for their purpose and power - then one day I finally realized the truth - that they were all fakes, and I wasn't really looking for an artifact from Starswirl at all, I realized the truth about what I was searching for - and what I had, in doing so, I unlocked a great power." but then after a moment her head snapped back up "Wait a minute!" she said, looking Bluebelle right in the eye "...This isn't about me at all, is it?" she asked, unseen a ring around her horn began to glow "This is all about you!" as Trixie spoke, her size seemed to be increasing, while Bluebelle seemed to be shrinking "All those speeches about doing your best, about seeking forgiveness and friendship, about being who you are... it was all a lie, wasn't it?!" Trixie was looming over Belle now, somewhat terrifyingly "Everything you said, to me, to the other staff... to the students... it was all just an act so you could get these!" she unfurled her wings, proudly now, she sneered "You... disappoint...and... You disgust Trixie! and that's not easy to do!" she turned on a dime, the pair's sizes seeming to return to normal.


    Squall grit his teeth. For years everpony has thrown shade at the Prince. And frankly Swift had enough of that. Knowing Blue since they were kids, he was in unique position to truly confirm how much he...she had changed, how hard Blue tried. He and...errr...him/her were ponies of completely different strengths, but Squall could see how the royal unicorn has risen above his/her vices and tried to do best for Equestria. So, to hear this unknown mare insult Prince/Princess so was exasperating. What did she know?!


    Swift hastened his trot, righteous fury seemingly evaporating his weariness amd uplifting his step. Swordstallion was practically glowing with anger when he got to the door. Noblepony smashed door open, with enough force to make them fall of the hinges. Before anypony could react unicorn was already bellowing at the blue mare that Headmistress was staring daggers at.



    Squall roared as walked towards Trixie. His gift bag was placed next to Headmistress.

    Rage has blinded the noblepony as he closed to the stage magician. He recognized her now, the arrogant performer who got herself involved in the conflict with Princess Celestia most Faithful Student. Swordstallion had yet to meet her but heard a lot about her. From his copy of Friendship Journal, from Sparkle, and from Miss Applejack. The Trixie mare apparently got better since those days. 'Apparently' being the operative word here. And it was up for Squall to put her hubris back in the box.


    "What do you know of Blue? You who for most of your life was pompous braggart with nothing to show for it? I knew Prince since before we were five. And I seen his burdens. Always treated like an...an extra , a charity case on Celestia's part. She never had a time sit down with him and understand Him, despite sharing the case of missing family. No it was always the Equestria, her nice, her first student and then her other student that came first. All the while he tried to become the most charming, most affable gentlecolt he could be. But it wasn't enough, it never was enough because She never told him straight to the face what She really wanted from him!" Squallcoast shouted.

    "Instead of appreciation or guidance, all the high society of Canterlot was looking how to humiliate and heckle at him. Something that Stage Mare who's audience was trying to get into horn measuring contest with her every show,  should be able to relate to." Swift pointed out.


    "Blueblood would have had all the right to be resentful, turn his back on Equestria after all of this, especially after Grand Galloping Gala. Instead he got good, long look at himself and did his %$#*! best to be better. He squashed his envy, and anger and got to work. Blue let go of his grudges.....instead of...Oh, I don't know? Planning elaborate revenge schemes using dangerous magical relicts?" noblepony growled at the blue mare.

    "The point is, he worked hard to be here today, instead of having friends in high places. Now, who is disgusting and should seek forgiveness...Miss Great and Powerful?!" Swift asked.


    Only now after he vented his fury Swift was able to really notice...the details. Like the wings on the back of the mare that he verbally torn a new one.

    "....The %$@*?!!!!" business-stallion cussed. Were they hoofing those down these days?! As he looked around he spotted more familiar face.


    "Flux?!" noblepony wouldn't recognize the changeling, if not for the fact she kept the same voice and mannerism. "When? HOW? What did I miss?!" Squall confusion only grew further.

    But it was not over yet.


    "Sparkle?! Moto? What are YOU doing here?!! Shouldn't you be in Canterlot for the first err....Heartswarming of....new....." unicorn was quickly loosing steam now that he realized that Fire heard his outburst. All of it.

    "I pay for the door. D-Dear, I did nothing wrong...." he defended himself, his gaze shifting back and fortyj from the Princess of Friendship to his fiancee.

  15. "I wonder...." Ossia mused, standing up when Blueblood mentioned 'uniforms'. Not bad idea, but wrong time. "Team uniforms are supposed to be more then pleasure for an eye...." pink mare said, walking next and behind the Prince. "...matching suits would also be a give away that we affiliated with each other...." Nerezza kept going, while her wings crept on Blueblood's back.

    "......Don't get me wrong. I am proud to have such...talented student. But there are advantages in keeping our connection a secret." alicorn's feathery appendages moved to stallion's shoulders, giving Blueblood slow, relaxing massage.


    "For all my power, all experience in disguising magic - whenever I do more then sneezing I have those...heroes all over myself. And catching your aunts attention is not something that I wish to do, before we place all of our pieces on the board." Ossia explained.

    "You however - and forgive me for putting it that way - are beneath notice. At least for a time being. Both Prince Blueblood and Platinum Gem can go to places, and do things that Ossia di Nerezza can not. Oh, in time those nincompoops will lament their error in underestimating You. But while this obliviousness lasts, we should milk it for all it's worth." winged mare whispered her advices to royal pony's ear.

    "And when the time comes...Celestia will realize that her 'nephew' is not a Prince she can manipulate anymore. But One. True. King. One with much more cunning, foresight and shrewdness then the brutes like Sombra." Nerezza spread sweet pictures of future glory for unicorn stallion. By now, the magic she poured into Prince should diffuse all the drinks he had. Hopefully.



    "Whatever the case, don't bother with the passport. Our visit is uninvited one. And to a desolate place at that..." Ossia walked away from Blueblood and moved to the centre of the room. Conjuring a piece of chalk, she begun map out a magic circle. Complicated one at that.

    "I could teleport us there no issue. But moving at such distance would leave us...open, to eyes of those in knowing what to search for. A circle, inscribed with incantations in language not of this world will give up protection we need." pink mare inscribed.


    As soon as she stoke the last line with a chalk, the whole ring started glowing.

    "Should we?" Nerezza asked while extending her hoof. As soon as Prince touched it, they were gone.



  16. "<We be working with each other all the time Miss Henka.>" Swift reminded her, and from his expression it was clear he shared the sentiment. 

    When she was finished with the signing, Swift produced second, identical document. It too was already signed by him.

    "<Copy for me, and copy for you. After all, we equals in this. Should I frame and hang it over the bed, O elusive Miss Henka?>" he asked in jesting tone.


    "<I assume you will be leaving soon, to establish your clan's new abode in Germaney?>" he continued with a small talk. "<I certainly will visit your Clan's second village when you done If you won't mind.>" swordpony said.

    "<But before that, we should agree about lines of the communication first. Just in case something important comes up, and to keep in touch.>" Squallcoast mused.


    "<Oh and seeing that you wonder how....>" Swift suddenly remembered, and his gaze shifted at the sake cup. "<You left a bit of yourself when you were drinking here last time.>" he explained while pointing at the very same cup.

    After all, now that they were allied with each other, pointing and ironing out such mistakes to each other only worked to their mutual advantage.


  17. "Am I? It's been so long....." out of sudden the gaze Ossia sported turned...nostalgic? Contemplative? Whatever it was, she wasn't trying to hide it. It seems that pink alicorn opened up towards the Blueblood...at least a bit.

    "When you live as long as I am...you....try many different things." she explained "I still remember lectures I gave in Manehattan at Coltumbia University....." Nerezza allowed herself to reminisce a little.


    The moment passed quickly, and when Blueblood mentioned how he planned to mask Andomalius, Ossia was back to her witty, flirtatious self.

    "Chokers, stockings....should I get you garter belt as well, you naughty filly?" she mercilessly teased him...."Or maybe you would like to see Me in such getup?" ...before going for a killing blow.


    Winged mare cocked her head when royal pony got through his little test. He really was cautious.

    "You read that Long Guo book I prescribed you." Ossia stated. She could see that Art of War made an impression on the young Prince, judging from the way he carried himself today. He must've have finished it last night. She knew he was reading something, but she allowed him to go through them at own pace and order.

    "How appropriate. This is where we going today. I just hope that country's history turned less different then I used to." she mused. While she was speaking she summoned her bodysuit , and jewellery - appearing once more the same as the day they met.


    "Have you ever been there Prince?" she asked while extending her wing, slowly channelling the teleportation spell.

  18. "<That was to to be expected.>" business-stallion nodded in agreement. The fact that he not moved to add anything to the document confirmed that he already foresaw such necessity.

    Swift set his front hooves, on the desk - so she could see them - and made a bridge out of them before adding.

    "<Like yours, isn't it?>" he dropped the bomb. He knew! And made it clear to her!


    "<Oh what am I saying? This is something you can...no, have to take care on your own.>" he added. Before Yūrei could even speak or act he continued. <"I Am not judging, merely observing Miss Yūrei.>" Squall said in placatory voice. His natural bass only added to effect.

    "<I told you I have 'very special' friends Miss Henka, didn't I? They...they made me much more open minded stallion then I was before. Those friends of mine share your dilemma - if one can name it such - although they took a very different solutions to it. One chose life of non-attachment, wandering around the realm like leaf on the breeze. Other threw away all shadows and secrets, choosing to be seen as she is - in look and deed. You probably know about her.>" Swift revealed. In the meantime, unicorn poured a cup of sake for his guest. Sqall figured that she will need a drink after this.

    Amazake. He remembered.


    "<I know how to recognize 'monsters' Miss Henka. I put down fair share of them myself, and I am not talking claws and fangs type. So it's obvious to me You and your clan aren't fitting the description. You nothing like 'Her'>." noblepony said with warm, reassuring smile. Not only that, Squall was completely relaxed in Yūrei's presence. This wasn't just a talk, he really believed it.

    "<There will come the day when you will be able to walk in the open - and I say it will come soon, if our newest Princess continues her course*. I would like to share a drink in on of Fillydelphia's many cafes when that happens.>" he expressed his wish.


    "<Until that day comes your secret is safe with me. And so will be mine with you. Ask and I shall give them freely.>" noblepony offered.




    This thread, obviously, takes place before Thorax got in charge of the Hive.


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