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Everything posted by ustinodj

  1. My friend is a bog fan of sonic, welcome to Canterlot!
  2. Doctor Who ehh? Well welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have a good time!
  3. ustinodj


    Bonjour, je mapple ustinodj! Welcome to Canterlot, and have a good time on the forums and seeing your art!
  4. Welcome! A lot of new RPer's like you have been coming so hope you can relate!
  5. Welcome, dont worry no one judges you here! I hope you have a good time RPing and on the forums!
  6. I think it should be more like a symphony.
  7. Welcome! I see your already fitting in Have a good time on Canterlot!
  8. I pressed CTRL-V and nothing happened... go mac! Then I pressed command-v, and https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgHbAYV9DtAYF6z5PMeDK7lTIv98xVp0g9gyAQjrVjjd6n7XhG I was updating my way to flashy profile photo.
  9. In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth. The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
  10. It is possible someone else made it and sold it to them through e-bay or something,
  11. Hmm well for me it was a process i didn't know i was a brony until it hit me
  12. Around 2 years does anyone really know the exact date they became a brony? All I know is that the show had already aired about 5 episodes
  13. My friend, he is a true Anti-Bronie, He even has hate posts on deviant art about them...besides him my friends are neither bronie, or anti-bronie.
  14. Well.....The welcome to canterlot was taken...and the evil grin was taken......only one thing left! Derpy Grin! Ohh fine, welcome to canterlot!
  15. ustinodj


    Well I say Minecraft would probably be my Favorite. I like playing music but i I had to choose it would be pop
  16. ustinodj


    One question,How do you delete posts?
  17. ustinodj


    Tech got derpy look at post bellow
  18. ustinodj


    Wow i just checked back and lots of posts popped up from the last few hours!
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