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Posts posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. He looked away, "I should have figured as much from soldiers like you," he sighed and turned away, "So easy for you all to accept Luna, after all the damage she caused, but so hard to accept my mother," he sighed, "I guess I tried, but I shall leave you now," he looked back to Flash, "by the way, that is an internal wound, judging by the blood loss I say you hit an artery maybe, but how should I know, I'm just a corrupt monster, ain't I," with that he turned and padded off, he was gonna miss them, they could have been nice friends, oh well....

  2. "Wow, so hostile," he sighs and looks down, but takes a deep breath and looks up, "I mean, sure, I don't blame ya, but calm now, I swear I ain't gonna hurt ya, us changligs ain't evil, really!" he explained, "Look, we;ve been cursed, a long long time ago, by that mare on the moon, she made our Queen using an Alicorn, corrupting it with love" He looked out the window, "Yeah, love gives us power, but it is also our food source, and my mum only did this so our hive didn't die, but she has had a bit more then she can swallow," he sighed, "Like Canterlot wedding," he looked back, "Things aren't usually supposed to get out of control like this, I mean...." he sighed, "..We have been stealing love from you guys for as long as we been alive, in small groups we will take disguise and enter a city, never hurtin a single soul," he sighed, "Love stealing actually don't gotta be painful"

  3. Just then, what can only be described as a bullet, shot through the window as slammed hard into a wall....it was a changling with red eyes and red big wings. It flipped around stared down Flashbomb, "No time to explain, I mean no harm, I have come to help as I will need yours," he said then turned to The other two, "Chrysalis is corrupted by a lust for love, due to Lyria, and the Changlings are being used," e explained, "if we can show Chrysalis the truth she will snap back to normal and will assist you, trust me, were not really evil!"

  4. Chrysalis landed just moments after, "Feed my Changlings, and take over this pathetic town!" she cried out as her swarm rose and charged on, Darkness stayed by her side and looked troubled.

    "Darkess what worries you?" she asked "this is no time to worry!" darkness nodded, "I know, just something feels off," e said and speed off.

  5. Chrysalis nodded, "Commander Blackhoof, keep your squads here to hold down the fort," she said, almost warmly, to her commander, then went cold again, "And don't fail," she flapped her wings and took flight, "Darkness!" she called and a changling zipped over. He was between the normal size and Alicorn size, and had red bug wings and red eyes, and looked at her, "[colour=#ff0000]yes[/colour]" he said sternly. Chrysalis looked to Lyria, "We are awaiting the order," she then turned to Darkness, "Gather your squads, we move to capture Ponyville," he nodded and zipped off.

  6. Chrysalis stood atop a statue of a wonderboth, though she had changed it to a shadowbolt image, and watched the battle and grinned, "Yes yes my lovely changlings!" she laughed wildly, "The love, it will all be ours!" she grinned maddly and her eyes narrowed, "Then nothing will stop us!" she said with glee, "We will be almighty!" she said as her hive swarm swept over Cloudsdale and she watched in devient glee

  7. Shaymin grinned and watched the torchic come at her and she quickly flew tothe side and used her newly learned air cutter to push the small pokemon back and flew up to a tree. Then she turned away and looked into the woods, "no...can't be," she said softly then turned back to battle.

  8. But shaymin was the one to shock first, and back flipped and glowed, warmly as I'd covered in a sun glow. A small pink flower floated and landed on her, then She then began to change, taking an almost deer like form and flew into the air, "Come now, bring it!" she giggled but a slightly darker tone was behind it, the shadow began to encase her mind again.

  9. Fleur blew her hair aside a bit and sighed, "I'll try not to Alicorn," she smiled warmly, then turned to Heart, "How your known? By word of mouth," she said and looked up at te lights, then back to him, "I forgot the gentlecolts name, but he was boasting about how he broke his hoof while bullback riding near hoofington, and how a Dr Heart helped him back to health." she said, "But he kept going on about how everyone in the town called him the best doctor in Equestria!" she smiled warmly at him, "I see why"

  10. Fleur shrugged, "Not sure, I just moved here after a..falling out," she choked up a bit an looked away as if hiding something before shaking her head and looking back she sighed, "as far as the beautimare pageant, it is a model thing where lovely mares show off there looks and skills," she said, "I'm sure where your from the mares put shine my looks," she sighed, "But around here I'm a champ"

  11. She looked back at her flank and smiled, "I got it when I went to my first beautimare pageant," she turned back to him, "If I failed my mother woul have been devistated, and there were three tasks I had to pass to enter," she smiled, "Not to toot my horn but I passed with flying colours," she looked at him, "Guess it makes my talent to be able to pass a task with enough determination or something like that?"

  12. Fleur looked up at him, "Why I came to you?" she asked, she thought of what to say, "Well I mean it was mainly because I have always wanted to meet Heart, such a well respected doctor," she said warmly, "At a distance I didn't know you were an Alicorn, but as I approached I realized and knew I had to meet you," she said with a smile. She rested her head back down and closed her eyes, her nose was just brushing against his front leg that was on her side.

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