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Posts posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. As if on cue Celestia strode into the room and smiled at them, "Mmm, yes well it already seems you three can work together but snooping may be only one of the tasks I need you Mares for," she said softly as she walked up to them, "But here and now is not the place to explain, come, touch my shoulder so we may go to my chambers and discuss this further,"

  2. It is 4 years passed the events of the season 2 finale and the CMC have earned there Cutie Marks and formed there own group of investigators. The entire team consists of the CMC plus 3 new recruits and they investigate all mysterys and puzzles that ponies come to them with, but this one is the worst yet. Celestia came to them and said how about a month ago every pony in Manehatten either dissapeared or was brutally murdered, at first it seemed bad enought but Celestia kept talking. She had sent a special operatives team from her royal guard to investigate, that was 3 weeks ago and she hasn't heard from them since. The last transmission went like this:

    "This is Alpha team reporting in your royal heiress, there seems to be no one alive and the rest were killed in the most gruesome of ways, we are about to secure a perimeter so we can reestablish power and get the lights on to investigate into detail by there is a bl...."

    "Sir we have a live one!"

    "Peincess we will get back to you once this is taken care of, over and out"

    She said she has yet to hear from the chief of the team, OscarMike, or any of his company and she is coming to you for assistance, find out what happened and try and bring them back alive before its too late.

    Ok so basically a semi stereotypical horror plot but want to make it also a investigative mystery as well. A few things to note:

    1) there are fire arms, not many but they are there.

    2) this will be 18+, sorry just the nature I intend

    3)Scootaloo I want gender swapped, she is male for this RP

    4)Have fun!

    Scootaloo (male); open

    Sweetie Belle: Me

    Apple Bloom: open

    OC 1: Clarity (mare, Unicorn) [Cainiam]

    OC 2: Tender hooves (mare, Earth) [squareZack]

    OC 3: Lucky Chance (mare, Unicorn) [sevofthesands]

    Ok just give basic description of your OC, I want a balanced team of possible, ie same amount of Mare and Stallion.

    Also any ideas what the CMV Cutie Marks should be?

  3. "well," she closed her eyes, "it was late in the cold season when my sister ran away," she said slowly and thought and smiled at him as she opened her eyes, "It was cold and dark and I ran out in the middle of the night to find her," she sighed, "I shielded he on the trek home with my own body, saved her life," she smiled at him, "The wings are for guardian angel," she said showing her mark, "And the sapphire heart is to show how precious my love for others is," she sighed, "Bur how fragile my own can be,"

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