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Posts posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Rarity uses this moment to slink out and ran back to her house, "My dear what a whack job of friends!" she muttered and began walking around her house, "Oh my Celestia!" she said, "oh the wondrous ideas I have oh I must get to work!" she then ran into her design room and began drawing

    Pinkie Puff looked at them and then her frilly hit and she froze and sat and sighed, her poofy hair shrunk and went straight and down and she became somber and sad. "I better get to my Rock farm," she sighed, "To my family," she began to safely pad off.

  2. Pinkie Puff jumps around, "Oh when your sad, and you don't smile," she sung, "if your mad and feeling vile!" she continued, "well you stand up tall, laugh at the world and PARTY!" she screamed

    Rarity huffed, "and get my licks in a twirl? No thank you!" she sighed, "Now Twily you better fix this cuz I got dresses to make!"

  3. Ok so the basic plot idea is that a pandemic or natural disaster wiped out all of Ponyville and most of Canterlot, leaving few ponies(mostly royal guard) alive. The princesses fled and went to a new town where they met us (how ever many we have) and sent us on a mission to rebuild and stabilize Ponyville and Canterlot do they may return and begin life anew.

    So any takers, BTW I would perfer this 18+ if possible and only OC characters

  4. Pinkie pie began bouncing around but tripped on her hair and tumbled into a small shelf and was covered in books. After a few seconds she popped out and began laughing hysterically

    Rarity was still at the mirror smiling at her younger form, her personality didn't seem to altered, still somewhat egotistical.

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