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Posts posted by Noctriix

  1. "N... Nervous,,, Why would I be n-n-nervous? I'm gonna walk in and have a great time! Yeah! That's right, Big brother said Ponyville'd be a great place to learn to interact with other ponies, I'm sure a speed dating club won't be so bad!"

    Stagefright was talking to herself again, as she trotted closer to the address. The young mare was relatively new to the city of ponyville and was here simply on the request of a vacation her brother gave her. The first day she stepped hoof into the place she was immediatly barraged with balloons, streamers, and cake from an unknown yet concerningly adorable Pink creature. The whole town of Ponyville was oddly casual for her, being a resident of Canterlot. How could she know any better?

    Upon reaching the building where she was intended and expected to be at. She noticed an oddly large amount of ponies making there way inside. So she quickly scapered to the entrance, and slipped inside. The door swinging shut behind her, and the Quick kisses Sign still audibly swinging from the inside, ending it's movement with a light "Thump".

    She took it all in, she quickly observed that a the moment, the mares and the Stallions seemed to be lightly conversing at the moment. However it was apparant that soon enough, the two sexes would be separated alongside tables. She looked around to observe her competition and her possible choices. Several looked appealing, others looked like Hoofbags, and one was a spider. Oddly enough, the large arachnid didn't bother her as much as she did others. Back in Canterlot she'd often play with spiders backstage during boring parts of one her brothers big shows. This one was just giant, intelligent, and apparently quite open minded. Stagefright gave a small shrug and took a seat. Resolving herself to clean her glasses before she actually got to do some really in-depth observation.

  2. You know what, screw it, I'll play Stagefright in this, I'm a man, but this will be an interesting challenege :)

    Application Form

    Name: Stagefright

    Gender: Young Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Description/cutie mark:Generally a very shy Pony who doesn't really enjoy being out and in front of people. She is extremely intelligent and polite, and is unable to stand to be in company with people who she finds repulsive. Whenever she gives a demand, she expects it to be carried out immediatly. She has a shry disliking for lazy people as well. She is extremely well versed in all things involving music and the theatre. She loves her brother deeply, and will go out of her way to try and glorify him. Her Cutie Mark is a Stage Manager's Headset

    Picture: (optional)


  3. Fruity loops...... :evil:

    Hey, who needs to have there music labelled by a genre? You write HellBunny music, and nobody else can say that, so why say you don't have a label, when you are... well, you! <--- (Attempted motivational speech)

    Regardless, Nightmare Night might not have been you're orginal piece, but you still did a great job with it. With regards to the other pieces I mentioned I seem to find that I enjoy the ones where you lay a nice piano melody in the beginning. The creepy background noise you have playing in Queen Chrysalis really adds to the atmosphere of the music.

    After relistening to twilight, it almost reminds me of something I'd hear from the Kingdom hearts Soundtrack :o

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  4. This is some seriously good stuff, I don't even listen to dubstep (More or less care for it either) but you're tracks are actually quite enjoyable. May I ask as to what software and gear you use?

    Nightmare Night, Queen Chrysalis, Twilight, and Lunar Symphony are probably my favorites of the peices you have here. The melodies you have implemented within them have really captivated me. Honestly upon listening to Nightmare Night (My current favorite), the opening music almost reminded me of the pianist from DragonForce when he's not being bombarded from the rest of the band. You do an incredible job sir, granted, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that! Bravo!

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  5. <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    Pardon me I have to go buy a new face, because the width of the smile that gave me broke my jaw :D

  6. Due to my own personal reasons and a huge boost of confidence from CrescentBlaze, i've decided I'd post some of my vocal works. I'd love to take any requests that the community has! I Hope you like them ! :D

    I just finished this recording of "This Day Aria" this morning after only starting to listen to it yesterday, I think it sounds alright


    Here we have the Flim Flam Brother's (A duet with me and CrescentBlaze)


    Me doing some Metallica!


    And my latest Addition! The Smile Song! :)


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