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Posts posted by PurpleBird

  1. Yep, and seeing how you approve of Fluttershy's and Rainbow Dash's friendship, you don't seem a stranger to the concept of attracting opposites. ^^

    Opposites are good in my case!

    Would you want to talk about maybe a plot and stuff through PM or do you just want to go with it?

    Because I have a small idea looking through Opal's app!

  2. I'll gladly RP with you!Now do you want to be in mane RP or freeforall?I'm fine with both.A scenario we could have our OC's going on an adventure for something or maybe something like that?

    I would prefer Mane RP myself if that is alright with you? :)

    Convincing Canvas for an adventure would be rather interesting and fun!

    I'd be interested. :)

    I only really have one OC (Opal Shards) who would visit Cloudsdale regularly, and even though she is a professional athlete and kind of harsh in general, she also hates Cloudsdae with a passion, and has an appreciation for art (though her focus lies more on intricate ice sculptures). Maybe there's some common ground to be found if you are interested.

    Oh I wouldn't mind at all! I was hoping to RP with her at least once with someone with an OC that would be sketchy to her likes or is slightly opposite to herself.

    Having an appreciation of art will get passed some of her judgment!

  3. I just recently got an OC accepted, and, has been wondering if anyone(pony) would like to RP with Canvas Whiz

    I am up for anything really, and if you look through her app you may get some ideas! I'm not really good at making up a scenario of character's to meet so...I apologies for that, but, if you need me to come up with something I will gladly try!

    I may be new to RPing on here ​but I definatly have experience with RPing. I've been doing it for a long time. But, my posts aren't always super huge or as detailed, I only give out what is pretty much given to me.

    Welp. I hope I can RP with some wonderful people!


  4. In Cloudsdale the sky was fresh and crisp and all was well under the sun. Flying fillies and colts giggled as they dashed through the pegasi Utopia with bliss. Little foals trying to get to school before the warning bell. Pegasi mares and stallions alike carried on with weather duties, or the odd flying market occupation. Today was full of nothing but business and working ponies. Even though it was a working day the city was still filled with , exerted, Pegasus. It seemed like every Pegasus was happy... Well... Except for one. Canvas Whiz .

    The winged mare payed no mind to her busting surrounding, not even gave a care to those that smiled at her, or tried to greet her along her path. Her expression was blank to say the least. Her eyes were narrowed and her mouth was in an un-tense frown. It seemed not even the singing Pegasus couldn't lift her mood. It seemed like all she wanted to do was leave... In fact, that was probably all she wanted to do, was leave the bustling burst of Pegasus and be alone. Just like every other day. And like every other day , Pegasus would fly around her, make comments to the oddly unenthusiastic walking Pegasus, or try to at least greet the quite pony only to have no greeting back. She ignored almost everything around her. She had a place to be, like daily routine, she would fly out of Cloudsdale and get away from it all. The presence of even being in Cloudsdale never made her the happiest, only making her think of the egotistical atmosphere she had to grow up with.

    "I have to stop at the store first... Before I do anything.." she gave a muffle to herself, racing fillies and colts swooshed past her. She twitched her ear in annoyance. As she walked down the clouded path, and past the cloud buildings designed in detail, she saw the little cloud shop ahead. She felt her hooves pick up a pace, determined to get what she needed, pay her bits, and fly out of there.

  5. [colour=#f0ffff]❤~[/colour][colour=#ffff00]C[/colour][colour=#ffa07a]h[/colour][colour=#6699CC]a[/colour][colour=#66ffcc]ra[/colour][colour=#6699CC]c[/colour][colour=#dda0dd]t[/colour][colour=#ff99cc]e[/colour][colour=#cc99ff]r [/colour][colour=#6699CC]Log[/colour][colour=#f0ffff]~[/colour][colour=#f0ffff][/colour]


    [colour=#6633ff]♦•--U n i c o r n --•♦[/colour]



    Fimble Harmonia[/colour][colour=#6C2DC7] -[/colour]



    [colour=#6633ff][/colour][colour=#6633FF]Activity Log [/colour][colour=#6633ff][/colour]

    [colour=#6633FF]----- N/A ----- [/colour]


    [colour=#33ccff]♠--• P e g a s u s •--♠[/colour]




    Canvas Whiz -[/colour]



    [colour=#0099ff]Activity Log [/colour]


    Canvas and Swift~-[/colour]


    Training Accidents and Artistic Visual-[/colour]


    [colour=#ff9966]--••E a r t h P o n y••--[/colour]



    [colour=#FF9933][/colour][colour=#FF9933]Activity Log [/colour][colour=#FF9933][/colour]



  6. it was supposed to be somepony walking by when nightblade fell the the circle on the ground was supposed to be a shadow.

    (if you mean the first post when it was a bunch of code then blank I had to edit to fix it and it took a little time.)

    I just meant when it was a bunch of codes! And glad to see it is fixed! I'll go and delete my response since it is irrelevant now XD

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