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Fimble Harmonia[FINAL]


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Roleplay Type: Mane Equestria RP

Name: Fimble Harmonia (Fim for short)

Sex: Mare

Age: Young mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: A light coral(#E77471)with light pink high lights (#FFBFF2)

Coat Color: A light summer yellow (#FCEC72)

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:Her mane is a glistening white with slightly dark pink streaks (#F896DB and super long. It is braided naicely that falls to her left side. Her tail is thick and long almost dragging behind her, also having the pink streaks. Hair styles change through special occasions, what show she is singing/acting in, or if she feels like it.

Physique: She is frail, tall, and thin. Her face shape is a bit longer (much like Fluer)

Cutie Mark: A light blue Rod Of Aesculapius' as a music note. (#B3E3FF)with a light pink heart behind it. (#FB6BEF)

Origin/Residence: She was born in Ponyville but moved to Canterlot due to her father getting a much higher paid job.

Occupation: She is a famous actress for live musical theater plays in Canterlot. Well known for being the main protagonist in 'Romonian Castle and Julia Heart' and 'Tales of a Unicorn Princess'.

Motivation: "To someday find my true love that has escaped me~"- What she said... Oh and to spread her wsnging gift across Equestria.

Likes: Romance, singing, dancing, acting, singing and dancing in public like her life is in a musical, her ability to nurture other ponies through her singing, and gossip.

Dislikes: Unclean ponies, rude ponies, ponies that don't like her long dramatic story telling of how she 'lost her love', bullies, her childhood bullies that doubted her, drama-haters, and I could make a whole list that deals with the kingdom of insects.


Fimble, to say the least, is a die-hard drama queen. A romantic, and etiquette pony. She's the kind of mare that thinks shes her life is some kind of musical. If it wasn't for her incredible singing voice and charms, she would be annoying to be around. She always acts as though she is in the spot light, which feeds to her drama-queen tendencies Fim takes extra and crucial time into her appearance and how she presents herself, this makes her a pony of vanity. Fim by first impression or just seeing her from afar comes across as selfish or close minded/stuck up. In reality she is quite the opposite, she is very generous and would do anything to help any pony. If anything she always wants to present herself nice, not just for the sake of being appealing, but she knew what it was like to be 'unfortunate' because of her childhood. Because she redeems herself as a white swan that grew from an ugly ducklin', it feeds to her need to come across as some 'princess'. Telling all her young fans to 'not give up hope your dreams will come true.' or some other cheesy Disney-princess worthy quote.

She may be a wanna-be princess at heart, but she does have a big one. Helping others makes her quite happy, which is why she feels so good when she sings, since her ability to heal those with headaches or intense stress with her soothing singing voice. She wants nothing more than to have people happy with her and be by her side, only expecting greatness from her friends (Which sometimes seems hard for them, since not all ponies can be 'perfect' in her books which Fim thankfully forgives here and there)

Character Summary:

Fim, being born in Ponyville, she wasn't the most prettiest or glamourous looking as her adult years showed. Do to her crooked teeth and always messy mane. This made her the butt of every joke, the runt of the litter. A common insulting name was "Buck mouth" because of how her top teeth slightly stuck out of her mouth. During those years she wanted nothing more than to prove everyone wrong, wanting to be like her sister. Her older sister was already a star prodigy in playing the piano, and having her own show in canterlot. Even though her older sister is distant and almost frowned upon by her parents for never staying in touch, Fim still wanted to be like her. Well known and adored by fans. At a young age Fim idolized stars, models, and all that were in the hype. These influences what made her become what she is today.

During her young years she lived with a stay-at-home mother that retired from her knitting shop and club she held living off of the bits Fim's father makes. Fim's father, Sunny Buckingham, is a professional entrepreneur. Was well known in the small town of Ponyville, since he was born and raised there himself. The mother on the other hand felt the small town was too country and less sophisticated than the Canterlot life she grew up in, before meeting Sunny. Fimble rarely had many friends, besides one, which wasn't the greatest of companions to say the least. Using poor Fim and manipulating her to do dirty work. The only reason she ever called this filly a friend is because she seemed like the only young filly that cared enough to walk with her to school and back, or the fact tolerated being around Fim. But it wasn't until she was into her teenage years she grew the confidence to confront them about their behavior.

Fim loved to sing (And still does), being a constant vocalizer at a very young age made her singing very powerful. Singing alone and away from others was her outlet, nervous to ever show off her talent to those she felt thrashed by. Fim would wonder alone and sing to herself, as it always did make her feel better, emotionally and physically. She never understood how her singing got rid of her stomach aches, or odd headache she'd get here and there. It was a mystery to her and figured it was all in her head. She did not know of her magical singing ability to heal those that listened, and since majority of the time it was her listening to herself, she was a pretty healthy little foal!

Fim's teenage years was the turning point in her life. She had braces, her hair was done slightly better, and she had confidence which lead her to have 2 friends that did care about her. Blue and Whimsy storm. The other unicorn and Pegasus were like sisters to Fim, both sharing the gossip outlet and geeky fads they tried ever so hard to fit in. Though, the one thing that made Fim stick out like a sore thumb during this time was the fact she was still a blank flank. Not that she was the only one, Blue was also a Blank flank, but obtained hers first.

Still shy from her obvious talent, she'd dream with her friends of someday being in a musical, or at least use her singing to good use. It wasn't until Blue, got a cold and couldn't be the director of the school's play, sang a song openly to another pony. Her singing had cured Blue of her cold and went on to directing, that very same night blue obtained her directing cutie mark. This was when Fimble had discovered the truth of her healing voice. But she also realized the limitations to her healing magic, it was only minor sicknesses she could heal/remedy slightly (i.e) cold, headaches, minor tension, and other very minor illness. She couldn't use her magic more than once a day if there was more than 1 pony sick/sore. But it doesn't stop her from still having a soothing and incredible voice. Around that same week a famous unicorn actor, Dynamite Dashing, was going all around Equestria to find 'young star prodigies'. He'd only pick a select few from each small town and have them have the chance to be part of the biggest musical 'Once Upon a Hoof'. Fim's friends were amazed and dazzled by her incredible voice, prompting the shy filly to go to the Ponyville audition. Fim was hesitant at first, but, gained her confidence from her friends, convincing herself to sign up. During the audition, Dynamite had a pounding headache that made him rather bitter during the auditions of the young fillys and colts. Fimble, scared and very nervous, did the best she could. She awe struck the judges, and in the mean time cured Dynamite of his pain, this was a success. They loved her enough to tell her on the spot she most defiantly passed to be a young star, they also gave consideration to her magical healing voice that made the show even better. Fim was in pure happiness especially when her cutie mark had also appeared. She knew what her destiny was now, loving the spotlight and the feel of attention from everyone watching her made her even more confident. A while after the audition, a month later, Fim would sing at openings of concerts or hoedowns Ponyville organised. Still excited in anticipation to be part of the biggest musicals, she still had to wait a while before she could go to the musical opening. Dynamite would take the passed auditions to practice at the big theater at Hoofington.

All the while, Fim had to sing at a local party that was held by a few towns ponies of Ponyville. At that party she met a colt that asked her for a dance, inwhich Fim did after her showcase. Fim and this mysterious colt decided to skip the party and walk together in the park. They talked and got to know each other, Fim was starting to have feelings for the unnamed lad. She never felt a connection like this towards any other pony, and coincidentally the Earth colt was a singer as well. A country singer, but still a common interest to Fim. They sang a duet throughout the night, to Fim this felt like a cheesy love story she didn't mind at all being a part of. Before young ponies could exchange names, Fim's father had found her and dragged her back home, exited for his next star-daughter. Fim, displeased from the abrupt good-bye to the anonymous colt. She hoped for the next day to come quickly, in which she hoped to meet him again. Sadly, that wasn't likely, Sunny had to give Fimble the disappointing news of moving away. The worst about it all was missing her chance of going to Hoofington for the practice of the big play. The good outcome (Which of course Fim didn't pay any mind to) was the fact her father was getting a better entrepreneur job in Canterlot. Fim fell into an angst depression, never getting the chance to even know the name of that nice colt, which she now renames 'the one that got away'. She lost her big dabut at the biggest plays she was offered to sing in. Moving to Canterlot seemed like the worst idea ever to her.

After a few years later, Fimble is recognized across Canterlot and other few cities from all adoring Musical fans and her own. Her incredible healing gift is also recognized by many, making her a unicorn in the musical history books. Many ponies, especially in sickness (Which is where most of the payment is from), come to hear her sing and act... Mostly for her singing though. Fim now as a star has become rich in her mansion home (Well one of them anyways). Which she doesn't take her money quite seriously and spends it quicker than you can say 'Blank-Flank'. She lives with two little fluffy dogs, Precious, and Boogum. And now she surrounds herself with equally famous or not so famous mares gossiping and telling her story the millionth time about the 'one that got away'.


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You have a very interesting character started there. I'm a fan of musicals and plays, so it's nice to see a pony have this talent. You also have a good personality filled out for her.

A few things I would consider when completing this application.

Cutie Mark: -Undecided-

When I think of musicals, I think of things like music notes. I also think of the comedy/tragedy masks. Since your pony is interested in romance type performances, maybe adding a heart to her mark can conver that message.

Dislikes: Unclean ponies

Do you mean ponies who are physically dirty or a certain personality she considers unclean?

Lastly, what is her unicorn magical ability? Unicorns typically have one main magical skill. Maybe it can be something related to sound since she sings and acts.

Good job so far. I can't wait to see the finished product!

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You have a very interesting character started there. I'm a fan of musicals and plays, so it's nice to see a pony have this talent. You also have a good personality filled out for her.

A few things I would consider when completing this application.

Cutie Mark: -Undecided-

When I think of musicals, I think of things like music notes. I also think of the comedy/tragedy masks. Since your pony is interested in romance type performances, maybe adding a heart to her mark can conver that message.

Dislikes: Unclean ponies

Do you mean ponies who are physically dirty or a certain personality she considers unclean?

Lastly, what is her unicorn magical ability? Unicorns typically have one main magical skill. Maybe it can be something related to sound since she sings and acts.

Good job so far. I can't wait to see the finished product!

I was getting to her magical ability actually. Which is her healing singing voice. Her singing can cure ache/headaches of any degreee, make stressed people relaxed and a bit more timid.

But thank you! The summary just needs to be added on more which will get to that soon!

As for cutie mark I am unsure if I wanted it relating to her singing healing ability and her occupation as a live theater actress, or just the part she is a live theater actress.

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I was getting to her magical ability actually. Which is her healing singing voice. Her singing can cure ache/headaches of any degreee, make stressed people relaxed and a bit more timid.

But thank you! The summary just needs to be added on more which will get to that soon!

As for cutie mark I am unsure if I wanted it relating to her singing healing ability and her occupation as a live theater actress, or just the part she is a live theater actress.

How about The Rod Of Aesculapius as a music note?

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I really like the sound of this as a character - she has an interesting history, an interesting talent, and I love her drama-queen personality.

The one thing I'm concerned about is the ability to heal by singing. We have not seen magical healing yet in Friendship is Magic - I'm willing to say it's not a big deal to let it in, but there needs to be either a cost or a limit. If she can heal anything just by singing to the pony, why are there any sick ponies left in Equestria? What's the limit of what she can heal, and does it cost her anything to do it?

Additionally, I would like you to specify that when she sings (and heals), her horn lights up - just to make it clear that it is her unicorn magic doing the healing.

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I really like the sound of this as a character - she has an interesting history, an interesting talent, and I love her drama-queen personality.

The one thing I'm concerned about is the ability to heal by singing. We have not seen magical healing yet in Friendship is Magic - I'm willing to say it's not a big deal to let it in, but there needs to be either a cost or a limit. If she can heal anything just by singing to the pony, why are there any sick ponies left in Equestria? What's the limit of what she can heal, and does it cost her anything to do it?

Additionally, I would like you to specify that when she sings (and heals), her horn lights up - just to make it clear that it is her unicorn magic doing the healing.

Alright. Many have told me that it was acceptable, but I understand about the limitation! She can't heal major wounds only headaches and slight achey-ness but I'll specify that more.

I'll go fix it~

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