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Everything posted by Firekitty91

  1. Storm Chaser hates enclosed spaces, being unable to fly, and being unable to save somepony from certain hurt or death. Probably the latter is her greatest fear. She's a very loving and helpful pony so not being able to do a thing while a friend or even somepony she doesn't know dies or gets tortured in front of her, she could very well gain a broken spirit.
  2. Okie doke! I hope more people get interested in this. I think I'll make a male equine or a younger brother for Sylva as well... unsure. What do you suggest?
  3. ((Ah okay thank you!)) Sugar Heart looked at Celestia and tilted her head. "But... he has not killed in our world yet, has he?" she asked and bowed her head a bit before she went wide-eyed in surprise as the mechanical-like thing practically demanded where it was and where some.... emeralds of his were. She blinked as he turned to the other two and then soon demanded his emeralds' location. She put a hoof out as to calm him. "I'm sorry uh... sir... but we do not have your emeralds. And we... you... us... oh forget it. You are in Equestria and your emeralds probably disappeared when you came to our... universe is the only way I can think to say what this world is," she said and looked at Celestia. "Princess, perhaps you should focus on what's happening? I've heard reports of... odd creatures showing up all over Equestria and perhaps beyond. There has to be a cause for this and I think we should be looking for that than dealing with what this... gentlecolt has done in his universe," she said and then blushed and immediately apologized again for intruding in affairs.
  4. ((Any character? Could I join as my Alicorn? XD I'm also joining as an Earth pony which I'll introduce right now)) Canterlot was in an upheaval at the new arrival from out of no where. Sugar Heart cantered around towards Celestia's castle. She was well known in Canterlot for her potions which were cures for many things. She even received and commendation from Celestia and has visited her on occasion to help find cures for new diseases and such. Now, she wanted to take a look at this creature. Her phoenix friend, Flare, given to her as an egg by Celestia as a gift, sat on her back as she suddenly went into a gallop. Flare spread her wings and flew beside her once mother turned friend. Finally they were at the castle and she peeked in just in time to be blinded by a light that appeared in the room. Flare immediately landed on Sugar Heart's head and shielded her eyes with a wing. Once it disappeared, she pulled her hood down a bit and walked into the room, blinking. "Princess Celestia, I beg your pardon for intruding," she said as she glanced at the... shiny... odd... creature that had suddenly appeared. She walked up beside it and examined it. Having a unicorn for a mother, she could sometimes sense lingerings of odd magic and this was no different. She sensed it on both. She turned to Princess Celestia, Flare fluttering to her back. "Princess, these... creatures... aren't from our... how do I say this... well, they aren't from here is all I can really say," she said and bowed her head apologetically. "I'm sorry for intruding, again. But do you really need to act so... um... harsh?" she asked in a low voice, almost a squeak. She knew just because she was recognized by Celestia didn't mean she could speak as she wanted. ((I hope jumping in like this is okay. I'm used to signing up to roleplays and I hope I didn't miss something...))
  5. okay! Um... so I just... say her name and I'm up on the list? OH Wait, there was a form wasn't there...? *looks it up* Here it is! Name: Chief Sylva Silverhoof Age: Adult Gender: Doe (Female) Species: Silverhoof Deer Appearance: Brief history: Sylva became chief not just by inheritance but because of her wisdom, strength, and many other things. Back when she was still growing as a fawn, a fire had struck their forest. Everyone was panicked except her. She merely looked at it in awe and then got an idea. She ordered everyone to calm down, using a loud voice. Soon, they began following her instructions to put out the fire and how to save the creatures in it. She oversaw all of the operation along with her father who was chieftain but he ended up getting too bold and a falling, flaming tree fell on him, killing him instantly. When everything was said and done, they realized he wasn't there. When they found him, he was dead. Her mother boldly took up the position but as soon as Sylva was old enough, she switched the position of Chief over to Sylva for her many leadership traits. Soon, her mother left the tribe without a word and it left Sylva heartbroken but she has remained a strong if somewhat silent leader for the Silverhoof tribe. Name: Timber Silverhoof Age: Teenager Gender: Stag (Male) Species: Silverhoof Deer Appearance: Brief history: Timber was born during the reign of his mother as she was pregnant with him just before the fire happened. When she left, he was left in the care of his older sister who is teaching him how to be the next chief as it's usually the stags who lead the tribe. She wants to stick to traditions. Name: Blaze Runner Age: Adult Gender: Stallion Species: Unicorn Appearance: Brief history: Blaze Runner is a sucker for adventure and doesn't want to 'settle down'. He enjoys racing anything and everything but he's not called Blaze Runner for nothing! His travels, with not settling down, have led him here to a forest deer tribe. Seeing they could use some help, he has stuck around to help them, using his strength, speed, and agility to help them out where he can. He plans on leaving them soon though. His eyes are as bright yellow as stars and his cutie mark is this:
  6. Woot, I'm in! I can fill in the last Earth Pony slot so we can start if you'd like. I only have one earth pony (Sugar Heart) and she'd be hilarious to scare. Not to mention since there are nine (and therefore one can't have a partner) her phoenix pet would make a perfect pair for her. Of course if someone wants to roleplay Flare as well so I'm not roleplaying with myself that's fine, too.
  7. Question! Do the deers have cutie marks? (I don't think they do but just in case, I decided to ask.)
  8. Ooo I like this. Perfect situation for my Pegasus Storm Chaser. Count me and my OC Storm Chaser in (she's a Pegasus)! I can see this is going to be fun for Storm Chaser. Hehehehe. I'm so cruel to my characters. X3
  9. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP Name: Storm Chaser Sex: Female Age: Young Mare Species: Pegasus Eye Color: Teal Coat Color: Pastel Gray Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane color is a sky blue while her tail is both light sky blue with a deep sky blue stripe in it. Her mane is pulled back as if the wind threw it back and a bandanna holds it in place that's the same color as the stripe in her tail. Her tail is long and flows, not like Celestia's as it resembles a sort of long, flowing ponytail. Physique: Lean and meant for speed, she also has some muscle mass for strength and is a great flier/runner. Cutie Mark: A map that is slightly unrolled. She made a map when she got lost and retraced her steps and found the map to be accurate and thus, her cutie mark appeared. Origin/Residence: Origin- Ponyville Residence- Cloudsdale Occupation: Adventurer and Map Maker Motivation: Life's an adventure to Storm Chaser. Everyday she wakes up determined to have some sort of adventure, otherwise she gets bored. Whether it be venturing into the Everfree Forest or visiting Appleloosa or some other idea, she always makes sure to make everyday an adventure. Her job as a map maker also helps motivate her because she loves to fly around and mark everything, making maps of everywhere she goes. If she's at a low point, she just thinks of the friends she makes as motivation for her to keep going. That and she wants to eventually make maps of all the lands undiscovered or unexplored by ponies. Likes: Speed Flying Adventuring Making maps Making friends Discovering new things Storms Dislikes: Waiting Sitting around Being cooped up Making enemies Going home empty handed Clear skies (though she does enjoy them sometimes) Character Summary: History- Though Storm Chaser was born in Ponyville, she always felt she belonged in Cloudsdale. Her name was given to her because she ended up being born on a stormy night. When she was born, she just watched the lightning and rain with awe in her eyes and reached out her hooves to the window to get to it. Her mother ended up naming her Storm Chaser because of her fascination with them and her want to always follow them. As she grew, she went to the school in Ponyville but wasn't well liked. As everypony got their cutie marks, she was still a blank flank, even as she grew older and was sent to Cloudsdale to learn how to fly. There, she found the ponies were even more mean as they made fun of her and she was always scared of them and was even picked on. Sometimes they would circle her and laugh at her. She was always scared of them and sometimes even refused to show up at school.. but then one fateful day, it all changed. Cutie Mark Story- One day, she returned to her parents who often had to cheer her up and that day was no different. However, it was summer and stormy days were abound. She finally had decided on what to do... run away. She ran away, taking a small compass with her. She was in tears and she looked up at the storm clouds as it rained. She followed the storm, her hooves pounding the ground and the rain hiding her tears. Finally she came upon the Everfree forest but she didn't know it until she was far in. Scared and wanting to return home, she looked around, trying to find which way she had come. Finally she sat down and thought for a moment after she had paced around. She had been going west from Cloudsdale, she remembered... and then she had turned north. So... she ripped a piece of bark off a tree and then got a sharp stone. She began to scribble a map down on it as she thought of what way her compass had been pointing. She remembered certain features as well and once she was done making the map, she followed that and the compass. Despite the dangers of the Everfree forest, she managed to come out unscathed that day. She was determined and wouldn't let the forest and her fright stop her from going home. She came home to over-worried parents as well as some worried citizens of Ponyville who were her friends. She was proud of her ability to find her way back safely and knew it had to be her cutie mark and she was right when her parents had dried her off and showed she had a cutie mark. She was so happy and proud of herself and so were her parents. Parents- Her parents still live in Ponyville even though they are both pegasus weather ponies. They prefer the 'everypony knows everypony' type of thing. However, she was schooled in Cloudsdale despite living in Ponyville as that was where she wanted to go. She learned to fly and always a determined pony, she made sure she was the best in her class. However, she wasn't always a determined pony. Her parents often tried to support her but her depression was always too great and they couldn't really do anything about what was going on, or so they felt. When her cutie mark day happened, that was when she changed and for the better as well. Her parents were very proud of her and encouraged her every step of the way. Her parents, and that day when she got her cutie mark, has helped her become such a determined and outgoing pony. When she had gained the respect of her peers and the pride of her parents, she had decided she would live in Cloudsdale. She has ventured often from her home in the city of Cloudsdale. Besides, the clouds were soft and fluffy, a nice bed it made when she came home from adventuring. Flaws and Successes- Storm Chaser has had her flaws when she was younger. She used to be scared of meeting new ponies and seeing other pegasus that were better than her scared her. She was often picked on becaise she failed flying tests multiple times. However, on the day after she got her cutie mark, there was another flying test. She failed at first but then she got an idea. If she could find her way home in a storm, what could stop her from doing this? She suddenly had determination to prove herself grip her and she slowly flew to the starting line. She then pawed a hoof on the cloud and ran, flying into the air. She flew fast and her determination did not fail her. She passed the test with flying colors. Since then, she has been training her wings and legs. Though she is a pegasus, she knows very well that during her adventures she could easily gain a broken wing. So, she's training both her ground and air agility and speed. She recently started her ground speed training. She feels that her time in flying school actually helped shape her into the determined and brave pony she is today, despite being playful and hyperactive. She has been quite happy with being able to overcome her flaws of when she was younger. Personality- Storm Chaser is... mostly everything. When she's not adventuring, she can be quite playful and very friendly. She loves to pull pranks and even scare some ponies. She enjoys scaring them because she loves seeing their reactions, if they have any at all. When adventuring, she seems to be determined and head-strong. She focuses on her goal and does anything to achieve it. When map-making, she can be distracted and lazy about it but she eventually does get the job done. It's a boring job unless she's on an adventure of map making like mostly uncharted territories like the Everfree forest. She does love danger and enjoys kicking butt. She loves to protect her friends and her favorite quote is "Life is either an adventure or nothing!".
  10. WOW Lots of replies! And I love the welcome song SonicRainboom *has watched every single MLP episode but listened to it anyway* Rosewind: Great to know there are other furries here! *hugs* Armony: Nice play on Harmony there. And I hope to roleplay with you as well! Amethyst: Yay! Somepony else new! *hugs* Chapien: Thanks for the good morning but it's afternoon here. ^.^ And thanks for the welcome, hope to see you around as well! Phew, did I get everyone? XD
  11. Hello fellow ponies! Thanks for the welcomes! *hugs all the ponies giving her welcomes*
  12. Oh hey you live on the pacific coast. Cool! USA buddies *hoof high five* And yea, you probably should. Night! And nice to meet you, Winter!
  13. Hey! And yes, I am a kitty as my fursona but I do have ponysonas, rest assured (those are my OCs I was talking about... XD). And thanks for the welcome! Already making new friends and it's almost 7am. X_x Yay for staying up all night! *faints*
  14. About Myself: I love roleplaying, I live on the USA east coast so you know my time zone. Not usually on past 9am that zone and not usually on until 3-5pm that zone. And then I'm up all night with a nap here or there. How I found Canterlot.com: Google search How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My ex and I are furries. He told me about bronies and when I asked what they were, he told me about the show. Interested, I watched and became hooked. My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash Hey everypony! I'm Firekitty91 but just Kitty or FK is fine. Sure, I may not have a MLP username but I am a huge lover of MLP (I just have so many OCs, I can't decide which one to be my main [psstt... I have eleven OCs]). Right now I'm having a roleplay craving for MLP FiM and so I google searched MLP FiM rp forum and found this site. I'm sure I'll meet lots of new friends here. Thanks for hearing me out! Hope you reply soon. Signed, FK
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