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Posts posted by Bellosh

  1. 2uysrxh.jpg

    "Oh really? What kind of apples would you like? Did you know that apples are the symbolic fruit of love?"

    Apples… love…? Flash Sentry never thought to make that sort of association before, leaving him a bit dumbfounded. “I… I didn’t know that,” murmured the bumbling stallion, his muzzle transforming into a goofy smile as he started falling for Applejack’s charms; “I think I’ll go with Gala; they’re good for eating on the go.”

    "You know, I might know a certain pony that thinks you're a swell stallion."

    Flash’s eyes and wings shot wide up! Was… Applejack hitting on him? Yet… it kinda sounded like despite her flirtatious gestures, somepony else was into Flash instead; someone that AJ knew. It didn’t make a lick of sense… the only pony from Ponyville that Flash spent time on a regular basis with was Princess Twilight, and not once could the guardpony recall the lavender alicorn giving him any telltale hint that she might be into him.

    But that alluring look on the apple mare’s face convinced Flash to keep the conversation going. “You uhhhhhh,” stammered the confused pegasus as he reflexively leaned in closer towards Applejack; “...You know who this pony is?” Despite Pvt. Sentry’s attempts to pull himself together and reestablish a modicum of professionalism, curiosity and AJ’s bewitchment made that task impossible. Good thing Princess Celestia was preoccupied communing with her fellow subjects........ and Blueblood.....

  2. 1zq8oio.png

    Sugar Apple was pleased to see that her apple confectioneries were wetting Pink Lady's appetite. "Ah think ah saw some familiar faces headin' up th' road some ways back," reported the pegasus; "But ah reckon they won't be hyar fo' another thirty minutes. Ya' don't mind showin' off th' viddles now, do ya?" Sugar might as well drop off her box of frosting-coated apples too while she was at it; undoubtedly the other ponies arriving soon would appreciate having the sugar apples around.....

  3. 33aqezc.jpg

    Buzzz! WRONG answers. Snively only accepted one answer; that he’d get to leave immediately without consequence. Why in the world should he have to honor their quaint legal system if ponies would never respect the laws of the Hive? Such hypocrites! The short drone first gave out a twisted laugh when Capt. Veracity said she’d call for backup, not believing that a mere pegasus could call for help without a unicorn spell, but his mockery turned to outright rage when it turned out all the Enemy had to do was break a crystal.

    Once the uniformed mare explained that it’d take fifteen minutes for her fellow fleabags to arrive (a blatant lie it surely had to be), Snively’s curved horned almost instantly crackled into action with a greenish aura. “You’ll wish you haven’t done that,” growled the drone, now juiced up with more than enough love from Figment to administer punishment on this insolent mare. Snively knew very little spells save those essential to his work or those that he labeled more as casual amusements… and this spell he was prepared to use was the latter. Typically, the changeling didn’t have much practical use for hurling around bolts of electricity, an ability with such short effective range that it was deemed impractical for real combat except as a very last resort... but in in rare fitting moments such as this, Snively found the ability quite useful.

    Not taking too much heed of Figment, Snively gave to the uniformed mare his demands. “Go up to that wall over there and put your hooves above your head,” the angered changeling pointed to the sidewall furthest away from the doorway; “You reach for that sword, you’re toast. Try lunging at me or my colleague, you’re toast. You speak another word, you’re toast. Don’t comply with my instructions in five seconds, you’re toast!” Snively’s livid glare should have let the mare know that he was deadly serious; the moment Veracity disobeyed any of her instructions, the bureaucrat would automatically fire off an arc of painful electricity at the uniformed mare. At point-blank range like this, Snively was not very likely to miss… and thanks to the earlier love exchange, his spell was set to be even more powerful than usual.....

  4. 2uysrxh.jpg

    After ensuring that Princess Twilight’s requested materials from the REA archives made it safely to the Golden Oaks Library, Flash Sentry was persuaded to fly back to Applejack’s stand to buy a bushel of apples for himself. By now, the stallion learned that just for today, the stand also doubled as a kissing booth. Flash wasn’t too sure on whether he liked the concept or not; sure, the guardpony to a certain degree felt odd about having to pay a mare for a kiss, but he supposed it would be a bit of fun as well. After all, a lot of other ponies seemed to think it was fun enough to wait around in line.

    As he arrived at Sweet Apple Acres again, two new ponies caught the private’s eye; both of them royalty. Apparently, Princess Celestia and Prince Blueblood entered the line while the armored pegasus was away with Twilight. After touching down near the line, Pvt. Sentry first gave a quick salute to Celestia, as any guard would be expected to do. But Flash didn’t linger long; as per Twilight’s suggestion, he trotted up to the front of the line rather than wait in the back yet again, having been told that Applejack would honor his previous spot in line even if he had been physically absent.

    Sure enough, Applejack did just that… although she ended up asking Flash Sentry a rather awkward question. The stallion still didn’t really comprehend what made him qualified for his special assignment; in fact, he guessed he’d eventually get swapped for some other servicepony that proved themself to be extremely capable. Slightly flustered, the blushing guard scratched his neck once he stood in front of (a surprisingly cute) Applejack; “Yeah… that’s uhhh me. Private Sentry at your serv- err, I'm here for a bushel for myself.....!”

  5. I got two REA characters:

    PFC Flash Sentry: Of EQG (in)famy. You've already interacted with him before in RP, so I don't really need to say anything more.

    Col. Pummel: Highest ranked REA character (the only other colonel OC around is retired). Intolerant of incompetence, swift to punish, and pushes his subordinates to the absolute limit, but rewards extraordinary merit and valor handsomely. Spent much of his career as an advisor for the Aquellian Marine Corps (and spent much of his early life there too), making him especially out of touch to more "casual" REA serviceponies. Don't screw up around him, and he won't give you too much flak.

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