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Everything posted by NovaArkwing

  1. Personally I think I need to rework the Director's approach and rethink of where I'm going with his character since I overdid it with the intel he knew, as for the agents I have a few ideas that might prove interesting I've already sent some ideas to Val.
  2. All that taken into consideration I might have a way to modify Freelancer, but I'm gonna need some help, if there was a way of keeping them in what would be changed to make them more acceptable for the rp without sacrificing some key componants of Freelancer?
  3. Since Val advised this I'm gonna outright ask this, what are your proper thoughts and feelings of Freelancer? since by popular demand it got thrown out.
  4. If you hear this in the distance then run, That'll be me in a Warthog running your guys over. :3 (Coding be a harsh mistress...)
  5. I tried, but due to a lack of decent feedback other then saying Freelancer is overpowered, they're not and if maybe someone could've address this to me by giving out helpful advice and suggestions I would added them inn Freelancer itself. They are just a group concerned of the course of Ponykind and despite their highly advanced tech and such are still just ponies and even they have limits. (I was going to delve into them on different levels and addressing some issues that could've helped detail Freelancer more potentially making them even more interesting.) but if you insist on throwing Freelancer out then say they disappeared instead of handwaving it. However if the OP is willing I'm sure we can come to some agreement or negotiation providing if my request is acknowledged, it has potential but give it a chance.
  6. So who're the ones getting the pms?, I've been busy formulating the 3-day time skipFreelancer post...
  7. Welp I've decided on what to post, it's gonna be huge, it'll basically be about what happened Freelancer-related during the timeskip expect Character development, more appearances of Freelancers that have only had one appearance, Tex gets a proper introduction, and the appearances of more Agents that have yet to show up, pretty much what Freelancer did throughout and leading up to the negotiations/Equinia's destruction. ZE PLOT SHALL BE GLORIOUS!
  8. welp it wiped out the capital apparently and killed around a third of Equinia's population so if it fires again then Equestria is screwed
  9. True, he doesn't know what happened to Allison, and back to 4-6-9 and Applebloom, also more glorious Tex character development.
  10. The Director couldn't help but be amused by the new arrival and the GEF's scurrying to save their pathetic leader, "Oh I do, Goliath will be the GEF's undoing. Possibly even Equestria and you'll have Twilight to thank for that she's destroyed her own capital and ended hundreds of innocent lives for a mistake she committed years ago, Freelancer will take it's leave now, we have taken what we needed from your Tower and destroyed all the reserves and backup you may contain even the old paper files, Essentially we hold the cards and the intel now, run you dogs, run." The Director left that statement in the air ominously and disappeared with Tex behind him to the LZ where they vanished into a far off dropship that took them out of the capital, satisfied with the mission's success the Director smirked coldly as he saw the GEF run away. Tex stared at the ruined capital from the flying dropship, watching as fires burned wildly across the capital and looked to the vast pillar of ash the rose hundreds of meters into the sky to where the heart of Equinia would've been...her thoughts were still shrouded with memories of Twilight during her supposed death, did she really die?...What brought her back?...Who was that Unicorn?... Still so full of questions and no answers...She couldn't ask the Director personally for some unknown reason yet it seemed such a logical idea...What was stopping her?...
  11. The Director nodded in acknowledgement to Free then looked at Twilight slowly, "She was dangerous and reckless...And had to be put in her place...She's stolen too many lives for her mistakes we saw the RLF as a way to restore order...Safe to say everyone's paying up for her mistakes now...Even Freelancer..." The Director ponderously spoke as he motioned to the skies and the death and destruction around them but something in his tone betrayed a slight hint that this was a personal fight for Freelancer and the Director himself, "Twilight killed innocent civilians, too many bystanders were incinerated in her vendettas to cause chaos and spill blood for her own personal gains...We could end this now while she's vulnerable, round through the skull...quick and painless...Relatively speaking, now's your chance to restore Equestria back to the way it was before Freelancer saw nothing." Nova added and urged Free to end Twilight while Free still had the chance, "Agent Nova, I'd advise you to keep quiet about such matters in front the RLF commander although he is correct, you want to restore the old Equestria?, then the choice is yours Freelancer will keep out of such matters but this is our birth nation too, whatever happens here Freelancer and myself will hear about it." The Director paused allowing Free to make it choice. "Uh-huh...Right, yeah got it. Director our transport will be here in minutes advise we hold position or relocation." Nova spoke with the Director on the ETA of the transport that'll pick them up, "Good, I expect a complete status report on the packages and a de-brief on the recent raid at the Tower and Highway, understood?" the Director discreetly replied to Nova quietly so no-one but him, Nova and Tex could hear to which Nova nodded and reported back to the evac dropship on the other end of the radio, "Director I'm picking up a large GEF force build-up approaching our area we better move to the LZ..." Tex warned the Freelancers of the inbound GEF force that looked set to strike in 10 minutes, "Agreed, Nova move to the LZ and secure it, Tex stay with me." The Director ordered them both rapidly showing the signs of a dangerous tactical leader as they followed their orders Nova evaporated into thin air as his suit's active camo turned him invisible while Tex stayed with the Director.
  12. The Director, Nova and Texas moved out of the way of Trixie as she moved hastily to Twilight, as they composed themselves the Director took note of the Unicorn that swiftly and elegantly stood over Twilight's body, Another of Twilight's elite agents...She appeared intimidating but her tricks didn't gain purchase for any of the Freelancers they've dealt with agents similar to her in the past, "Your "fearless" leader fell on her own, she's not as...Mighty or smart as she claims..." The Director remarked coldly as he moved closer to a pile of rubble with Nova and Texas in front watching the Director's back protectively with their gaze tracking the RLF and GEF assets carefully, "Director, our ride is closing in their coming in low and fast and very hot, me and Tex will cover you and they've retrieved both packages from the Tower the recovery teams there are RTB'ing." Nova looked back to the Director and relayed the information, "Excellent Agent Nova keep an eye on them, Tex when it comes prepare to deploy it on my signal." The Directed commended Nova and Tex for their duty and cautiously gave them both orders upon the arrival to which they nodded in acknowledgement while their sights were still tracking the RLF and GEF forces awaiting the Director's signal Tex pulled out a small device form her equipment that looked like a special non-lethal grenade.
  13. The Director seemed unfazed by Twilight's stare and threats stared back at her with a unnerving glare and stopped in front of the gathering standing with his hands behind his back straightened himself up and snarled uncaringly for her threats against Freelancer, "Terrorists?, Ironic considering only this level of destruction and how rapidly it took down the capital could only of been done via pacts with unknown magic using forces or gods and I know the only one living entity that can employ such measures is you, Twilight Sparkle. Only you could've performed such a feat that only backfired on you at this scale, tell me Twilight...Who's the Terrorist now? considering you've wiped out your own capital, people and in the final result, Equestria." the Director couldn't help but find the irony amusing as he coldly analytically deduced and took apart her statement with ease using his intellect to his advantage. As Twilight fell the Director watched as Free ran towards her checking her pulse and started looking at the Director with an accusing glance, "This was not Freelancer's doing "Commander", this was all her doing she brought all this on her self by making pacts with unknown gods, Freelancer isn't responsible for this, any of this." The Director disclaimed the RLF commander's suspicions as he scowled at the commander for accusing Freelancer and him directly for this attack on the capital as this couldn't be done even with Freelancer's seemingly limitless resources, "No-one has set you up, this was entirely an atrocity implemented by ignorance." the Director firmly established as he sternly stared down the RLF leader. Nova and Texas only watched as Twilight collapsed under her own weight, Tex felt a unexplained burning rage emerge under her icy exterior at the lavender mare as images and memories of years before started rising in her mind she was confused yet infuriated staring at the unicorn with utter hatred, contempt and disgust her body started shaking with anger as her mind started flooding with images of Twilight before her final moments all those years ago, "Why do you look so...Familiar?...Who are you?..." Tex accidently muttered watching Twilight fall, Nova looked at Tex worried then really concerned as Tex looked like she was going to launch herself at Twilight, Tex was the most lethal of the Freelancers her reputation was known for taking no prisoners without even so much a dent on her and Nova doubted even if he could restrain her from causing any harm to herself and everyone in the immediate vicinity, "Hey Tex, you ok? Tex..." Nova spoke with a calming tone as he put a hand on Tex's shoulder concerned for her wellbeing she calmed down a bit looking at Nova for a moment and nodded back at him, "Yeah...Thanks Nova but this is getting... Unnerving I swear I used to know that Unicorn before...I think I'll have to get checked out when we get back to base I don't know..." Tex's voice trailed off as she looked at Twilight again watching her movements vigilantly as her mind continued to pulse and try to remember.
  14. (Cue Freelancer mysterious entrance.) "Because. Miss Sparkle, this stallion, and the RLF for this matter, did not kill your foal..." The Director announced ominously as he emerged from the shadows eerily his appearance still shrouded in mystery flanked by black armoured Freelancer agents Nova and Texas that seemed to appear out of nowhere from both sides of the Director, "I'm afraid your child was already dead before this RLF commander found him, we were monitoring the foal's life signs just in case if he were in peril...It appears we were too late to save him, this unknown threat that hangs over Equestria appears to elude itself to us all but if it can take down entire cities within minutes then it's Freelancer's priority just as much as it is yours we need to find whatever this thing is and take it down...I, and Freelancer extend our condolences for your losses Miss Sparkle." The Director and the Agents strolled towards the gathering mysteriously the Freelancer agents armed to the teeth looked absolutely intimidating, The Director observed the foal's corpse a moment before turning to Twilight and watched her vigilantly a slight mix of anger and sorrow were set in his gaze as he suppressed his feelings towards her over personal matters knowing full well not to let personal vendettas interfere with his role. "If this thing strikes again at another city or even at Freelancer assets then we need to take it down yesterday and where the hell did this thing come from anyway?" Nova muttered to Tex quietly looking at the RLF and Changelings behind his visor with curiosity walking in tight formation with the Director and Tex, "I don't know but I swear I've seen that unicorn before....Why does she seem so familiar?..." Tex replied ponderously her gaze locked onto Twilight analyzing her thoroughly as if she remembers her from somewhere before...years ago... "Who are you?..." Tex's mind was asking so many questions yet had no answers as she stared at Twilight curiously as she walked with Nova and the Director in formation.
  15. I haven't seen theamazingdashie's posts anywhere does he/she feature in any rps?
  16. Thanks, I'm making an app now and I'll try to find someone to play as RD
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