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Everything posted by BrainedBySaucepans

  1. I've decided I'm going to livestream as I draw up your pic, then see if anyone else has any requests. Feel free to drop in.1 Details here: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/10888-livestream-art-requests-tonight-2100-british-time/ --------
  2. Greetings again, Master Mustang. Love the application, but there's a couple of small points I think need revising before you submit it for evaluations.1 First off, you may be asked to remove the references to your OC's age in years. From what I gather, since there hasn't been any official word on how fast ponies age, the admins have asked people to keep it vague.2 Secondly, you may have to change your cutie mark; there's a general rule saying all text, even in images, has to be in English. I believe this is to stop people slipping foreign obscenities under the radar.3 Other than that, looks pretty good to me. Good luck! --------
  3. As far as footnotes go, I'm trying to limit myself at the moment.1 Don't want to wear out the novelty.2 --------
  4. In regards to improving your artwork, I highly recommend experimenting with vectors.1 You don't need a tablet for them,2 and there's some good free software out there.3 As far as British TV goes, you've got a good grounding there, but a lot of the best stuff get's hidden from visitors.4 --------
  5. Not a bad first post... Welcome to Canterlot!1 I'm a big fan of that art style myself, but absolutely useless when it comes to trying to emulate it... --------
  6. All I can say to that is you must have stayed indoors...1 I like the avatar by the way; did you draw it yourself? --------
  7. Welcome to Canterlot!1 I'm glad to be the first fellow Brit to welcome you. As it happens, I have a friend in Scarborough, and he was in fact the chap who introduced me to MLP. Small world! --------
  8. Welcome to Canterlot. I personally reckon you'll be a welcome addition to the community here. I'd also like to say that even if we're not from the same country,1 I have a huge amount of respect for anyone with the guts to step forward and serve in the armed forces. Massive props to you, sir! --------
  9. I'm blushing so hard right now. In my opinion, to be called interesting is the highest compliment possible! I'm so flattered I almost forgot to include a footnote!1 --------
  10. All wrapped up now. Thanks to everyone who joined me.1 If I decide to do this again, I'll make sure I announce it ahead of time.2 If anyone wants to see what over 2 hours of animating looks like,3 it's saved on my Livestream page. See you all next time.4 XD --------
  11. So, I'm head animator1 for a fan project by the guy who got me in to the MLP in the first place.2 I sometimes livestream when I work, so he has some idea of how things are going.3 Since I'm part of the community now, I thought I may as well post a link to the livestream here, in case anyone is interested in watching as I work.4 I'll also be on Mumble5 while I work, so if you fancy joining me for a chat and keeping my spirits up, feel free. A word of warning: I listen to music as I work, and this makes it very likely that there will be some NSFW content on the livestream.7 Links and details are below. One final note, I'm using a free Mumble server I haven't used before, so I don't know whether it'll work well, or how many connections it will allow. Please try if you can, it'd be nice to chat to people as I work, it keeps my morale up and reminds me why I do this. If enough people join me, I may consider doing this again.8 Livestream (NSFW): http://www.livestream.com/misterdunn Mumble: Host Name: mumble.typefrag.com Port Number: 47150 --------
  12. Fair enough. I'm the last person to dictate points of taste to someone else.1 I'd still recommend giving it a look if you have the chance though. Back on topic, my wallpaper randomiser just threw up this.2 --------
  13. Thanks to all of you, that seems to cover everything I wanted to know for now. I won't be showing up in RP right away,1 but I'll be getting stuff ready whenever I have a spare moment. --------
  14. Good, I've got all that, but you're missing one important detail... what colour do you want Mustang himself?1 That's kind of important to know --------
  15. No apology needed; I'm more than familiar with the problems associated with writing on little sleep.1 --------
  16. Hi all, I'm pretty new to the site, but I already love the atmosphere and would like to get more involved. The next logical step seems to be the RP section, but here's where I hit a snag; I've never been part of a forum-based RP system before.1 If the questions I have are all covered elsewhere, I sincerely apologise, and would request that someone point me in the right direction, but my searches3 did nothing but confuse me further.4 Where should I start? How do I create a character? Do they have to be a character shown briefly in the show or can they be an OC? What are the rules governing what you can and can't do when creating a character? Once I've created a character what then?5 As you can see, I have many questions and few answers. Overall, what I'm after is a general guide of how the whole RP works.6 --------
  17. What are the colours you had in mind?1 Also, I'd want a clearer shot of the characters on the belt.2 No promises as to when I'd have it finished by, I'm busy with an animation project at the moment, but it's nice to take an occasional break and do something slightly different. ---------
  18. I think we'll get on just fine...1 I am going to have to do something about the footnotes though. I can't stop using them now,4 but it may annoy some people if I use them to this extent in the forum as a whole... Spoiler Tags! From now, all footnotes will be spoiler tagged.5 --------
  19. I've barely been here longer than you,1 but still; welcome! -------- 1 I joined 17 hours and 35 minutes before you!
  20. Welcome to Canterlot, Master Mustang. I wish I had your dedication, I used to have TKD lessons, but didn't stick with it long enough to get very far. I get the feeling that me and mental discipline would never really get on well.1 I have to say, I envy you for having something you're so passionate about; I've never really found anything I feel I could actually devote myself to studying. -------- 1 Mental discipline is against my religion anyway.
  21. Thank you again to everyone who's taken the time to welcome me, although no one seems to have taken note of the question I was most interested to see what people's responses would be.1 Kryptchild - If you're friend was really like me, they may share my trait of getting along well with pretty much everyone.2 As for your last statement... it perplexes me. I can think of several possible interpretations, but none seem to fit. Perhaps I'm just being dense... Chapien - Refined? I'm honestly not sure whether that adjective could be applied to me.4 I'll take it in the spirit it was meant, however, and I find I must compliment you on your taste in headwear. shyshy - Howdy yourself Deadpool - That is probably the nicest way in which I've been compared to a terrorist. I'm rather proud of my vocabulary5 so thank you. starswirlthebearded - I've honestly never used footnotes this way before,11 but it's a lot of fun. I may have to keep doing it, at least until someone tells me to stop. As far as alternative adjectives go, how about Equinaut? MyLittlePonyTales - Thanks By the way, reading back my first post having had some sleep, it seems I didn't actually say much about my interests and personality, choosing instead to try and make myself sound complex and deep.12 So here goes. I'm a massive sci-fi geek, a bibliophile,13 a gamer,14 and I have a great deal of passion for music. Name a genre and I probably like something in it. So, any questions? -------- 1 See footnote 13 in my first post. 2 In my case with, only one notable exception,3 I tend to like everyone. My close friends include bronies, film nerds, squaddies and a chap I'm pretty certain is planning a fascist dictatorship with himself at the helm. 3 And I don't really feel comfortable talking about that here. 4 On the one hand, I tend to wear a three piece suit at all times, and smoking a pipe could be seen as refined. I have an extensive vocabulary,5 I tend to talk with an RP6 accent7 and my favourite radio station is BBC Radio 4.8 On the other, I swear a great deal,9 love a good mosh pit, and one of my favourite activities is running around in the woods, whacking people with foam swords and shooting them with nerf guns. You'll have to make up your own mind. 5 My favourite word is "Callipygian"10 6 Received Pronunciation, not Role Play. 7 At least around people I don't know well. 8 The comedies are sublime. 9 To the extent that I've had to go through all of my posts here to make sure I don't post anything too objectionable. 10 Ooh, footnote 5 is referenced twice! That pleases me. 11 Although I'm a big fan of Terry Pratchett, who uses them in a similar manner, but far more sparingly and to greater effect. 12 I'm complex and shallow, but tell no one. 13 I haven't read many of the classics, just loads and loads of SF&F, with a healthy dose of whatever catches my eye. 14 PC and 360
  22. I don't doubt that for a second, Star. It's just the wider context of how getting labelled1 fits in with the wider context of who I am.3 -------- 1 Even with a label that I freely accept2 as being objectively a good thing. 2 And indeed requested in an indirect way. 3 See above.4 4 If you can stand to read through that fauxlosophical claptrap a second time...
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