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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. Shalidor looked around, nervous around so many folk.
  2. Shalidor walked outside, sword and frisbee drawn. He saw the Hunter, and flung the Disc at the chopper, and the tail rotor was wrecked. The chopper went down, and Shalidor caught his Disc as he walked back inside.
  3. Mandaline drew the frisbee off her back, sensing a presence. The frisbee glowed around the edges, and whirred menacingly.
  4. Balinor smiled from beneath the metal helmet. He nuzzled Zero back, taking care not to hurt her with the armor. He then stepped back, and a wide array of weapons popped up from the shoulders and arms. "Oookay, wasn't expecting that." He said in surprise.
  5. Mandaline was walking down the hall, her body covered in streaks of light. On her back was a frisbee of some sort. A visor covered one eye, and a glass eye replaced the other.
  6. Shalidor looked back outside, making sure no Hunter Choppers were coming.
  7. Shalidor opened the door, making sure her passed out sister was in plain view. "Does she drink often?" He asked.
  8. Shalidor incinerated what was left of Balinor, and sat down, putting the deadly frisbee away.
  9. Shalidor incinerated what was left of Balinor, and sat down, putting the deadly frisbee away.
  10. Shalidor walked back inside the house, dragging Balinor's lifeless body. He saw Brown Bat, and chuckled.
  11. Shalidor walked back inside the house, dragging Balinor's lifeless body. He saw Brown Bat, and chuckled.
  12. Mandaline said to the robot "Wait until the Hunter Choppers get here, then launch attack." Shalidor said rebukingly "Hunter Chopper? There is no such thing!" Mandaline replied matter-of-factly "I modified a couple Hueys. They now have strengthened armor, less carry weight, and more maneuverability."
  13. Balinor nodded in agreement. "For my time period, yes. But we Guardians can time-travel, remember?" He said, opening the case. There was a slot in which he inserted his hoof. The case reacted, and the metal case shifted into a suit of armor. "Nifty." Balinor said, testing the joints.
  14. Shalidor had a couple himself but heard something outside. He slowly got up, light streaming across his body, almost like a computer circuit. A visor of sorts appeared in front of one eye, and he grasped something off his back. It looked like a frisbee. Balinor was waiting outside the door, readying a claymore. He was about to place it when Shalidor came outside. "I believe this is a civilian territory, not a war zone." Shalidor said, throwing the frisbee, and cutting the claymore, as well as Balinor's gut, clean in half.
  15. Mandaline laughed at the sight of her drones. Shalidor could only stare at the massive group, and said nothing. Then, a large and heavily armed Terminator walked up, and said "We are approaching the premisis. Awaiting order to strike."
  16. Balinor replied "Mobile Touch Interfaces. MTI's for short." After he input the core Balinir opened a closet, which contained a suitcase. It was a metallic red and silver, and shiny all over.
  17. "Sir, your guest has awoken." The robot voice said. Balinor called out "I'm in here, Zero." He then walked over to one of the floating screens, and punched in a code.
  18. Balinor walked into the room, and clapped twice. A large array of levitating screens popped up, and a mechanical voice said "Welcome back, sir. I trust your Crusades run well?" Balinor replied "Yeah, just open up the SSFBS initiative."
  19. Shalidor raised an eyebrow, and a streak of light was visible through his cloak. He said "Well, I see you have no booze shortage."
  20. Shalidor could only smile as he watched Bat.
  21. Shalidor eventually came to a stop at a bench, and sat down.
  22. Shalidor sipped from his glass, offering done to Bat.
  23. Shalidor was slowly walking down the same path, although not for the same reason. The dark pony looked around menacingly. The look was unintentional, but muscle memory didn't help.
  24. Shalidor shook his head, and said "I would tell you if I did. Unfortunately, I don't"
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