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Everything posted by DreamySunday

  1. Yeah, it's nice playing P3P Fem route because you can actually up your social links by just befriending your opposite gender friends instead of just nailing all of them. As much as I like the male MC that always bugged me. Dreamy is faithful to Yukari darn it But I need that Orpheus Telos....
  2. Yeah, it is. It's why I don't proofread my posts before posting them. I just post my perfection when I finish typing it
  3. Yeah, like I said, that's how you improve. Keep trying! And you'll get better. However! How do you switch Callums name to Thomas Not three paragraphs later and not go back and change that!? XD
  4. Nah, the problems I have are more structural. Some sentences don't make sense or are just utilized incorrectly. It just feels weird to read. That being said, that's how progress is made. So keep going shadow! I'd like to edit add, I totally know you can apply everything I just said to my things. So you know. yeah Also yes. Pyro! Get on it too! WE all need to write a fic.
  5. Eh, it didn't grab me super hard. It has some problems. I'll give it a few more chapters before I make my decision.
  6. I couldn't help but notice these things(among others)while reading this fic, Midnight left the cafe without paying, and Johnathan and Callum became Jonathan and Thomas not even two paragraphs after getting their names...
  7. The word censor was loosened recently. So unless you have a lot of sexual content and generous peppering of the F-words you should be fine.
  8. Don't worry! I'm sure it'll be fine <gets popcorn> tbh, If you do upload it I will probably only be able to read it in the (eastern canadian) morning.
  9. I love tragic neoXroman! Shadow, are you just stalling because your scared and or not done?
  10. I'd like to apprehend your...suspect? That sounded cooler in my head >.> I really need need to build the motivation to play though all the mothers.
  11. Good, give me a reason to kick your ass. With her assault feeling justified, Andrea decided to take it up a notch. Realizing that Her prey, although maybe not as much as herself, was very nimble, Andrea knew that she was not only going to have to anticipate her preys movements, but she was going to have to guide her actions. She knew exactly what had to be done. Picking up one of the light posts, Andrea slammed it from above directly in front of the prey. Figuring she would either jump it or use it as a make shift spring board, Andrea aimed and shot her blades directly for where she predicted her prey would go all the while making sure to call back any of the blades that would miss for a surprise back stab. Unknown to her prey, four(of ten) of the blades were aiming for wrists and ankles. Not to inflict damage, but rather to latch onto and constrict.
  12. Wordlessly, Andrea magnetically gripped one of the fallen street lamps and just swung it at her, like some giant bat. With that, Andrea resumed her marching toward her prey. The would be assassin reached into her coat grabbed onto "Step one". But before she pulled that out, Andrea magnetically summoned her spare retractable blades from her coat and rapidly spun them like saws. Using her arming herself as a distraction, Andrea took out a bottle of strong vinegar. She had in fact noticed that her prey had attempted to open a dialogue, but Andrea refuse it. Besides, talking while she was still in control of her sense was to risky. So she had to at least disable her nose, right? And Nothing could mess with a person sense of smell more than a snoot full of vinegar. Didn't hurt that it could sting the eyes like crazy too. The taste was just a bonus at this point. Andrea stopped her approach a few meters away from her prey, got into a fighting stance, halted her blades and aimed them right at the prey. Andrea was not one for physical one on one confrontation, lorde knows she didn't have the endurance for it, but if she was going to slam this bottle of vinegar into that face she was gonna have to find a way in.
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