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Angie Cakes

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Everything posted by Angie Cakes

  1. big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha big man hoo ha ha
  2. unfortunately the storm ended and I'm still alive so you're gonna have to keep dealing with me for a while
  3. power outages around the city and the sky just turned bright yellow even though it's normally dark out by now
  4. unrelated to cameras but I might die lmao tornado warnings and a tree hit our window already
  5. A camera is an optical instrument for recording or capturing images, which may be stored locally, transmitted to another location, or both. The images may be individual still photographs or sequences of images constituting videos or movies.The camera is a remote sensing device as it senses subjects without physical contact. The word camera comes from camera obscura, which means "dark chamber" and is the Latinname of the original device for projecting an image of external reality onto a flat surface. The modern photographic camera evolved from the camera obscura. The functioning of the camera is very similar to the functioning of the human eye. Functional description[edit] Basic elements of a modern still camera A camera may work with the light of the visible spectrum or with other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.[1] A still camera is an optical device which creates a single image of an object or scene, and records it on an electronic sensor or photographic film. All cameras use the same basic design: light enters an enclosed box through a converging lens/convex lens and an image is recorded on a light-sensitive medium(mainly a transition metal-hallide). Ashutter mechanism controls the length of time that light can enter the camera.[2] Most photographic cameras have functions th
  6. !!!deadthreaddeadthreaddeadthreaddeadthreaddeadthreaddeadthreaddeadthreaddeadthreaddeadthreaddeadthread!!! perfect time for some more Bad Art™
  7. empty your cache. it's not uncommon for the person who posted the image to be the only one to not see a broken link
  8. what am I supposed to do with this now http://orig13.deviantart.net/406b/f/2016/199/6/5/tryit_by_theblueprintforlife-daaiwo1.swf
  9. http://www.blackacrebrewing.com/hey.swf a tragedy a lost era what good is there left in this world
  10. the worst thing to happen to this site is getting rid of autoplay flash files what a bad and not good choice that was
  11. Sunday July 17th at 11:16PM is really the best time to be making christmas videos

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CatCakey


      I don't gotta

    3. Angie Cakes

      Angie Cakes

      wrong incorrect a falsehood

    4. CatCakey


      Did I mention I like to wrap presents? I also wrap birthday presents for people in this house too

  12. don't worry, the hands will only grab you if you give them permission first
  13. oh davrooothhhhh *flutters eyelashes in the right way* would you be a dear and roll over the fires in my path?
  14. why was everybody in the world born in 1996

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CatCakey


      No-one has said that tho...

    3. Angie Cakes

      Angie Cakes

      I don't know why you're just repeating what I've already said back to me but alright. I appreciate that Validation™

    4. CatCakey




  15. eeeeeh I'm not much of a fire-putter-outter. there are bigger people in this forest who will roll over the flames in my path for me if I flutter my eyelashes the right way
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