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Angie Cakes

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Everything posted by Angie Cakes

  1. also, why can't I find any episodes on youtube? usually the HD one would have been out an hour ago ._.
  2. favorite episode X3 mostly because I could really relate. I'm the older sister in my family, and I'm also the artistic type. when she was little, my little sister is the type who really doesn't know what she likes but tries her best to help her sister. I used to hate her because she always did stupid things with my art stuff. the whole episode just reminded me of us when we were little.
  3. advertisement number 1 this whole project is due next week. I'll post again when everything is done
  4. I going to post here so my signature will show up so I can click on the link too lazy to look for it
  5. I like your user name. I always pronounce it tortillera for some reason though without the total. you're just tortillera
  6. ah, this is great X3 I'm horrible at explaining things, but now I have a good neutral article to show to people who don't get it
  7. this topic so far is just a mush of things that are blowing my mind and my mind isn't blown easily
  8. clever clover is a guy!? o_O my childhood... no... Clever Clover was the tomboy that was always my secret favourite. (I always pretended to like girly things when I was little because I thought I was supposed to) also I never would've guessed any of those were guys
  9. oh, I forgot to give my opinion I really like this. even if the names aren't the ones we gave them, at least they're acknowledging us. I also feel as though there's a fluttershy mold coming sometime in the future.
  10. I just realized that blues/noteworth is a male pony toy. how many male my little pony toys have there been so far in any of the generations? I also included in my article that hasbro made thier first male pony toy, so if he actually IS thier first, then this is crazy ._.
  11. ah man D: in english class we have to write a fictional article about something related to our chosen topics (ponies for me ). I just finished writing my rough draft last weekend about this exact thing. I even had hasbro change the names for legal reasons in this article I made up. I'm not re-writing it. I hate this stupid project, I just want it to be over.
  12. I've gotten at least two, maybe three people to read cupcakes. I wasn't even trying ._. I still haven't read cupcakes
  13. I'm going to fail this class~ the only thing keeping my alive is the artwork DX anyways, back cover
  14. some very fancy male unicorns 0:45 also Twilight's dad and pierce
  15. had a halloween party last night, ate candy until I almost barfed U_U it was great today I'm just handing out candy I guess, begging for wagon wheels that I won't be allowed to eat ¬_¬
  16. mm, this is going to be a good topic skip this post, I'll draw something later when I have time
  17. ah, I forgot about this topic. I meant to join it five days ago you're a great writer X3
  18. I wake up before all of you do and go to bed before any of you ._.
  19. me and Kumaphin just got back from comic-con and we saw about 13-ish bronies. he should be uploading pictures sometime tomorrow :3
  20. this is all conversation t(ò^ót) this is how I talk with others every day
  21. mm, static electricity experiment at school? nah, I was raised in a way so now I'm super afraid of outlets and open wires. I'm always super cautious when touching them. actually, I don't think I've ever really had a bad(ish) accident before... besides the time I fell on my head
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