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Angie Cakes

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Everything posted by Angie Cakes

  1. I finished my memoir or at least my first draft X3 please tell me if there's something that sounds sort of awkward or if you can think of a way to improve it general guidlines for memoir: 250-300 words (this is 356, so it's a bit over) focus on one event should be passionate and opinionated in tone use direct and percise language can be humoros and/or serious should include specific details (who what when where why how) should reflect my character and values should evoke a strong emotion a lesson should be learned at the end of the story (if you guys can think of what the moral of the story is, then I did it right) I'm sorry, I'm not a writer -_- but I am sort of proud-ish of this. it's my first draft anyways. this story is 85% false. it's supposed to be a true or true-sounding story. embelishing is allowed teacher said so
  2. I think it was just an excuswe to have spike say "I'm a drgon!" which is one of my favourite lines from this episode btw
  3. oh yeah, I completely forgot about songs. this episode was good without a song, but now that I think of it, Zecora telling the story could've been done in song
  4. I don't know what to say, but I really enjoyed it I like how they portrayed Luna, but I hope if she shows up in a later episode, she's talking more like a normal pony. thowest likest this speaking? no it kinda bothers me, but it's good for this episode
  5. I found this: http://treehousetv.com/forums/t/5069.aspx
  6. me: "hey mom, look at this pony. his name is Derpy" mom: "what is this?" me: "I dunno. I guess he's just a stupid pony from a tv show. or maybe a fan character" mom: "why would they make a pony stupid?" me: "I don't know... I'm going to go find out"
  7. what is this? D: this is not my treehouse! of course I've never looked that far into treehouse before ¬_¬
  8. I will go google this because I've only just heard of this for the first time after Se2Ep3 aired. I have no idea where I would go about doing this google away~ EDIT: I know what it is, I just don't know where about I'd do it
  9. oh, good thing that hit the person next to me in this line of people standing in alphabetical order. that was close
  10. ah D: missing 11 hours of this really puts you behind
  11. 22 new posts since this morning? I'm not going to bother reading all those and their spoilers since the episode is tomorrow I've got my alarm to go off at 6:35 am because I have to idea what time it airs at XD I recently found out that treehouse shows my little pony, so I'm hoping that they show the new episode and I get a chance to watch it with you guys. if they don't show it I'm going to be so mad DX I'd love to watch the new episodes at the same time as everybody else instead of waiting for the internet upload I know it doesn't air as early as I'm getting up, but I'm not taking any chances~ I'm fine with watching treehouse for a few hours
  12. From the album: pokemon-type themed ponies

    grass-type pony I hope I don't flood the gallery with my drawings ._. maybe I'll just post three at a time, wait for more people to upload, then upload three more I dunno ._.
  13. :kissy: :kissy: :kissy: :kissy: :kissy: :kissy: I've been so excited for this since this topic was posted. I haven't expressed it much on canterlot, but I have been dancing around a lot and reminding both my brony and non-brony friends of it. AND IT'S TOMORROW!!!! X3
  14. I like how nobody even seems to care about winning anymore
  15. yay! you joined! YOU JOINED! X3 *acts as if I wasn't just told this on Facebook*
  16. lol, I stared at this for five minutes thinking "I'm sure I drew a pony like this before..." then I remembered that I did, 'cause I've drawn beat match before too XD
  17. wahwahwah! D: I don't have any duct tape! *tosses to tortilla*
  18. that's a screen cap? official stuff? I never would've guessed it I've seen it before, but I thought it was fan-art
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