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Angie Cakes

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Image Comments posted by Angie Cakes

  1. I know a lot of people who also tend to think that computers are cheating, and they do all the work for you.

    oh my gourd you have no idea how much I hate that DX I'm shunned away in my majors class because a good chunk of them think computer art is fake art :cry:

  2. Oh wow, Angie. This is magnificent.

    Submit it to EQD! Do it!

    ah, thank ya :^D

    and for realsies? you think I should?

    <(º∇º<)"" ah

    ""(>º∆º)> ah

    how do?

    *has never been on EQD except for when people link to specific pages on Canterlot*

    never mind, I'll poke around first before asking questions XD

  3. Smudging doesn't ruin at all unless you're after a harder look.For some things, especially smooth or web subjects it's just perfect!Example (remind me to make a proper scan some day):

    *snips picture for space saving*

    ah, I do a lot of finger smudging gradients, I just normally prefer to save them for my realistic drawings :3 (no pictures because all my drawings are at school)

    I also don't use them very often so I'm not as good at them as I am at... whatever you would call not finger smudging a gradient XD I have some art friends who do amazing finger smudging, but can't draw a gradient for the life of them

  4. My brother once told me finger-smudging was the cheaters way to do gradients. I told him he was an idiot. Looks great!

    if anything, it's the way to ruin gradients XD I only finger smudged because it's faster then colouring the whole paper :P it ended up giving me an interesting look though :3

  5. Maybe what she needs are winged shoes? Kind of like hermes has? (still was recognizable without.)

    ah, what I was getting at is that since she's an earth pony there's no way to know she's a humanized pony unless you knew she was a pony in the first place :\ if she was a pegasus, I would add winged shows for definitely X3

  6. That's very cute. :3Why not putting it into the Drawfriend for February?

    I was really torn between drawfriends and avatar folder ._. I went with this because then all my avis would be here. I was thinking about deleting it from here and re-uploading there, but it already has comments XD

  7. Fun! I love how RD looks great, because I can picture her as robot, and Rarity looks strange because I cannot.

    ah, Rari-bot is my favourite because she's the one I see as the most robotic XD you know all those sci-fi movies that take place in the future and everything is clean and white with rounded edges? that's what I was picturing when I made this.

    this is also the main reason why I love macs so much :P

  8. My only complaint is the outer glow doesn't bring forward the text, the glow needs to be brighter and more even around the letters to really bring the text forward and make it easiest to read.Other than that it is excellent and you did a really good job on Vinyl! :D

    ah, thank ya :3

    yeah, I noticed that too. it was already 10 at night and this was due the next day, so I decided not to fix it :^P it looked better when I printed it anyways

  9. if I can ask ^_^ how did You make this costume Angie? Some tips or anything? Just curious, maybe will use same way for my characters.But to be honest looks very good :3 nice job here.

    thank ya X3

    ah, how did I make it? ah, I drew out my pony on paper first. then after I have the base I drew the clothes and the hair. I scanned it into my computer and traced and coloured it in anime studio :3

    for tips, ah, pay attention to the shape of the pony and make sure the clothes look like they fit well? I don't really know what I would give as a "tip" :P it's just something that comes with practice

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