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Everything posted by TheAmazingDashie

  1. Hey ev'rypony! I have a band in Reno named 'The Stereo Killers'. I'm the lead singer and songwriter of the band! We have a, coined, punkabilly sound which range from Stone Temple Pilots, The Stray Cats, and Green Day. I have a video here from our channel! Check us out on Facebook (The Stereo Killers) or on our website (stereokillers.com). Let me know what you think! Honest opinions!!! WARNING! The following video contatins ONE explicit lyric. So viewers caution! Promise I warned yah! Live performance of a song I wrote named 'Inability'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqW37kcHF4k&feature=plcp
  2. *crying face* This. I almost broke my laptop when I collected 7/8 pages...and turned on ACCIDENT and he grabbed me. In a nutshell: My soul was taken from my body, thrust into the sky using a Hadouken. Slender then proceeded to grab my face and nom nom nom it until it was nothing but oatmeal. My laptop lurched from my lap and into the air, luckily I caught it, but I screamed at the pitch of a five-year old girl.
  3. I'm an XBOXLive player! Add me! I'm fun, I promise! GT: TheAmazingDash
  4. - Beat 'Dead Space 2' on 'Zealot' difficulty W/O using your ONE save. - Beat 'The Endless Setlist 3' on 'Rock Band 3' w/ Expert PRO Drums W/O No-Fail mode on. (SO close...>-<) - Go through 'LoZ: Ocarina of Time' W/O yelling, groaning, sighing stressfully, or screaming at Navi for saying 'listen', 'look', or 'hey'.
  5. I agree with that. I LOVED and HATED 'Dead Space', mostly because it scared me so much. Then I heard about the release of its sequel and I was very excited! But...the first playthrough or so, there were a few jumpscares but nothing REALLY up to par with its predecessor. Indeed, DS2 was intended for gore and failing at big jumpscares. The third is going to be the same I feel, but who knows until you try it? My favorite games to play that are of the horror genre? Amnesia: The Dark Descent The Condemned Series F.E.A.R. Nightmare House 2 (HL2 Source Mod) Alan Wake Dead Space Slender Ju-On: The Haunted House Simulator The Calling Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Silent Hill 3 Fatal Frame
  6. So in conclusion of the Dark Knight series... I. Freaking. LOVED. It. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! ALERT! ALERT! AVERT! So, from the beginning, I found that DKR (Dark Knight Rises) was going to be a good version of an M. Night Shamalyan (sp?) movie. The opening scene was a surprise as it almost seemed like I was watching a live-action Call of Duty cutscene. But, the moment I heard Bane's voice, I shuddered; I consider his performance in this movie creepier than Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in 'the Dark Knight'. *hears boos* Sorry, but that's my opinion. I seriously got chills as his dark, beady eyes would stare into my soul as he delivered his lines. I was confused though as I had NOT spotted a Poison Ivy at all in the movie. Thus, drew me to the conclusion (as my friend sat next to me who had seen it before me) that Miranda Tate was Poison Ivy. Upon asking my friend this, he replied with a simple 'no'. So, I went on, confused. As the movie progressed, I was a little skeptical on how Anne Hathaway would do at playing the sexy, sleek, and sarcastic Catwoman. To be honest, I was quite surprise! IN A GOOD WAY! Hathaway's role as Selina Kyle was perfectly played. So great and just...surprising! I liked how it was an 8 year gap between 'The Dark Knight' and 'The Dark Knight Rises'. Though, what happened to Joker? Understanding that Ledger's death could've been and was most likely the main cause of the disappearance of the Joker, but it was NEVER really explained in the movie itself; not even for a minute! I was a little disappointed in that, but still sat through the flick. Long story short, as things progressed SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILER, I wondered WHY THE HECK I hadn't seen Poison Ivy! We finally see an apparition of Raa's Al Ghoul, we get a 'hint' that Officer Blake would become Robin, and then we figure out some backstory behind Bane's existence...BUT! Was Bane not a creation of Poison Ivy? That's why I continued to look for it. Then of course, as I guessed earlier in the film, Miranda Tate turns out to be Talia Al Ghoul. Oh. My. GOD. That was the BEST way to reveal her in this movie. I was really surprised she was even IN this movie! Either way, the revelation of Talia Al Ghoul in this movie just made me so happy. I literally left the theater in joy! All in all, 'the Dark Knight Rises' is a MUST-SEE movie! It's action-packed, creepy, clever, sometimes funny, and the most accurate Batman movie to date (besides the Dark Knight). Besides the fact of how Bane exists, this movie was spot on and fantastic! GO SEE IT!!!
  7. I really like her sound! Her voice is actually really cool; it's a tone I look for in female singers. And I love the sudden Rockabilly/Folksy sound during the chorus. I kinda sense a mix between Avril Lavigne, Mumford & Sons, and a bit of Lacey from 'Flyleaf'. Definitely makes me happy! I think I have a new favorite group! 5/5 This song right here has become my favorite song (so far) of 2012. I've loved Owl City for a while since I first heard 'Fireflies' and the rest of his album (Ocean Eyes). This song came out and I was a little hesitant of checking out ANY songs off the album after hearing 'Good Time' with up and coming Carly Rae Jepsen. But I'm glad I checked this out because it's a great contemporary with a sad message, but at the same time a comforting exposition. Check it out!!!
  8. I saw a few good ones recently (The Watch, Dark Knight Rises, etc). Those were really good movies! I also saw 'The Dictator' for the first time. That was hilarious as well! I'm SO stoked for the 'Carrie' remake with Chloe Grace Moretz. Should be interesting; can't wait to see how she plays the role. Also, I'm excited to see 'the Apparition'. Looks scary actualy. O.o Uhm, though out of all of them, I would have to say I've been waiting and waiting and WAITING for 'The Hobbit'. I'm SOOOO excited!
  9. About Myself: I'm RBD, or Arthur. I'm 17 from Reno, Nevada. I'm the lead singer of a band and I cosplay Rainbow Dash locally and eventually in California as well. I'm a senior in high school and the proud president of Brony Club! So yeah! I'm friendly and nice, so hit me up? I love roleplaying! So much fun! How I found Canterlot.com: I searched up any My Little Pony roleplay sites, and I found this at the top. Thought I'd check it out, yah know? How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My friends on Xbox Live decided to show me a few episodes and I loved it. So I instantly became the Rainbow Dash of the group. And eventually, I moved on to own a Brony Club at my school and cosplay as Rainbow Dash at our local conventions. My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash So pretty much I believe the stuff up top that I filled out explains everything, but here we go! Hiya! I'm Rainbow Dash, or Dashie as my friends call me. I'm 17 from Reno and I'm an avid roleplayer, cosplayer, and writer. I'm the lead singer in a band here in Reno, called the Stereo Killers. I cosplay Rainbow Dash at our local conventions, and eventually at SacAnime and other awesome Cali conventions. I believe I will have fun here and I hope you guys like me~
  10. TheAmazingDashie

    Just Me <3

    A few photos of the silly and crazy (and amazing) Dashie!
  11. TheAmazingDashie

    RBD Cosplay

    These are a few shots of my Rainbow Dash cosplay! Hope you like them! And tell me what yah think!
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