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Ebon Mane

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Everything posted by Ebon Mane

  1. Bramble beat me to saying it. Don't give up! Make it the best story you can, even if it's not up to your standards. There's nothing wrong with being inexperienced, and nobody writes perfectly (Or even well) their first time. Writing stories that people enjoy is very rewarding, but you can't get there without writing a lot of stuff that's... well... somewhere between mediocre and terrible. At least, that's how it worked for me; I wrote terribly for years before I figured out a style that works for me and that many people perceive as decent.
  2. I assume it was profile data, which is pretty much assumed to be public.
  3. I second this notion. If there were a live action version of this, Hero Spike would be played by Bruce Campbell. It's all in the chin.
  4. Agreed, and some people liked Creatures, but I personally don't think I wrote it very well. I wrote it after not having put pen to paper for fiction writing for over two years, near enough, and I didn't remember quite how much description is too much, and how to work it into dialog well. I love the ship, and I think it's the right scene, but I didn't do it justice in how I wrote it. Someday, I'll go back and do it right, but until then, I'll learn from what I did wrong in it.
  5. Yeah, it pretty much is. I wrote Creatures of the Night, What Rarity Needs, Ships That Pass in the Night, and The Three Notes. They were met with varying levels of want. I'm not particularly fond of Creatures, but I can't deny that I did it, even if I shouldn't have.
  6. It has potential, and though it's a little over dramatic for my taste, it could be what you were going for. Still, I'm not sure leading with that scene would be the best way of presenting the story, if you're going for a narrative rather than just a character backstory. This even seems like the sort of thing that might be better as an event that's flashed back to, or that's talked about, thought about, and implied rather than outright shown. Of course, that's a stylistic choice, so there's no wrong answer, just answers that are easier to present well than others. In any case, everyone starts out crappy at writing. The only ways to get better are to read more and (most importantly) write more. So don't stop writing; I'm looking forward to seeing the finished version of this, when you're done. Also, "I gave birth to you!", isn't that generally something that could only be said by a mother? The way I've seen that phrase used, it's the mother that gives birth to someone, not the father.
  7. Conspiracy? Sabotage? Derpy Hooves?
  8. Ebon Mane

    Body of water?

    Favorite type of body of water in general? The type of ice cold stream that forms high in the mountains from snowpack run-off and is shaded by dense forest. For best results, enjoy after a long hike on a sunny summer afternoon. Favorite body of water in specific? The Wire Lakes, in the Emigrant Wilderness of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Clear as glass, cold as ice, surrounded by the semi-barren beauty of the high-altitude Sierras.
  9. My group of friends has one guy that doesn't watch it, and we sort of give him a hard time for not liking it. Sometimes, it feels a bit like opposite world.
  10. Originally? Rule 34 thread on /b/. I got better! More or less...
  11. Ebon Mane

    Rubba Duckies

    I prefer baths, but rarely have the opportunity these days.
  12. Hello y'all, I'm a 23 year old male from sunny California. I've failed in more ways than many people my age, but I'm hanging on. I've failed to get a degree in mathematics, failed to complete a networking certification, failed to get a database administration associates, and been kicked out of the Marine Corps, but I don't intend to give up yet. I've enjoyed the journey. Currently, I'm nocturnal due to working nights as an administrator on duty in a network operations center. I play too much WoW, take too few credits at a local community college, and am involved in ponies just the right amount. I have no skill for drawing or illustration, but I write fanfiction; you can find it at http://ebonmane.deviantart.com/. This forum looks like it has the potential to be awesome, and it's easier on the eyes than the other one I've seen. I hope I enjoy my time here.
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