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Posts posted by RarityDash

  1. "Yep my mommy is also a fashion designer. I love fashion as much as Razor loves racing and flying. And yeah I know my big brother as much as he knows himself."

    [colour=#663399]"You don't say?" [/colour]Rarity started, somewhat surprised to hear this. [colour=#663399]"Would I know her from any of the big fashion magazines? Well... perhaps not if she's mostly known in Aquelia. All the same, a big part of this job is keeping one eye toward one's peers at any given time."[/colour]

    The mare gave a stiff nod as she considered it.[colour=#663399] "Actually, I have to say I am most curious. I don't know very much at all when it comes to Aquelian fashion. It could prove rewarding to investigate!"[/colour]

    "Hmmm. Well I know Razor will want to have his wings free. Heh, last time he felt his wings being bound he went crazy and slashed up several dresses mommy had been making. Oh boy she had been mad."

    "Mad....is not the word to use...."

    Rarity shook at the thought. There was little worse for an artist than to have her art needlessly destroyed. She could definitely sympathize with the mother of these two. It brought to her mind vivid memories of Sweetie getting out of hoof. She'd definitely have to keep it in mind and make sure she did her best to please this customer. She didn't want any temperamental griffons wrecking her wares. Hopefully the sister would help her rein him in and not goad him too hard. She was going to put her faith in her customers for now; hopefully it didn't prove to be a mistake.

    "Oh it wasn't that bad. But try to avoid damaging anything Miss Rarity has here. That would be very mean. Now, I think something that matches your feathers in colour. Do you have anything like that Miss Rarity? Hmmm, something like a coat to go around his chest. It shouldn't restrict his wings, so if we want something on his back perhaps a cloak. Maybe we can also design his feathers on his head to give them better style."

    Rarity nodded at all the suggestions from the younger griffon. Glimmer had a real knack for fashion given her age. Rarity liked what she was hearing at least. She offered a smile in return.

    [colour=#663399]"Excellent suggestions, darling," she said with a nod. "I have fabric in all sorts of colours, and if I don't have it I know where to get it."[/colour] The mare moved aside to her fabric store then and rolled out a long roll of bluish-gray fabric that matched the male griffon's feathers in colour almost perfectly. [colour=#663399]"Does this look about right?"[/colour] She rolled out a second fabric then, this one a similar colour but rather than matching his feathers exactly was a few tones darker in colour. [colour=#663399]"Or perhaps it should be a little darker for flair?"[/colour]

    [colour=#663399]"A coat with room for the wings is no trouble; I've done many such pieces for more fashionable pegasus stallions," [/colour]Rarity started, continuing to consider the suggestions. [colour=#663399]"As for a cloak, I could definitely do that. I once studied historical fashion for a quite successful line of ruffled taffeta capes... and while I doubt your brother here would want that sort of thing exactly, in the process I believe I learned quite a bit about capes and cloaks. It would be no trouble." [/colour]

    [colour=#663399]"Nor would styling his feathers, of course,"[/colour] she added with a final nod. [colour=#663399]"I can do it all!"[/colour]

    "What got you into fashion anyway?"

    Razor's question made Rarity smile slightly. She knew from experience that for the not so fashion minded, the idea of pursuing such a career was not a very welcoming one. It must be baffling to some why exactly she elected to be a fashionista, while to her it was just second nature. She gave a polite nod to the griffon and then a small laugh.

    [colour=#663399]"Well... much like your sister, I think I'd say a lot of it traces back to the parents... except not quite the same way in my case,"[/colour] Rarity said with slight embarrassment. [colour=#663399]"You see... my parents, wonderful as they are, are quite far from the most fashionable of ponies. As a very young foal, I suppose I was all too conscious of that, and just felt I wanted something different. The young me dreamed about being swept off my feet by some handsome prince to Canterlot to live a life of class and luxury, and I think it was in how deeply I regarded that ideal that I began to get interested in popular fashion like that seen in Canterlot..."[/colour]

    Rarity shook her head and gave another laugh. [colour=#663399]"Of course, I had no confidence at it at all at first. It wasn't until the day I finally got my cutie mark that I was first happy with something I made. After that, I found my confidence and recognizing it ponies all around started to encourage me. Eventually, with lots of work, that brought me here,"[/colour] the mare concluded, sighing softly as she reminisced.

  2. [colour=#7F0000]“The uniform? Oh, this – isn’t it terrible? I do so dislike it. Give me armor any day; you know, I’ve never really been one for the pomp and ceremony of the army, and probably wouldn’t have bothered with tonight if you hadn’t agreed to come along.”[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Sierra gave a chuckle at the response. It was exactly the sort of thing she'd expect her darling brother to say. He had always been humble stallion, and the sort to be most comfortable standing proud in the armor of the guard. It was a relief to see he wasn't one to change needlessly. All the same, he really did look cool and dignified in his uniform. She was positive that were he to hit the dance floor at this ball, the mares wouldn't hesitate to queue up for a dance. She'd have to tease him more about it later.[/colour]

    [colour=#7F0000]“However, may I say that you look absolutely stunning in that cape, Sierra? It suits you perfectly!”[/colour]

    [colour=#cc99ff]"Well, figured I gotta wear something... and there isn't much that suits us dragons," [/colour][colour=#000000]she responded to the compliment with a laugh. [/colour]

    [colour=#cc99ff]"Thanks though. I'm gonna stand out, so it is better if I look good..."[/colour][colour=#000000] she added kind of shyly. She really wasn't one for this kind of thing. Crowds had a tendency of making her self-conscious. Big crowds could even make her anxious. She really hadn't been sure about coming to the ball at first, but a chance to see Hammer again was worth any discomfort.[/colour]

    “So tell me sister, where have your adventures been taking you lately? I hear you’ve been travelling all over the wide, known world! It’s so strange to be back in Canterlot after gallivanting all over the place, isn’t it?”

    [colour=#000000]The dragoness smiled at this question. She enjoyed discussing her travels. Really, exploring the world, seeing different sites, that was her element. Hammer of course knew this, which was probably why he was so quick to ask her about it all. She gave a sharp nod before opening her mouth.[/colour]

    [colour=#cc99ff]"Well, it wasn't too long ago that I got back from a voyage of many months down to Unyasi, if you can believe it. Such an exotic and lively land that is! We saw so many new things there. Quite the experience,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she said, nodding some more. This particular had been her first time in Unyasi, and had left her with a lot interesting memories, especially since it had happened with such an interesting and varied crew.[/colour]

    [colour=#cc99ff]"Other than that, I've mostly been called upon for the usual sorts of excursions. Everfree, the badlands, the swamplands in Aquelia. I'm still the dragon to call on for anypony wanting to trek through any of Equestria's rougher spots,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she continued, giving it some thought. There wasn't as much recently quite as memorable as Unyasi, though her excursions were almost always fun. [/colour][colour=#cc99ff]"I have a few Arctic excursions coming up; that area has become a lot more popular what with that Crystal Empire that's apparently up there now."[/colour]

    She gave a small laugh and a sigh. [colour=#cc99ff]"I haven't been down toward Canterlot in I don't know how long. These days I don't even tend to spend very much time at home in Breakbeak before I have some other trip to leave on,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she added.[/colour]

  3. [colour=#0000FF]"Well, we have enough paint and enough paper, why don't we do both? We can draw each other, and do some cooperative hoof-painting. Be a fun way to get dirty, hopefully without making too big of a mess of the house,"[/colour]

    [colour=#CC0033]“Woo-hoooo! [/colour][colour=#CC0033]I’ll fetch what we need now, but it’ll get messy. Please catch anything that accidently falls, okie dokie?”[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Dazzle smiled. It sounded like the plan was set! She had to say it seemed like it would be fun too. Painting with friends had to be great. [/colour]

    [colour=#33cc33]"You got it, Dancer!"[/colour][colour=#000000] Dazzle started with a dumb smile and a little salute. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She took up position behind the mare as she received the hoofpaint jars and did her best to catch everything she dropped, running from side to side as she did. Dancer was dropping lots of things though, and soon it became too much. Dazzle couldn't get to ever single pencil, pen, ink bottle, brush, and miscellaneous something that came shooting out her way. She did her best to try though, and soon had a huge stack gathered with her magic... that was, until she happened to trip over a large eraser and fall over on her face, dropping everything all around her in the process.[/colour]

    [colour=#CC0033]“Alright... unless anypony objects, I say that Icy should paint me, I paint Dazzle, and Dazzle paints Icy. Does that sound good to you?”[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Dancer spoke again as she retrieved the hoofpaints finally.[/colour]

    [colour=#33cc33]"Sounds... uh... good to me..."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Dazzle muttered, still on the ground, surrounded by assorted ends.[/colour]

  4. ((ooc: opening with a brief Serendipity post, just to respond to interaction)

    [colour=#0000FF]"Don't you look confident,"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]At these words, Serendipity's eyes traced their way to a nearby mare. She was a blue pegasus with a curly mane. The lavender mare had to say she wasn't at all bad to look at. She had the right sort of look in her eyes. Looking at her made Seren wonder just how this event was gonna work. She wouldn't mind getting to know a mare like this one a little better.[/colour]

    [colour=#000033]"Well take a long look, cutie. You'll notice that a mare of my caliber has every reason for confidence,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]the mare said with a flirty giggle.[/colour]

    [colour=#000033]"Besides. What reason is there to really fret over anything?"[/colour] [colour=#000000]the mare added after a pause, smirking. [/colour][colour=#000033]"Moments spent worrying are moments a mare could spend enjoying herself instead."[/colour]

    Date #1

    [colour=#000000]Harlequin was kinda surprised to hear her number called for the very first date. It took her aback and made her somewhat nervous. She was generally a fairly easygoing mare, but she really just didn't have a lot of experience with the whole dating thing... or at least not successful experience. When her eyes found the stallion who she had evidently been paired with, she just got all the more nervous. He was a handsome brown pegasus with a strong build. He also had a sword at his side for some reason. Whoa! That was different. Was he REA or just some weirdo? it was hard to say, but she had to say he looked pretty cool. How was she, some mop-headed splotched coat scatterbrained earth mare supposed to impress a guy like this one?[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She needed to make a good first impression. Part of her considered going up to him and introducing herself in a quiet and earnest fashion. This was speed dating though, so that simply wouldn't do! She needed to make her impression and she needed to make it big and immediate. Just as she did when trying to get the attention of a crowd she wanted to sample her foods, she needed to go as big as possible. She was selling this pony on her after all, so why not employ all of her theatrics? Sure, he'd likely just think she was insane; a lot of ponies did. Wasn't that better then being forgettable though?[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Harlequin stood suddenly atop her barstool and then leapt toward the stallion, landing somewhat clumsily on her back hooves. She gave a showy, ridiculous pose and then a single stiff nod.[/colour] [colour=#ff3399]"Behold! Carried home to Fillydelphia on the Manhattan breeze, prodigious visionary of the culinary arts, celebrity chef extraordinaire of the not too distant future... She is, number ten, Harlequin Salad, and here on this fateful day she does make her destined stand before you!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]the mare announced loudly and dramatically before finding her way back onto all four hooves[/colour].

    [colour=#ff3399]"It is my great honor, good sir!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she added with another nod and a dumb smile.[/colour]

    • Like 1
  5. Gilda was still wondering what exactly she had gotten herself wrapped up in. Desperation had pushed her to sign up on this mysterious quest to take some black opal from a pack of slobbering mutts. It didn't sound particularly difficult. No, as far as tasks went this sounded like one Gilda could accomplish in her sleep. The hard part here was the fact that she had to flock with a bunch of featherbrains as they went after the blasted thing. Whoever wanted this thing had gotten the bright idea to hire a pack of griffons to grab it. Gilda wasn't entirely sure why so many squawkers were needed for something that seemed to simple, or really anything about the one who had hired them all. All she did know is that being a team player wasn't exactly her style.

    She didn't have a lot of good things to say about this particular team either. The de facto leader of the team was some nurse named Heidi. She had a very anti-fun, group nanny attitude going that could be quite grating. The rest of the band could be just as irritating; one, Falco, was an aged ex-marine convinced he deserved her respect for it, another, Razor was a complete hothead. Then there was Miasma, who seemed to act like she knew all and was just hot stuff. Rounding them out was Zelda, a griffon with and odd sense of style and a fairly standard good guy attitude. The train ride, needless to say, had not been a lot of fun. And now Gilda had to spend even more time this lot. She could preemptively feel the headache it was going to give her.

    "Alright everyone! We're here. Remember, if any Diamond Dogs ask what we're doing here tell them we're on vacation. It may look suspicious, but we can't let them find out that we're trying to take the Black Opal home with us."

    Heidi spoke as they reached the train station. Gilda sighed as she looked out across the wide spanning Painted Pinto Desert. Traversing this on the way toward Gaberott wasn't going to be a lot of fun.

    [colour=#996699]"I know these dogs are supposed to be stupid, but I can't see anyone believing any self-respecting intelligent creature would visit this wasteland on vacation,"[/colour] Gilda scoffed, rolling her eyes.

    [colour=#996699]"Then again, they do live out here for some reason, so who knows,"[/colour] she added with a small shrug.
  6. Hi there. :)

    This is a good application and I'd be happy to stamp it now. However I have one issue with what I'm seeing that I would want addressed before that. I'm really not sure about the character's name. To be twitchy is to either be characteristically anxiety ridden or to posses a visible physical twitch, neither a particularly positive trait. We prefer characters not be given names with negative connotations, as the idea of the parents giving these names to their children doesn't really fit with the spirit of FiM or WoE. As such, we would prefer if another name was chosen.

    Thanks! ;)

  7. Well, that depends. At the moment, Canterlot.com offers two separate, very different RP environments, World of Equestria and Free RP.

    For the World of Equestria RP, effort is made to stick as closely as we can to show canon. For this section, all lore for species or locations is written by a dedicated team of Lore Builders and original species not seen in the show are not allowed at all. If you're intent is to introduce your species here, you will not be able to.

    The Free RP sections, however, are more anything goes. In these sections you are free to play any kind of species you want to so long as the site's rules are obeyed. You don't even need to submit character applications either, you can just jump right in and start RPing if you so choose. :)

  8. [colour=#000000]Harlequin Salad had come to Fillydelphia for a week to visit her parents when and old friend had clued her in to the speed dating event happening that week down at a local tavern. Being a mare who didn't exactly have a lot of luck on the romantic end, Harlequin had decided to go ahead and check it out. She was after all, interested in finding a special somepony, it had just been illusive for her thus far. She had a lot of friends, but just not a lot of romantic prospects. Most ponies seemed to find her too silly and weird, and if ever they got around to tasting the food the aspiring chef proudly prepared, they would invariably want to sever all ties. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Yeah, romance seemed to just lead to disaster for the pink-maned mare, but being the sort of pony who didn't even comprehend how to give up, she was set on making just the right connection there that day. She just needed to try her best and she was sure her obvious charm and likability would pull her through. She kept that in mind as she found a form and began to fill it out quietly. She had to think about some of the questions more than most mares probably would think to, but in time it was all filled out and ready to go.[/colour]

    [colour=#cc6600]"It'll be worth your while to come to the Prancing Pony Tavern in Fillydelphia."[/colour]

    Those were the words that, along with a date and time, had brought Radiant Steel to this place at this hour. The guardsmare wondered just how foolish she was to follow them. Every other sentence uttered to her by her mischievous brother was some manner of tease or jape. Ever since they were foals, Dagger had delighted in tormenting her with his irreverent nonsense. Now, despite him being a celebrated REA lieutenant, he had apparently yet to grow up. Upon hearing his words to her, she had supposed that she would come to this place and find some must meet VIP whom mingling with could push along her young REA career. Instead, she found the place preparing for a speed dating event.

    Considering it now, she felt she owed it to herself to question Dagger further, but he was all too good at being slippery... and even when he did tease her over something, from experience she had found that more often than not he was frustratingly right. Even in this case... she did have to admit this event did sort of intrigue her. She had often felt intrigued by the idea of romance, but never did it seem to get very far. She had a bad habit of taking most things too seriously...while at other times being a nervous, neurotic wreck who over thought every little thing. She doubted the line of prospects who were interested in her was very long. Just maybe through this event she'd find somepony though. It was at least worth a shot since she was here, she supposed though she had a lot of doubts. She tried in vain to keep away the thoughts that she might be wasting her time as she sat in an isolated corner of the tavern and filled out the form for the event.

    [colour=#000000]Serendipity's wanderlust had once again propelled her from her home in Las Pegasus. Fillydelphia wasn't the most exciting city to her. Really she had intended for it to have just been a waypoint on a trip to Manehattan. As it were, however, while there, she had heard word of an event happening at the local tavern. Speed dating. For the lively casino dealer, it sounded like a great deal of fun. She loved meeting ponies, especially interesting ponies. While she doubted there was a pony alive who could tie her down, the novel idea still just read as a fun opportunity to make some new connections. At the very least she'd hopefully collect a few new entires for her treasured notebook.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She collected the form for the event and filled it out without really reading it. It didn't really matter to her. She knew how amazing she was, and anyone who met her would know the same almost instantly. To get this point across, at the bottom of the form, she wrote [/colour][colour=#000033]"I'm the mare everypony here wants to leave with <3"[/colour][colour=#000000] She then smiled and leaned back on her barstool, gave a laugh and adjusted her sunglasses. This was going to be a lot of fun.[/colour]
  9. [colour=#000000]Looking at Alexandrite Tilt, imperial palace guard and champion jouster, one might not assume that she would be a fan of the finer arts. This assumption couldn't, however, be further from the truth. Alexandrite considered herself to be as much an artist and performer as she was an athlete. In the jousting arena, she was putting on a show, a drama by which to enrapture the crowds. Perhaps this wasn't to uncommon a thought; jousting was the favorite sport of her kind, and crystal ponies were said to by their nature be in tune with all things artistic. She didn't doubt the drama of the joust was noticed by many and lent to its popularity. For Alexandrite at least, exquisite art resonated with her as deeply as the fiercest joust. That is why going to see the Trillion company's production of La Bayamare had been so very exciting for her. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She was fond of ballet what with the grace and athleticism the art called for and the emotions it could convey but she hadn't found the time to go to one since she was a filly, well before the rise of the dark king. Not too long ago, however, she had happened to meet Lilac Briolette, prima ballerina of the Trillion Ballet, at the gates of the city and the two of them had ended up spending a day together leading a tour of their fair Crystal Empire to a number of strange outsider. The tour had ended up being a curious ordeal in all, but Lilac had proven to be a rare delight. Vivid, charming, lovely and intelligent; she had made up for some of the more hard to deal with elements on that tour. At the days end, she had come to decide she simply must see this mare in her element.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Having just seen the opening night performance of La Batamare, Alexandrite was nothing but delighted to say she had made the right choice in coming that day. It had been one of the most moving performances the guard had ever happened to see. The tragedy, the drama, the way the dance evoked it all so expertly... the jouster had found herself moved to tears several times through the piece. Lilac was the very heart of the piece too. The prima ballerina looked so very radiant upon the stage and her movements were deeply affecting. It was impossible to take the eyes off of her as she danced and so very easy to understand why her character demanded the attention of multiple stallions. As the ballet finished, the crystal mare was left sad, but strangely uplifted and inspired by what she had just witnessed. She knew it would be something that would stick with her for some time. Moreover, she knew she would be coming back to the ballet more regularly.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Alexa was set upon letting Lilac know how exceptional she was, so she stuck around for the after party. Perhaps she didn't fit in perfectly. She was intelligent and sophisticated, but she was a soldier and champion, most comfortable in her full armor with her lance at hoof. She was sure she looked as awkward as she felt with her golden mane up in an elaborate bun and her dressed in a dress, even a fairly understated dark purple and white one like she wore. Part of her wondered if Lilac would even recognize her in such an ensemble... though she had been determined to treat the event with the formality it deserved. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She found Lilac in time at the foyer, with quite the little crowd around her. A number of well dressed outsiders seemed to have her attention. One earth stallion in particular stood out for his peculiarly loud fashion. She was presently engaged with a unicorn in a purple dinner jacket, however, who was gifting to the mare a bouquet of roses. The sight made Alexa wonder if she shouldn't too procure a bouquet to the deserving ballerina, though somehow she doubted the gesture woud mean quite so much to Lilac coming from another mare. Somewhat cautiously, hopeful not to interrupt anything, she walked up to the mare.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffff00]"Good evening, Miss Briolette. I believe I told you that I would come to see you perform. Having done so now, I find myself moved! It was a soul-stirring show, held together by the unmitigated poise, agility and charm you exhibited in the lead role,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she said with clear enthusiasm.[/colour] [colour=#ffff00]"I commend you and your company for the work you've done bringing something so beautiful to the ponies of this realm and those here from the lands beyond!"[/colour]
  10. ((ooc: oh, wow... this thread got huge... not sure how I want to involve Lyra just yet, so she's skipped for now.)

    Rarity was quite surprised not to get much of a reaction out of Spike, especially when Fluttershy joined in as well, but she supposed he must be too busy helping out to bother with their teasing. Perhaps she'd see him again later. She gave him a smile and then nodded toward the green mare and took the badge from her.

    [colour=#663399]"Thank you, darling,"[/colour] she said kindly.[colour=#663399] "But as I expressed, my intent today is to have a fabulous time. I can't very well do that if I'm stuck working behind a table, can I?"[/colour] she added.

    [colour=#663399]"That said, I do have fliers prepared which I do intend to hand out to your guests..."[/colour] Rarity said with a nod, as she opened the fancy saddlebag she wore, revealing a thick stack of papers. [colour=#663399]"I'll leave one here for you!"[/colour] she said as she retrieved a flier and left it on the desk. The flier was glossy and showed a number of dresses on it as well as details about everything Carousel Boutique offered.

    Continuing along inside, Rarity was surprised to see how busy it already was. Looking around, there were mares of all sorts gathered there, both familiar and unfamiliar. How exciting! Of course... perhaps it wasn't so exciting to some. Recalling what Fluttershy had mumbled to her in the line, she looked toward the meek pegasus and offered her a reassuring smile.

    [colour=#663399]"I know what you must be thinking, darling, but I wouldn't worry. Give this event a chance, and I am quite positive you'll have yourself a fabulous time!" [/colour]Rarity said, glancing over the yellow mare. [colour=#663399]"Look. You know a lot of these ponies... there's Lyra and Derpy and Cherry and Bon Bon, ooh and Lotus from our favorite spa!" [/colour]Rarity started, pointing out the familiar Ponyville ponies.

    Her eyes went wide as they then found some rather unexpected familiar faces in the crowd. [colour=#663399]"Oh my, even Princess Cadance and Princess Luna are in attendance! So many wonderful mares to mingle with and point toward my boutique! How exquisite!"[/colour] Rarity said in a high voice, not containing her enthusiasm.

    Looking back toward her close friend, she offered a small laugh, fearful she was pushing too hard for the other mare.[colour=#663399] "Of course, we can hold off on the mingling at first if you're uncomfortable,"[/colour] she said, offering a smile.

    The fashionista realized then that this was going to be a bit of a balancing act. One one hoof she had to meet as many new ponies as she could to pass out her fliers... on the other, she had to make sure one of her dearest of friends remained at ease in this heavy crowd. The two goals seemed diametrically opposed... but at that moment, Rarity had confidence she could pull it off.

    [colour=#ff3399]"Thanks!"[/colour] Harlequin took her badge eagerly and rushed ahead, eager to find her stage. This was going to be the perfect venue for her first bold strides toward being Equestria's greatest superstar chef extraordinaire. She was all but positive. Sure, nothing she planned ever worked. Sure, most ponies thought her food to be utterly repellant... but she was sure that with the dishes she had prepared that day it would be different. Here at this EQGirls Con, she, Harlequin Salad, would make dance the palates of every mare so bold as to sample what she had to serve. She had unending confidence in the fact. She was about to prove it too.

    Striding right in the direction of the refreshment area, she placed her basket down on a table and then stepped ahead. The mare suddenly stood on her backlegs and threw her left forehoof up highe dramatically. She called out to the crowd in a bold voice, trying to catch the attention of any mares in the area.

    [colour=#ff3399]"Mares of Equestria, listen! I, Harlequin Salad, aspiring master of cuisine have prepared for you today culinary delights beyond your imagination! Any mare who wishes to be introduced to flavours of which they have never before dreamed, step forth and obtain from me a free sample of my craft, guaranteed to make your palates cry out in blissful delight!"[/colour] the mare declared loudly and theatrically while doing a series of ludicrous poses. She hoped it would be enough to hook a few mares into coming her way.

  11. [colour=#0000FF]“Splendid, [/colour][colour=#0000FF]If you’d like Mrs. Snowflake, come down to my Manehattan office and I’ll show you in detail which potential survey sites I intend to excavate in the near future. Once you pick a location or two of your liking, I’ll have the necessary paperwork drafted, and we can make everything official.”[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Crystal wore a dignified smile and nodded along to the stallion's words. This was proving to be quite the fortuitous meeting. Romance or no, she now stood to build what could be a profitable partnership regardless. It was quite exciting. [/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]"Trust me, dear sir, one needn't twist my foreleg very far to get me to pay visit to your fair city of Manehattan. It may not have as rich a history as this city, or the strength and solidarity of my treasured Stalliongrad, but it remains one of my very favorite cities to visit. It would be my delight to visit you there,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she said eagerly, not hiding her excitement at the proposal.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The mare then gave a polite laugh and continued, [/colour][colour=#0000ff]"Not even through the first and we're already setting the place for the second date. What delight!" [/colour]

    [colour=#0000FF]“Oh by the way, [/colour][colour=#0000FF]I will reimburse your travel expenses for your trip to Manehattan. It... simply won’t do for my clients to pay money just so we can conduct business matters.”[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The pegasus was somewhat taken aback with this proposal. It seemed odd to her for Merlot to have to take on this expense. She wasn't entirely sure what to make of it.[/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]"Hmm... It's always been my belief that a pony doesn't get very far in this world depending on the kindness of others, and money is hardly an object in my case,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Crystal mused aloud, glancing the handsome stallion over.[/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]"That said, I suppose I truly have been out of this scene for too long now. After all, it's only proper for the stallion to want to treat the mare, is it not?[/colour]" [colour=#000000]she started with a smirk.[/colour][colour=#0000ff] "if you do insist upon paying my way, what reason do I have to refuse that kindness?"[/colour]

  12. [colour=#000000]Sierra could be described as being a rather composed young dragon. She had something of a temper, but otherwise she was levelheaded and mature for her age. As she found her way across the red carpet for the REA Ball, however, she found that she could not even begin to contain her enthusiasm. Despite the fact that she had spent her days traveling the world, It had been years since she had returned home to Canterlot. She hadn't seen her family in so long now. She had missed them so much, and none more than him, Hammer Spark, her brother and lifelong friend. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Now here she was, with him right in her sites. Sierra had to fight the powerful urge to open her wings to thrust herself forward and tackle him to the ground. If she were still a child and smaller than him, she likely would have. Instead, she just increased her pace. She was sure many gathered there found the sudden appearance of a dragon to be a curious thing, but she didn't pay any of the other any mind. No, her eyes stayed on Hammer, a grin stuck on her face. Sure, they had been in regular contact throughout the years, but letters were no substitute for actually seeing him again.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She managed to checked herself as she got closer. She knocked herself mentally for letting herself get carried away. They weren't children anymore; Hammer was a soldier and the setting was a esteemed ball held in honor of the service of he and his comrades in the guard. She needed to remain respectable and presentable. She had stressed so much already in preparing for the event. As his guest, she really had to take it as seriously as she could. She had had no clue how to even dress herself for the event. The REA Ball suggested formality and regalia, but that really wasn't Sierra's style and there really weren't a lot of places to get clothing for dragons in the first place. Not wanting to go underdressed, but not wanting to spend for some kind of elaborate custom dress, she had settled on a long and flowing fancy dark purple cape that covered most of her, including her wings.[/colour]

    [colour=#7F0000]"Sierra! [/colour][colour=#7F0000]Sierra, my sister! At long last, you're here!"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]At the sound of his voice, Sierra found herself no longer able to hold back. She strode boldly right up to the unicorn stallion, quickly past several ponies. She took a moment to admire how cool and dignified he looked in his formal uniform before breaking out a giant grin.[/colour]

    [colour=#cc99ff]"Hammer.... I missed you so much![/colour]" [colour=#000000]she started as she moved toward him. She pulled the stallion into a powerful hug.[/colour] [colour=#cc99ff]"It's been far too long! There's so much to discuss."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She pulled back then and gave a nod.[/colour] [colour=#cc99ff]"You look rather cool and distinguished in that uniform, by the way. Not bad!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she said, still grinning.[/colour]
  13. B-but what did Silver Spoon ever do to you all? :wail: Her ratings from everyone: 44, 48, 52, 46, 32, 29, 41, 47, 24, 40, 47, & 53.

    How can you hate such an adorable Filly? Sure she's stuck-up & entitled but that's her special talent.

    I like her at least. 24 puts her in the front half of my list. I just prefer Diamond Tiara.

  14. [colour=#6699FF]“You are quite welcome, Rarity, but I would not have chosen you if you were unworthy…”[/colour]

    Luna replied as modestly as could be expected of a princess as Rarity continued to kiss at her hooves. Then, quite suddenly, the princess erupted with mad laughter. Rarity stopped what she was doing and blushed intensely at first, fearful she had taken it too far. As the laughter continued for some time and only grew louder, the mare found herself giggling softly herself. It occurred to her then that Luna wasn't her sister. Flinging herself down at the elder sister's hooves in thanks hardly resulted in this reaction after all. It was almost shocking watching this princess, otherwise respectful and dignified, slip away into incessant laughter, yet her expression told Rarity the mare was having fun. The laughter proved to be contagious, as watching Luna collapse into her mad fit proved to be quite the amusing sight. In time, both mares were laughing at full volume at the other's expense.

    [colour=#6699FF]“I do apologize. [/colour][colour=#6699FF]How unbecoming of me!”[/colour]

    Rarity stopped laughing at this and glanced aside. She gave one final giggle and nodded.

    [colour=#663399]"I would apologize as well, Princess. I suppose that display of mine was just slightly excessive,"[/colour] she said. She could almost feel Opal's eyes roll as the cat stared at her from nearby.

    [colour=#663399]"Though this garden of yours... it truly is exquisite. It's beauty truly does come so very near to warranting such things,"[/colour] Rarity added as she once more looked around the gardens some more, still marveling at all they had to offer. She really did feel like a lucky mare to be able to see such things.

    [colour=#6699FF]“Shall we move on, then? Perhaps we should step outside into the main garden to enjoy the breeze a little better.”[/colour]

    [colour=#663399]"There's even more to this garden?"[/colour] Rarity started in shock. She shook her head and then gave a repeated nod. [colour=#663399]"Of course, Princess! I'd love to see everything."[/colour]

    She grinned and walked ahead a few steps. [colour=#663399]"Just lead the way!"[/colour]

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  15. ((ooc: sorry for the huge delay on this. should have got back to it sooner. :blush: ))

    [colour=#EE82EE]"Okay. Oh this will be so much fun. Thank you Miss Rarity. [/colour][colour=#EE82EE]Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. [/colour][colour=#EE82EE]this is the greatest day of my life."[/colour]

    The young griffoness' enthusiasm was infectious. Rarity couldn't help but smile as she watched her eyes light up. This was clearly one with a passion for fashion. Rarity was always delighted to see that in a youth. It just made her all the more eager to please this young Glimmer as best she could. The cleanest path to that seemed to be making the older brother as stylish as was possible. Looking him over as she did her measurements, she was confident she was up to the task.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Hmmm...well since I hadn't intended to originally do this....I got nothing of preference. Something that will allow my wings to still be used. Nothing excessive in fabric and wild colours like some ponies in Canterlot wear. You're the designer, what do you think works? No Glimmer. No pseudowings. I doubt Miss Rarity here has any of those anyway."[/colour]

    Pseudowings? Rarity wasn't sure she was familiar with the term. Were they come kind of stylish wing covers? She had made that manner of thing for some of her pegasus clients. It was likely a term used in Aquelian fashion, something Rarity had neglected to study very far. She would need to remember to research it later. She wasn't going to admit to not knowing something about fashion to the customer in the meantime, so she just nodded along. If the client had no preference that meant she would have free reign. That was always fun.

    "Shoot, I guess you're right. [colour=#EE82EE]oh how about a cloak? The base could match your feathers colour and the trim could be silver shaped to read an Old Aquillian quote you like so much."[/colour]

    [colour=#FF0000]"The one Talonius Razor said? Veni, Vidi, Vici?"[/colour]

    [colour=#EE82EE]"Yeah that. Or maybe something more modern. What do you think Miss Rarity?"[/colour]

    Seeing things continue to unfold, Rarity decided there was probably an even more fun approach. She gave a bold nod and looked toward Giimmer.

    [colour=#663399]"I think it sounds like someone here has a budding love for the fashionable! As an artist, I find it is my duty to help nurture such things where I find them,"[/colour] she added with a smile.

    [colour=#663399]"So, how about it, darling; since brother has no preferences, how would you like to assist me in designing his ensemble?"[/colour] Rarity asked with a smile.[colour=#663399] "I'm sure nopony could possibly know better how to suit your brother than you do!"[/colour]

    It seemed a perfect idea. She was wondering how Razor would react.

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