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Status Updates posted by RarityDash

  1. Might not be quite as active as usual the next few days as I have some work to do. Should be back to regular posting speed by tuesday though.

  2. Wanted to participate in all the Winter Wrap Up threads then realize I don't have any characters aside from Rarity who would be there in Ponyville participating. Ah well...

    1. brianblackberry


      Wouldn't Rarity be good for it?

    2. RarityDash


      Yeah. That's why she's the only one I am using for it...

  3. So I am now Rarity. Excited. Finally changed my avatar to celebrate.

  4. Just applied for Rarity. First time trying for one of the Mane 6. I adore Rarity. Anxious, but hopeful.

  5. 2000 posts! I'm now officially a Wonderbolt (provided the required posts don't go up again).

  6. Kinda feel bad that I didn't get around to participating in this month's writefriends. Especially since the theme seemed tailor-made for Snowfall...

  7. Merry Christmas, everypony!

  8. Sorry for RP delays. Been kind of busy last couple days. Should be able to respond tomorrow.

  9. Just realizing it, but I'm really overdue for a new avatar sometime soon...

  10. Sorry for the delays on RPs. I will definitely be posting in everything tonight.

  11. Just put my fanfiction/writing projects on hold for the year. Kinda sucks, but I think its necessary. Sorry to anypony looking forward to maybe seeing their pony in my Darkness and Dawn.

  12. So tired... Sleep now. Will RP in the morning...

  13. Oh hey, looks like I got my 1500th post without realizing it. Think that makes me the site's first Wonderbolt! Yay!

  14. Yet again, I was going to post in RPs but am too tired. Will do it tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.

  15. Was going to post in RPs, but I'm too tired. Will do it tomorrow.

  16. Heh... I go through all that trouble getting Arcana approved for Nightmare Night... then I decide to use somepony else in the event anyway...

  17. Sorry for the delays on RPs. A little busy currently Should clear up sometime this weekend.

  18. Yay! EqD approved my fic. Posting tomorrow!

  19. Meh. Arcana rejected and at least one more round needed for EqD... Kind of a disappointing day on the pony front...

  20. Finally got my EqD response. One more round and I should have a second fic up on the site!

  21. Three days now and no word from the EqD pre-readers on the story I sent in... Really starting to wonder what's up. Last one didn't take nearly so long.

  22. Decided to slip into the IRC chat for once since the forum's down... Kinda awkward. I have no clue what to say... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brianblackberry


      Chat ranges from very quite to hyperactive, depending when you are on. I always wondered why I never see either of you on there.

    3. BaconofChaos


      I can count the number of times I've been in IRC on one hand ^^:

      I dunno, I just never remember that it's there.

    4. RarityDash


      It is kind of funny since me and Diego have the highest post counts on the forum of any non-staff members. I guess the forum is just more our style, or something.

      I don't know. Maybe I'll try the chat again someday.

  23. Submitted a second fic to EqD. More than a little anxious about how this one will be received.

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