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Everything posted by MorningDawn

  1. MorningDawn blacked out what happened for the past time. He ignored the black out and tried remembering some things. 1. He was in some sort of class. 2. He asked a girl out. MorningDawn thinks its a no, so he moves on with life and tries to get a steady grip on his homework. Ahem.....for now.
  2. " Sir yes sir, currently awaiting orders, since i am a guard and all.."
  3. MorningDawn: MorningDawn munched on every last one of the cookies and then passed out on his bed.
  4. I would like to be MorningDawn....He's an OC of mine. Here you go. Name: MorningDawn Age: Stallion Occupation: Guard Description: Brown coat, Black hair with red stripes. Tall and muscular. He pretty much wants to help you out on the quest to peace.
  5. MorningDawn carried his luggage into his room, " The princess must have assigned me to this room. Oh well. Guards don't get the deluxe suit anyway..." He threw all the boxes into the room. He hopped on the bed and looked at his agenda, " Lets see, meet some new pony in charge of this floating piece of metal."
  6. MorningDawn slowly rose and walked to the front of the class, " My name is MorningDawn, we were talking about my cutie mark....." MorningDawn bumps Bluemoon gently, " Right? Bluemoon?"
  7. David: David lay on the floor next to the unconscious mare, " Don't worry my love. You will awake soon." He had no idea were that came from, but it sounded sweet. MorningDawn: MorningDawn silently flew down the stairs to reach the kitchen. He flew higher to reach a small cookie jar. He grabbed the cookie jar and flew back to the room he was sleeping in, then he slowly ate all the cookies. ONE, BY, ONE......Dum Dum Daaaaaa.
  8. David: David grabbed the glass and drank some water. It was good but his body took all the fluid and it just came back up, " I am sorry.." He started cleaning the puke.
  9. David: " Ugh..." His head started hurting as he tried to remember.
  10. Yea....I did the edits she wanted me to do, but now i changed a lot of it. So it needs a lot of editing
  11. David: David shook his head, " I'm sorry, i just can't remember. I heard her mumbling about a wedding though."
  12. David: David shrugged, " Its all what comes to mind, mam."
  13. David: " Something hit me, i guess i blacked out and lost all my memory...."
  14. David: " Uh...All that can come to mind is David MasonField." He was truly confused. MorningDawn: MorningDawn fell asleep on the floor.
  15. David: " Uh....I dont know!" I was knocked out by something and i lost all my memory! I think.....30 minutes..I dont care if you're a changeling, just please help!" He was panicking and freaking out. He noticed a little colt walk into the room with a stuffed octopus, " Does she need Mr.Squiggles?" He set the stuffed octopus on top of the mare and patted its head. The little colt then said, " Good night.." He walked out of the room and disappeared. The colt was adorable, much appreciated what he did. David sat down and started crying, " She has to make it......If she doesn't then who will get married?" She was wearing a wedding gown and he was wearing a tux. He looked nice, and she did to. What did it mean?
  16. David: David carries the mare in his back and gently lands on the ground. He sees a house not to far from him, so he runs and bursts the door open. He sees a small colt sleeping on a couch ( MorningDawn). He ignores the colt and carries the mare upstairs. He sees a changeling and a mare talking, " Quick help....I know i got here out of the building and all, but i think she has some smoke in her lungs!" He sets her down and checks her heart rate. He was pretty worried about this mare and he didn't even know her. Or did he? David forgot what he was wearing and he looked at a burnt tuxedo that once had beauty in it. He was confused at first, but then he noticed the mare was wearing a wedding gown. Was he her best Stallion? He didn't know. MorningDawn: Catching some z's.
  17. David: David kept flying and watched the burning building fall. He shielded the mare and landed softly on the ground. He watched as the mare slowly fell asleep. He set her on his back and flew towards Ponyville. MorningDawn: MorningDawn ran around the house playing with Mr. Squiggles. ( Who actually was a stuffed Octopus) He walked up the stairs and halfway through, he fell asleep. He lay there sleeping with comfort.
  18. MorningDawn walks up to BlueMoon and says, " I like you ok! Do you like me? I sent those love notes! I gave you the hint about my cutie mark!" MorningDawn points to his shirt.
  19. ( since you guys are doing that i will make another character ) David looked around and then he found a door. He kicked it down out of excitement, but then his expression changed. He saw the flames bursting out into the room. He ignored it and carried on through the building. Then he heard somepony! " Hello! Is any pony here! I am coming!" He started sprinting toward the sound and he ran down a hallway that was in flames. He saw a room that the licks of flames were reaching in to get more fuel for their survival. Out of bravery he jumped into the flames and landed in a small room. His coat was charred a bit, but he did not care. He turned and saw a mare. He could not recognize her out of memory, but she seemed a little bit familiar. He felt a connection some how. " Are you hurt?" David turned to look out the broken window, " Lets get you out of here, shall we?" Without her decision, David lifted her onto his back and he broke the window open with his hoof, or what remained of it. He gently lifted off the ground and hovered past the window. He turned and looked back to make sure the mare was ok.
  20. MorningDawn woke up and looked at the sight, " Its pretty." He looked at the night sky and enjoyed the sight.
  21. ( Everyone can join, but no one has really been paying attention to me. Its ok though. )
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