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Posts posted by Tdroid

  1. Hm, it seems you have a different tablet than me, although it's still apart of the bamboo series. Do you know the exact name of it, such as Bamboo Splash or Bamboo Capture? I suggest going with other 3rd party programs for drawing since the ones that come the tablet are...well...kinda sucky.

    The box says it is called Bamboo Fun Pen and Touch.

  2. Reminds me of the first time I used my tablet. It was like drawing with a chunk of butter on... well, butter! pervyfacederpy2plz.jpg?1

    I see a lot of you in myself when it comes to what you've drawn so far. I just wish I saved my earlier pencil doodles just so I could compare how far I've gone myself.

    Keep drawing Droid! :)

    P.S. What tablet and program are you using? We may be able to help you adjust to your new medium.

    I am using a Bamboo tablet and I use the program that came with it(wel, one of them programs that came with it) called Sumo Paint. It seems to have most features I would consider basic, like layers, but I am unsure of how well equipped it is compared to Photoshop.

  3. I like rock too! :D I really like rock metal, stuff like that...

    One more question, do ya watch any anime?

    From time to time, but I have never considered myself an anime fan. It is just another form of entertainment that has its good and bad sides.

    Last anime I watched was Death Note, one I enjoyed a whole lot.

  4. hello and welcome to canterlot

    Thank you :)

    Welcome to... CANTERLOT! You can call me Cat :)

    Do ya have a fave genre of music?

    It is nice to meet you Cat. Erh, sort off ;)

    Favorite genre of music? I'd say rock, though that isn't exactly restrictive seeing how many sub genres there is within it. That said, I love music from all genres, seeing as I judge by songs and not genre :D

  5. Well how about your okay in our books because you a brony? Sounds legit, and it's true! :)

    Anyway, welcome to the great city of Canterlot! I'm Lovin' Moonlight or LM for short, it's a pleasure.

    Yes, art threads are rather popular around here, (because, I mean come on...FREE STUFF!!)

    As for the teens react video...it will be slain, because those females had a problem with dating a brony! Haters...


    [colour=#800080]FOR THE SPARKLE UNION!![/colour]

    It is more legit, then at least we have something of note in common ;)

    And thank you for the warm welcome, LM. Glad to see another Twilight Sparkle Lover as well :D (<- Irony-> ;) )

  6. So, taking a quick sweep of this forum I see that Art Threads seem to be popular and seeing as I see no reason to not try to fit in. So this is where I will post most of my art, unless I give up on it for some reason. For now I will only include the latest of my drawings, seeing as the earlier ones are, quite frankly, pretty bad.

    My latest drawings are collected here. The rest can be found in the other arts of the gallery, but I do not recomend taking a look unless you want to comment on my improvement since I started to draw about 6 months ago :)

    Most of these are made with references, which can be found at their deviantART page.

    Please let me know what you think :)

    Edit: Drawings didn't show up so please take a look in the linked gallery. Sorry about that.

    Edit 2: New drawing at #8

    Edit 3: New drawing at #11

    Edit 4: New drawing at #12

  7. About Myself: My name is Tommy and I am from Norway. I am quite shy IRL. Not that people I get to know believe me.

    How I found Canterlot.com: I searched for a forum for MLP.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I came across the Teens React video bck in january or something, so I decided to watch the show to see what it was about. Didn't take long to become a fan.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
    Hello people, I am here. Now you will drown in tears as I use this forum to shower you with my amateur art. Hopefully you can swim ;)

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