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Everything posted by Stella-Song

  1. From the album: Other Ponies

    Request for a friend I recieved over MSN.
  2. From the album: Other Ponies

    Cat Napper's character Magi Blaze. It was fun doing her hair.
  3. From the album: Other Ponies

    User Czar Crystal on Ponysquare's character Czar Crystal.
  4. From the album: Other Ponies

    Bronies For Life's character Aqua Marine I think her hair and mane in this actually looks like they are made of water.
  5. From the album: Other Ponies

    Shimmer Star's character Almond Joy
  6. From the album: FryLoch - Kelpie Chef

    A picture done almost a year ago of my Kelpie OC Fryloch while out on one of his hunting trips. --- My Kelpie, MLP OC FryLoch closing in on a fish while out on a fishing trip around the lakes he lives near. I actually gave this image a decent background and please go easy on me with the very little detail it has. It's my first background with half gradient/painted and photo-manipulation. Anyway, as you might know if you've seen my other drawings of this guy, FryLoch is omnivorous. So drawing this I had the opportunity to design what his teeth look like. Having a shark tail I decided that his teeth should have a somewhat shark-like appearance. So looking at the two sharks his tail is based around - Great White & Tiger - I made his front teeth resemble that of the GW(top-three/bottom-four) and the back teeth the same shape as the Tiger, but not serrated and more blunt for grinding food. I also gave him gills so he can breath underwater as well as above it. Anyway, I hope you all like it.
  7. Stella-Song

    FryLoch - Kelpie Chef

    My Kelpie character Fryloch.
  8. So out of whack in using this site.. please forgive any weird behavior. >.<

  9. Stella-Song

    Stella Song - Pegasus

    My ponysona Stella Song.
  10. From the album: Stella Song - Pegasus

    A request of Stella Song by Supervacuus.deviantart.com Toxist.deviantart.com
  11. From the album: Stella Song - Pegasus

    Baby Stella Song by Sawsta.deviantart.com
  12. The awkward moment when you find an awesome website again and feel like a burden amongst all the awesome people and characters. v.v

  13. The episode you saw was called "Rose", with the Ninth Doctor, and is technically the first episode of New!Who - which is Doctors 9, 10 & 11. Classic!Who started in 1963 and stopped in 1989 with the Seventh Doctor - not including the TV movie in 1996, the only time you see the Eighth Doctor. New!Who started in 2005 with the Ninth Doctor - season 1 - went onto the Tenth Doctor - seasons 2, 3 & 4 - and the most current is the Eleventh Doctor - seasons 5 & 6. Technically Classic and New could be classed as two different shows in a way. So, if you want to trudge through the 26 years of Classic - starting off black and white and going into color, the adorable effects and such - then I believe you should start with the episode "An Unearthly Child", first episode ever of Doctor Who.
  14. Might not be here for around a week because internet is being cut soon.

  15. Don't want to edit my last post again because of the youtube videos disappearing. I heard that Matt, Karen and Arthur had signed up for another season. I might be wrong but that's what I heard.
  16. YAY! DOCTOR WHO! All the disliking on characters and writers... Can't we all just like the show for the amazing messages and times it has brought to our mundane lives? I get there will always be someone whom we don't really like - be them one of the Doctor's incarnations(I'm not that fond of Six myself), a companion, a writer, etc - but without them we wouldn't have this amazing life-changing show. --- Anyway... My two favorite characters are the Doctor and River Song and they are my OTP - their story is just so tragic and their interactions with each other always make me all giggly or really sad. Along with Amy/Rory. It's a little funny because at first I didn't like River at all - being a fan that was in love with the Doctor and wanting him for herself - but as soon as I watched an episode with her in it I fell in love with the character. Not to mention I now have a straight girl Fem!Crush of Alex Kingston. Eleven is my favourite face of the Doctor's and I class him as My Doctor - mostly because, even though I had seen other Doctors before becoming a Whovian, he was the first Doctor I watched all the episodes of(this was back when there was only season 5 out). I've also seen all of Nine now and I'm catching up with Ten. And one day I shall start to watch the Classic!Who. I thank one of my best friends, whom I class as a younger brother, for really getting me into Doctor Who earlier this year and in doing so I've become a full Whovian - I'd always known/liked the show because my dad was a fan. --- Now for all my Whovian Bronies... Watch in fullscreen Also... No, this is not me... I'm way too shy and don't have a decent video camera. And if you want more where they came from then here is my Doctor Who Youtube Playlist. And if any of you are on Tumblr then here is my Blog - pretty much all Doctor Who!
  17. 1. Ask Gridmark Bigmac - Makes me laugh... a lot. 2. Ask Velvet - Welcome to The Crop for "When your seed needs sewing" Ask Velvet probably not for younger bronies... Both blogs I find amazing and I love how the people who run them draw. I also have my own Ask/Roleplay blog for my ponies - but it's kind of dead since no one is asking questions yet. Ask ALG Ponies --- Tumblr isn't that bad. It's one of the only websites I've ever found where I can be myself and go crazy fangirling over things because I know there are others who are doing the same. Mind you, I keep to the fandom groups of Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter and a lot of the fans of those are fans of things like Supernatural, Big Bang Theory, etc. Once you find your fandom place on there it turns into an awesome site.
  18. SO CUTE!!!! YFW you find the most amazing place to live that has everything you could ever want from all of your fandoms... ... and it turns out to be a dream.
  19. "Oh yeah!" Though that was basically me with any test but math. Even if I did study for math I'd either fail or just pass. YFW your metal dog starts talking to you saying you are the only person who can save the universe using your now above average intelect and a blue time machine. <.<.... >.>.... *runs away cackling like the deranged fangirl I am*
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