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Everything posted by BlueOrigin

  1. I liked the owl. Nothing much else for that though. But yah, whats a bird in the hoof doing there, it was good!
  2. Library home is the best home ^^ Plus it has an observatory.
  3. Being converted after the season, i have yet to experience the joy of waiting for a new episode and watching it in a group. That will change soon!
  4. Elon Musk, hes our man, if he can't do it no one can ^^ I am fairly excited by these new space companies. What is your opinion on the resource development of the moon? Will helium 3 be a driving force behind development? Fusion tech has to become sucessfull first however. If space access costs are brought far enough down then resource development becomes much easier. There is alot of stuff out there! For short term i'm not thinking completely private, but a gov't/private partnership where the private space does the designing and building of transport stuffs. [im also somewhat of a futurist ^^]
  5. I had exposure to pony stuff for a while [forum pictures and stuffs] and did not pay attention to it until i saw an avatar that got my attention. It was on an unrelated forums, i asked the guy what it was and he told me. I once again didn't go any further till about 3 weeks later when i just suddenly jumped and watched the whole series.
  6. I had exposure for a month before i got curious and asked somepony about it =D The rest was history.
  7. Eroo, this is the a time im using anew username as well. I have the same one on alot of accounts. I dunno why
  8. Oh man=D im going to enjoy it here! Gliese 559, had to google it =D its ACA Though my favorite system is HD10180, outside sol. You may infact get to mars if things go well enough with NewSpace! Which I believe the will!
  9. Thank you! I hope so too! *I edited my OP to add more.
  10. Ive been a Brony for about 2 months now and was looking for a new forum board to join. Looks like i have found one Some more about me, i am a big fan of Astronomy and a big Space Enthusiast [and practically all the sciences]. my favorite pony is Twilight.
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