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Status Replies posted by SymphonicFire

  1. *Ships Hinata and Ino*

  2. *Ships Hinata and Ino*

  3. *Ships Hinata and Ino*

  4. Working on my first OC :)

  5. I'm going to start a MLP themed Kamelot cover band and called it.......Kanterlot.

  6. My dad came to pick me up from school and as I sat in the car, he told me "Sinead, Mercedes isn't coming home. The vet said she was too weak to save"

  7. My dad came to pick me up from school and as I sat in the car, he told me "Sinead, Mercedes isn't coming home. The vet said she was too weak to save"

  8. How about a Lumberjack OC called Moonshine Cayuse?

  9. How about a Lumberjack OC called Moonshine Cayuse?

  10. How about a Lumberjack OC called Moonshine Cayuse?

  11. Diesel smells disgusting. At least steam is clean!

  12. Bacon pancakes~ Makin' bakon pancakes~

  13. I cant figure out how to do things -3-

  14. I have a weird pain behind my ear


  16. Don't you hate it when your watching a games how and it's like " THE WINNER ISSSSS...Coming up when we come back!"

  17. Gosh I'm bored I really need a good rp to kick into

  18. Tomorrow is my first day in a new school! GAAAAAAAAAH

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