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Posts posted by Frost137

  1. Coffee Rush headed to the back of the counter and zoned out because of the lack of sleep coffee. It wasn't then she realized there was a customer in the corner of her eye. The unicorn shook with fright and held her head on her elbows and rubbed her eyes.

    "Hello." She said slowly. "How may I help you? Would you like some coffee?" Coffee Rush prepared some coffee beans. "50% discount in the morning."

    • Everyday I'm 20% Cooler.
    • Aviici vs. Rarity is what I believed is called? It's a mash-up between Levels and The Type of Pony Everypony Should Know.
    • Bass Canon Seamless Loop.
    • Beyond Her Tomb
    • Brony Appreciation Medley (has a tiny bit of cussing)
    • Avast Fluttershy's Remix
    • Spin That Record (Icky remix or original, your pick)
    • Ultimate Sweetie Belle
    • At the Gala 20% Cooler Remix
    • Pony Rock Anthem - ShadyVox

    Most All of these are on Youtube.

  2. Roleplay Type:WoE

    Name:Three Cloud (Clouds, L'il Puff Ball)


    Age:Young colt

    Species:Earth pony

    Eye colour:Dark sea green. Wears black, square glasses.

    Coat:Mustard yellow

    Mane/Tail:True Blue. Well combed, but has a strands of hair sticking out. His tail is well combed also.

    Physique:Average colt height, but skinnier.

    Residence: Born in Ponyville, currently in Canterlot.

    Occupation:N/A. Student

    Cutie Mark:Three white clouds with blue outlines. This means that his imagination is high above the clouds. Three Cloud always dreamed to fly and use magic. Obviously, he can't since he's an earth pony. He had a rough time with himself. He really didn't like who he was and can't do anything 'cuz he ain't special until his sister, Jigsaw, told him that he was pretty important with a story to go along with her help.

    Clouds loved to watch his dad make toys in the toy shop. One day he was inspired to make a little kite-like air balloon. To the best of his ability he made one. He flew it, but then it got lost high above the clouds. Behind, his sister was watching that whole time. (Creeper!) She said, "You see? You are special, I bet no pony in your class can make a toy just like that!"

    That night, in his bed thinking about it, he was inspired to make things that have not have been made, (airplanes and such). He was going to be an inventor. Then he got his cutie mark the next day.

    History: He has an older sister Jigsaw and lives his parents are Blue Train, a toy maker, and Sparkling Star, a model. He really likes his sister ever since he was born. She would always take care of him and play with him especially puzzle games. [[They're] like two peas in a pod and [they] did everything together! 8D]

    Then Jigsaw left to study at University of Stalliongrad. He always misses her, but every summer if had the chance would visit her at Camp Little Lake in Whitetail Wood since she works there.

    Three Cloud goes to the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Before he got his cutie mark he was teased by several ponies and Jigsaw would take care of them after he told her. He doesn't talk much and doesn't have much friends. His only friend is his sister and now since she's gone, Three Cloud is unable to do anything because he is socially awkward. Later on, the family moved to Canterlot and Clouds is learning to be a engineer to be an inventor since the schools there were far better than Ponyville. The family has decided to move because they want him to have better education, they found a better job for both Sparkling Star and Blue Train. But they do visit Ponyville occasionally.

    Character Summary:Three Cloud's talent is making things that can fly for earth ponies. Stuff like creating air balloons for earth ponies. He doesn't use the talent much since he's still studying and learning things at school to make his inventions. His motivation is his schoolwork, unicorns and pegasi, and his sister. His dream is to be an alicorn, but he knows in his mind that's a little too far..... The reason why is because that he really wants to do everything from flying to casting magic that can do anything. His goal in life to make the earth pony life easier. He likes games. Yes, games. He wonders why a ball bounces or slowly thinks through his intellectual games such as puzzles and riddles. Three Cloud dislikes everything equally meaning that he doesn't dislike anything but in a way that it's neutral dislike. Three Clouds hobbies are flying kites, playing games, and riding trains.

    Even though he's smart, he is socially awkward. Clouds acts very innocent and very curious to the world. He is willing to know everything. He wants everything to be perfect so he tries to make it perfect. He is very quiet, but a happy colt. When he is angry, he still gives temper tantrums. But after being friends with him they would be great friends. He can be a silly because of his clumsiness and some ponies may however like him because of that. Others might run into him for help on homework and will be generous to help. Clouds is also kind and can help if you ask. His loyalty with others falters between the parties since he analyzes who is the better so he can help them. He doesn't lie because he is smart enough to know the consequences of it. He waits for someone to befriend him. His faults are that he is not athletic and is very clumsy, (just like a stereotypical nerd....) He fears spiders and getting bad grades. Somehow he runs into problems a lot.

    (In the picture, his cutie mark looks like popcorn.... :/ Ignore it....)


  3. Finally, she got on his back. Over to the corner of the field Rainbow Dash saw the planes take off.

    "Oh look! It's just like how the Wonderbolts start!" As the Blue Angels flew doing all sorts of tricks and kicks, Rainbow started to feel very homesick. She missed all her friends and her wings.... But here was her friend, taking her to the Blue Angels and helping her. She wanted to stay here in the human world with her friend.

    Oh what are you talking about Rainbow? She thought to herself. What about your friends? You stick with them! But what about him? He's also your friend....

  4. [colour=#ffffff]. [/colour]


    Coffee Rush unlocked the doors of her dark coffee shop. It was early in the morning and fog covered the streets of Manehatten. The creamish tan unicorn walked inside and flicked the shop's lights on. In the back of the shop was her office. In her office, she placed on her green Ponybucks apron on and checked into work.

    "Hopefully, I get customers!" The unicorn said groggily with hope. "And I hope I get some of my own coffee."

    She walked to the door and flipped the sign that read "Open." Ponybucks was in business.

  5. As the car reached it's place, Rainbow Dash hopped out of the car and dashed right next to her friend not leaving him.

    As her friend argued with the mare in the booth, Rainbow didn't care... she would just charge in anyways but her friend grabbed her hoof and lied in front of her. ....


    They headed out to the open areas, past the rope fence.

    "You're so weird." She chuckled and realized she was shorter than the other humans around. She tried to think of a solution... only if she had her wings......

  6. Dawn stone? What was he talking about? Jigsaw surely that map wasn't the map of Ponyville.

    "Dawn stone?" She asked the nicely dressed earth pony who approached the two. "What is that?" The pegasus brushed a strand of hair that fell to her face.

    They must be fooling around. Jigsaw hasn't heard of anypony talking about this 'Dawn Stone.' Must be one of Ponyville's crazy events that happens every now and then.

  7. Daisy sandwiches.... daisy sandwiches!!! Her stomach growled. A bright light fled into her the mare's eyes. Was it Celestia who brought her the royal sandwiches? Thank her! The mare sighed with happiness.

    But no... something eerie about this light didn't seem like it came from Celestia....

    "Hello Spin Art!" A loud voice screamed into her ear. Spin Art? Who was that? She guessed it was her. "We hoped you enjoy you loooong rest in to STASIS PODS!" This voice seemed so happy... Hmmm.... Spin Art didn't remember sleeping in a stasis pod. "One of our attendants will arrive shortly! Thank you!"

    Now, if she could wait for the attendant to come with sandwiches and some water that would be nice.....

  8. ((I'll join you! :) Is there a sign up in OOC?))

    A very dark blue pegasus with blonde hair flew above the sky. She was here at Ponyville (setting is where I imagined...) for a short while. So many things happen in this small town is what Jigsaw had heard. Possibly her reason here was to snoop around during her break.

    "Ugh, nothing really." She muttered to herself and landed to ground. "I can use a daisy sandwich now..."

    Jigsaw pretty much didn't know where the nearest restaurant is... she was just wandering around. She looked at all the street signs and was not watching where she was.... "Hey... what do you know? There's a pony with a map over there... I should ask her. Hey!" She approached her. "Do you know where's the nearest restaurant here?"

  9. Rainbow Dash found it so hard that she didn't know what was this or what is that. Especially when she doesn't know what he's doing right now. She kept waiting for the light to tell the other cars to go.


    Spin Art hopped out of the car and entered Burger King very slowly. She had noticed something was different about the sandwiches... the sandwiches had meat in them.

    "WHAT?" Her mouth dropped dramatically. Her knees fell to the floor and she began to cry, not caring about the other ponies who thought she was crazy.

  10. Country I live in: USA (for those of you guys who like things more precise. :shifty: )

    Countries I Have Visited (not including plane stops): (My parents say Japan, but that was when I was very little.) Mexico, Canada, Philippines

    Countries I Want to Go to: China, Japan (LEGITIMATELY!), El Salvador

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