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Everything posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. You'll kiss anything with a hearbeat, don't get your hopes up boi
  2. Hmmm, if I win, which I will, you gotta...hmmm, oh ohh! You gotta wear the beacon uniform properly for the rest of your time. Skirt and all
  3. Except I won't since T isn't gunna kiss you, plus what do I get when he doesn't?
  4. Sounds like someone isn't playing by their own rules~ I thought I had no taste
  5. Look, all i'm gunna say is that this cat lives on the fence. Also i'd be willing to bet you couldn't get Tehengu to kiss you!
  6. Nothing to do with taste, i'd rewrite that to: Midnight: Dislikes arrogance Tehengu: Dislikes arrogance Slash: Is whipped already
  7. But did he kiss you back? Also do you want a list of people who'd fight back? Because if so I need to write a long list..
  8. "Prove it, if I can see it from within Beacon...Then i'll consider coming back..." Midnight watched him separate himself from her, and watched him unmoving "I want my shield back, the one I left behind. And with it, a record of every White Fang attack since I left with information on the victims....A-and Leave Tehengu out of this! He's none of your concern!" her confliction between the males cracked her calmness, causing anger to rise up. After several more minutes, the door opened and Midnight returned from the balcony, which stood empty behind the girl. She walked down to the first floor and sat herself down, part of her reeling from what had just occurred on the balcony. She rested her hands on her head, scrunching her eyes closed as she tried to process all that had happened already. The deal of information, the promise to consider returning...All of it in part, because of him, and in part, because she knew the only way to gain respect was to fight. Part of her hoped she was wrong, that Grim hadn't changed and his information would be lies, lies she could use against him to prove he was lying! B-but, that would mean fighting him, and she'd only ever run away. 'I can't do this, can I? If I remain with Tehengu and Beacon, it means fighting Grim and my family. Fighting against Faunus who simply want freedom from human oppression! But if she picked Grim, she'd have to fight Tehengu, and possible other humans that didn't treat her like filth. And worse, I love them both. How, why?! I don't want to love both of them! This isn't fair, I didn't choose any of this, why has it picked me!?' The Faunus's thoughts grew, and she began to feel swept up, helpless with all that was occurring, and the look of distress became plastered on her face, in how she held her head with tense fingers grimacing.
  9. Midnight was, shocked. Grim admitting that not all humans were bad, was different than the man she’d left. She allowed him to pull her into the hug, and even slowly hugged him back, tightly against her and closing her eyes. For a moment, she wasn’t at Beacon, but back at the camps, the days when everything was working. And she realized that how much she missed Grim, missed the White Fang…Missed all of it. “…Prove it to me first…” she whispers softly, still in his embrace “You prove to me that you, and the fang, have changed. Once I see it…I’ll consider coming back, but not until I see, from the outside, that you’ve changed…” She wasn’t sure where to go. Grim, Tehengu, Fang, Beacon. Where did she belong?! She loved Grim, she knew that much, but when he changed, she knew it was, harder to care for him. As for Tehengu, did she love him? She wasn’t sure, but suspected she did. And she shook her head. How could she love both at the same time, despite all their differences?! It wasn’t fair! She opened her eyes and looked up at Grim, and took a deep breath. “Prove it Grim…Prove to me and the world that what you told me is true, not just a lie” she ordered him. Their relationship had been different to standard, despite all the names he called her, Midnight had never returned it. Never calling him ‘darling’ or ‘love’, because she’d never found the need. He knew she liked him, she didn’t find a need to prove it through words. Part of her begged Grim to be telling the truth, but, if he was, then she realised she’d be stuck at a crossroad, and one that didn’t have a right and a wrong answer…
  10. Contextual I feel. With someone like Weiss, she'd be the top while with say Jaune she'd be accomindating and be both/bottom. That's what I see at least
  11. Assuming this is what I think it is Is it bad that I connect with Adam/Grim? Like, I understand and respect the reason he fights? Something tells me that Isn't the desire of normal people...
  12. The end of Episode two: Me: No, I didn't want my heart anyway...take it, take all my emotions!
  13. So...he knew about Tehengu. If she was honest it shouldn't have been too shocking, but the look still passed over her face. She thought she'd been careful, investigating by herself in order to keep him out of Grims eyes, but she'd failed horribly. She swallowed once again as Grim moved close, so close she could see into his eyes, almost feel the warmth from his skin. She wanted to break away, to yell, to do something...betray Grim again, but she couldn't. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she got him caught, or worse, killed. "Y-yes, it is. He's shown me there is a chance, a chance that humans can be nice to us. T-that's why I left Grim, not to spite you or us, or everything we'd done! B-but, because we attacked any human, sometimes for no reason...Humans like Tehengu, who don't spit on us, who don't treat us like animals..." She looked at him dead in the eyes as he had backed away, and even took a step forwards towards him. "If I could come back, I-I would, but after what we did to that child...A child who didn't have a choice, hadn't picked a side in this war...We attacked like savages Grim, I refused to be apart of that, indiscriminate attacks..."
  14. Midnight knew she shouldn’t be listening to him, but the blush that came onto her face hearing him call her beautiful. He’d called her for some time, and each time, she felt the blood rush to her face. She stood her ground against him, watching as he closed in on her. She saw his hand raising towards her, but she didn’t flinch. Instead, the touching of her ears emerged a far from fearful noise from the Faunus, a groan. Then a shiver as his hands moved down through her hair and onto her cheek, staring right into his eyes. “I…” she glanced away from him, never didn’t move herself out of his grip, his touch, before slowly looking back in his eyes, taking a deep breath “I do Grim, there ain’t a day that goes past that I don’t regret leaving. A-and I still do, b-but, there are other options..” she says weakly “N-not every human looks at us like dirt….” She glances back inside to where she knew Tehengu was “Not every human Grim, the White Fang needs to select their targets, not attack any human we see…” She knew, in part, that this argument with Grim might be pointless. And she knew why. At the end of the day, he was right and she agreed with him. Despite what the world thought, the Faunus agreed that in order to become even, they had to fight. Peaceful protests and petitions only ever did so little, so when the protests became violent, the rallies became riots and the fang evolved. And she loved it, every second of it. Because humans respected her, they didn’t attack, or throw rocks. And although she was part of Beacon, he was right…Fighting here, wasn’t making Faunus equal to humans….
  15. Midnight was a tad disappointed hearing she couldn't catch this moment forever, but, it would never be forgotten, even if she couldn't remember the dress, she'd remember the day it happened. She was so enthralled by Andreas suffering that she hadn't noticed the teach approaching, and she would have offered to help, except, that's when she saw it. Ice ran through her, she knew who it was, even without seeing him. That stance belonged to a single person....She saw the shadow move, the balcony?! Was he crazy?! He'll get caught! "All g-good T, i'll meet y-you downstairs when you finish" She says quickly, trying to get him away from the balcony as soon as possible, before waiting, acting as if she had no where to be, before moving swiftly onto the balcony. That's when she saw...him, and closed the door behind her. If anyone saw him... That's when she spotted him, and her heart stopped dead in her throat. Despite everything, all that had happened, he was, knock-dead beautiful. He wasn't clean or prim, he looked ruggered, a odd brutishness that Midnight found appealing, although why she didn't understand, it just was what she enjoyed looking at. She swallowed, trying to regain her composure as many emotions ran through her, except fear of death. If he wanted her dead, he'd of done it properly, in a duel. No, she knew him letting her spot him meant this was, different. She opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. Should she ask him why he'd risk himself and the Fang leadership to be here tonight, should she argue that she still stands by her decision to protest, to leave, because children didn't deserve to be used as hostages, children were too ignorant to the world. Did she tell him that she still cares for him despite everything? She wasn't sure... "You're stupid and reckless still" she opted to saying "Months, it's been months since I left the Fang. Why now, why not before I joined this academy?"
  16. Midnight seemingly ignored Tehengu's comments about the meetings, rather, focusing on a single thing. Andrea. She turned her head, looking with disbelief, at the archers claim. "N-no...no way! That's what you picked out for her? Oh, T you're brilliant, holy, this More than makes up for everything she's done against me, oh this is just...picture perfect" The faunus grinned as she reached for her scroll, before realizing in a dress, she didn't have it "D-damn, I can't even snap a pic of this..."
  17. She had to keep her face stable, because honestly, she hadn't. She had no intention of bringing Tehengu to the simple reason: He was Human. The Faunus would be able to sniff him out, plus there were two meetings. Originally she'd considered getting Slash, but... Midnight sighs slightly "I was actually, we can scout together, there are two locations the meeting might take place. But you're human T, you enter it, you'll be captured...And i'm not going to let that happen" the girl went silent, her mind whirling over her options. She could take T to scout, but if they caught him...The alternative was Slash, but given getting him involved she'd have to tell him everything... "We'll discuss it tomorrow" The Faunus finishes, looking at where T was prompting and within seconds, she was grinning madly seeing Andrea. Might Andrea, the cause of so much pain and annoyance, dressed in the most ridiculous green dress she'd ever seen! She placed a hand against her face to stop herself from laughing at the dress. "Please please, tell me that's for real, that Andrea is Actually wearing that"
  18. Ok fair enough, I can agree with that. The google doesn't show me much, I presume an anime I've yet to get my hands on? Yeah, that's my weakness, I create backstory and personalities then write characters around them instead of the other way around Thanks for the advice!
  19. Congrats Puzzle! If I could ask, like Pyro, were was it where the character fell down? The main reason I ask is because she is the base format to a character I was planning to use in my novel and i'd like to know what could be seen as a weakness in her base design
  20. Slowly Midnight curled her hand around Tehengu's, eyes closed and smiling up at him. "G-go back to the duels...i'll be ok here"
  21. The Faunus took a look over at Tehengu, listening to him speak. In a way he was right, even if there wasn't anyone else out there, there were still people on this planet. People, human and faunus alike, that she'd never meet ever. Could that be considered a blessing or a curse? She honestly wasn't sure, and allowed the idea to wander around in her mind for many a minutes before looking over at Tehengu once again. "C-come on, lets hop back inside, it's a tad cold out here" the Faunus encounrages, true enough that shivers itched through her, the cold of night biting at her bare skin as she walked back in, and on the second floor, looked out at the slow increase of people at the party. "Part of me says tonight is silly, given what's happening. But, given what I found out today, I would just be waiting" She turned to face him on the balcony, lowering her voice just in case "Torchwick and the White Fang, they're aim is Dust to build an army of some kind i'm certain. There's a meeting in a few days that i'm going to check out, but the rest of my leads...need time"
  22. Midnight had been so focused on the stars shining above her that she hadn't heard Tehengu approaching her, instead the Faunus was simply daydreaming. Her mind wandering around and was taken aback by the seemingly instant arrival of Tehengu. She turned away from the balcony to smile over at him, still leaning against it. The Faunus opened her mouth to speak, but found herself lost for words looking at Tehengu in a suit. Part of it was because it was, different to his usual style. And he looked handsome in it, not blow away attractive that she'd been the victim of once before, but she would lie to herself and say it wasn't a pleasant sight. She felt her cheeks burn, not much, bit it was...there. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" she asked, looking up at the stars, her brain skipping over his compliment much like how it skipped over words when she was flustered "I used to love the night, still do, back in the camps i'd just stare up at it and I found it...reassuring" she admitted, trying to 'open up' to Tehengu "I guess it's childish, but there are so many stars up there. I wonder if there is someone out there staring up just like me, and how i'd like to meet them someday..." she let a sad huff out "Before I had to fight that was"
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