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Everything posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. "I was 16 and not part of the fang, but sure, attack an innocent 16 year old her entire life then blame her when she resorts to defending herself....humans and your stupidity..."
  2. *Sighs heavily* "Nothing political about equal rights Andrea, about not being attacked at 8 at night walking home"
  3. "Bending your knees works...Also, just use the word freedom fighter, terriorist makes it sound like I planted explosives, which I didn't"
  4. *Dodges blade with book, sembelence op* "A blade isn't a bookmark Andrea...it's on the ground at your feet"
  5. "You don't need to burn her, just take whats yours back...Also please stop calling me a terriorist Andrea, also can you pass me my bookmark? It fell on the floor when I started hanging from the ceiling"
  6. *Sighs from the roof* "You're a bunch of children you know that?"
  7. *Hangs from the ceiling reading a book* "Evil plotting again?"
  8. If you could zoom in a little? I tried to make it the profile but it was all blurry
  9. That is absolutely perfect. That is what I daydreamed it looking like omg you're a legend!!!!
  10. A mistake. And on that note, I need to sleep. I pulled an all nighter and i'm dead.
  11. "I can use it, i'm accusing you of being able to fight without weapons and dust!"
  12. "I've said it once, i'll say it again Andrea. You'd struggle in a fight with a wet paper bag"
  13. "I know that now! I didn't know that when I had him. I was 16 and was panicked!" "Me not deadly? Andrea, you can ask the police about my victims and tell the corpses i'm not deadly"
  14. "Yeah, but if you make an error it can end quickly, and I don't know human bodies from the inside..."
  15. *Grins* "Oh no, it was slow, you'll know when I release the chapter, but he was injured and I...took care of him"
  16. "I'm far from afraid of the truth, although i'm happy to tell you what happened to my first victim...."
  17. Midnight had, in all honesty,expected the girl to block her attack, so connecting was a win in her eyes. Although the rough and tumble nature of Aisha's next attack was far from pleasant, and she nearly lost her balance, only recovering with cat-like reflexs and landing on all 4's, her blades still held tightly. Instead of taking the aggression, she waited. First she had to spot the weakness in her style, everyone had one. And when she did, she'd destroy her...
  18. I guess? I'm an author writer, not a drawer, but i'll try later this week.
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