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Everything posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. Yeah, but i think we'll have to wait for Eclipse and Cainaim, Sky and stuff to come online before we can really get going. But when we do get into the city, i'll slip out (i have the reason all ready to go) and find the bar
  2. The bandits are dead, i think. I'm currently being verbally assaulted by the commander of the Grey Wardens, making it hard to slip away or do anything i normally would. I'll sneak away or something when i get into Stalliongrad, trust me. I got this (kinda) covered
  3. I'm trying, but Shadow doesnn't wanna piss off the Wardens. I'll get there as soon as i can, without fighting throught the Wardens if all possible
  4. oH...I'm going to go back over every post i've mad and change them now...Thank you Spaced, you made me look like a fool, and stopped me at the same time *salutes*
  5. Point understood and understandable, based on logic. We'll have to get him to answer that question, becuase (obviosuly) i can't really go inside his head
  6. I think it's hilarious to watch you 3 screw around, no idea if it's the same for him or not. I wake up in the morning and see posts in this OCC, i smile knowing i'm gunna die laughing
  7. No, it means he wants to avoid what you and Midnight...and Sky have.
  8. I do know if that was either an attempt to make me pull a joke, or you saying me saying i'm bad with jokes is actually a joke.....Wait...what?
  9. *Shrugs* I avoid maknig jokes in general, cause i always fail. Also, what's happening with the teach?
  10. Rainbow see's Silver slyly moving over towards Pinkie, thinking to herself 'If that punk so much as....' Then Pinkie hugs him. "Oh.." then she smiles "Good for you Pinkie" she says under her breath, before glancing at Nova. 'Pinkie's god Silver, and i've got Nova...I wonder how the others are going?'
  11. Thank you, and the quiet unicorn who i keep forgetting (sorry bout that) So, as i said. Sounds like a typical day for Mia Val...wait, i mean, Canterlot.com eh?
  12. And i missed the crazy, slightly emo and (according to Drakky) sexy unicorn waiting in the city, in the bar wanting to steal from the chantry
  13. So, here is a quick recap of the typical day on this site RPing section. We have: A partly-crazy unicorn with a huge sword escorting 2 possible wardin recruits who are brother and sister, somewhere (My memory is far from perfect) A changeling in disguise is tied up in a camp. 2 bandits, 1 earth pony and 1 peg are begging for their life, stuck in magic the unicorn holding them is pissed of at antoehr warddin. That otehr wardin nearly beat hte **** out of a peg duellist. That peg duellist is carrying a blade that seems off to antohr Peg assassin That peg assassin eyes can glow and is unconscious on the ground. Seems like a typical day on CAnterlot.ocm
  14. Shadow noticed the return of Luna and quickly put his weapon away, and like the captain, quickly bowed [colour=#FF0000]"N-not to our knowledge Princess, we were simply umm, well, he requested to see you and Princess Celestia. We were simply asking him why, we know that with dawn underway, you might prefere not to be....occupied with other subjects"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Slowly rises, Shadow took a step out of the way, keeping his gaze stuck on storm. If there was one thing the military had taught him, everypony, or nearly everypony, is a possible hostile[/colour]
  15. Never heard of Pan sexuals before, but, like i said to my homo sexual friends and my tran sexual one. It's your choice, it won't make me think any less of you
  16. At the unexpected noise inside the throne room, Shadow instinctivly grabbed the short sword on his armour and pointed straight at the pony who had stopped sliding. Shadow quickly reconised him, even is that pony didn't know him. Shadow did make it his business to know everyponies name and face who was in the castle. Shadow kept his weapon trained on him regardless, before glancing over at Cross, then back to the pony on the group [colour=#FF0000]"You are....Storm, no? You arrived recently under orders...something of importance, if i remember correctly. Why do you want to see the princesses? As you can guess, they are, preocupied, with that celebration happening soon"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Shadow took another glance at Cross, as if asking the captain for his opinion on what to do with their unexpected guest[/colour]
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