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Everything posted by Shadowbolt0

  1. We'll just find out, won't we? I can't wait to see Midnights reaction to Pin's explanation
  2. Well, when Shadow Flare makes it into town (He's part of a merc group, so you can guess where he'll head first) and finds the bar. You'll be able to ask there
  3. Well, considering Pin's a grey Wardin. i can't speak for him, but i doubt that's his kinda thing (doing what is required) Shadow, well, he's still a mercanary who might become a wardin. I think he might wanna do something fun like break into the chantry :fish: (Also, heres a fish)
  4. So do solo mercanaries, just throwing it out there. Well, convincing a Wardin might be hard yes. Still, as you kinda made it obvious, there is 1 Rogue that isn't a Wardin
  5. Azure, i believe she requires it without desturction, still. throwing somepony threw a door would be fun....
  6. Well, given his pervious encounters with mages (Midnight mostly) You will understand. He's paranoid (mostly about mages), and...unstable in several ways
  7. I'm may not be the smartest Peg on the cloud, but even i can see that that one. You won't attempt...You'll succeed!
  8. Simple enough answer...i guess...I just hope there are no...armies of mutents....wait.... You want me to open it for you, don't you?
  9. Wait...what? I expected like...zombies to come raining out of the sky or.....something...Wait Why do you want someone to open a door?
  10. Just what is it your pondering? somehow, i know i'm going to regret the answer (given what happened between you and Midnight above)
  11. I prefere the word assassin, but yes. Pegasus rogue if you put it bluntly,
  12. And then, when you get to know us better, you kill us? Yeah, sounds like a good deal
  13. Shadow looked at Cross, his face unreadable "[colour=#FF0000]Well, i didn't see it because i was in here...But, i felt it, i guess. It feels like something...corrupted is coming, a sense of impending doom"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Shadow sighed, tapping his front hoof against the cold hard floor [/colour][colour=#FF0000]"S-sir? If i may ask..." [/colour][colour=#000000]He glances around, making sure the area was clear [/colour][colour=#FF0000]"A-are the rumours true? That the princesses are weaking? Normally i wouldn't believe such things....but even i've seen it now, they eat less then normal. Luna is obviously strained when she raises the moon....A-and now a mare falling from the sky....."[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"I wouldn't believe it Cross, but...Something's not right, and this mare things gives me the creeps" [/colour][colour=#000000]Shadow strechted out his wings, which he hated keeping inactive and there were several cracking noises as the joints moved.[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"Well, now what?"[/colour]
  14. ......Somehow why can't i help but think someone will die in their sleep?
  15. .......I can not look at Pinkie again and not think of the empty child now...thanks
  16. A young colt walks onto the field wearing a gas mask "Are you my mummy?" (Anyone else get this? If so, then yay)
  17. That's not racist! i simply think Unicorns have too much power
  18. So, on the topic with who's with who. Here is what i've been able to deduce. Rainbow and Nova Pinkie likes Silver, who MIGHT like her back Morning is going after..Fluttershy? Puzzel is going after Fluttershy i think? AJ is alone, with no crush Quiet and Pepper like eachother, but fail to have 1 convosation yet (someone should push them together) What/who did i miss?
  19. (then do something about it! we gave you a perfect shot at it before)
  20. Ok, i mean like a brother could love a sister....Now i think about what i said, i seem like a fool. Also, how did the Rarity face get there? I didn't add it in...
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