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Posts posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. bolt_pony_little.png

    Bolt couldn't help but giggle when Carrot got all excited about the two of them going stargazing. She was pretty excited about it herself, she wanted to get to know him better and this seemed like a really fun way to hang out and talk. "Wow you know all of the real names? you must study a lot!" She was starting to feel silly because it sounded like he spent a lot of time studying astronomy and she didn't know much about it. She just thought stars were pretty, and although she's wanted to learn she never knew where to start. "Oh well... yeah I make up names for them but they're just silly, I'm sure the real ones are much nicer" her cheeks were bright red.

  2. bolt_pony_little.png

    Wow an earth pony who kept up on flying competitions, that was so cool. Most earth ponies couldn't be bothered with stuff like the weather or flying, her favorite things. Carrot was definitely an interesting stallion, between the accent, liking cool pegasus stuff AND knowing about the stars. He seemed like he was getting a little less shy, maybe if she just kept being a little quieter than she usually was he'd open up some more.

    When Carrot was done talking to Dash about her flying competition he turned to Bolt and... offered to teach her about the stars?! That sounded so awesome! She tried not to get too enthusiastic because it seemed to make him more nervous (and made her sound like a total dork). "Wow really? that sounds so great! I could totally move a few clouds around to give us a better view. You know all the real names for the constellations? I usually just make up my own... " She trailed off because she thought she was starting to sound like a total dork, so she just gave a shy smile to Carrot as they kept walking.

  3. scootaloo_mini.png

    Scoot wasn't sure what to do at this point, usually Sweetie stopped crying when Scoot hugged her. This time that wasn't working and she just kept crying and blaming herself. Already on the verge of crying it was getting very difficult not to, even though she was trying to hold them back a few tears rolled down Scootaloo's cheeks and ended up somewhere in Sweetie Belle's mane. She felt completely responsible for this, if she had only paid attention to what was going on before jumping on Sweetie then the mud wouldn't have gone all over. Sweetie could have just washed it off and the two of them could have gone crusading, but now she made Sweetie Belle cry and ruined Rarity's dresses. Scoot stopped fighting and just buried her head in Sweetie's mane and cried.

  4. Fluttershy looks awesome though! Her hair might relax a bit if you get it super hot (with water) and then curl it

    Thanks I'll give that a try :P

    Thunder, that really sucks :( I've put all my hair orders in through dollyhair and they've been great, maybe try dollyhair next time?

  5. bolt_pony_little.png

    Bolt thought Carrot was so cute but he was so shy she was afraid to scare him! It seemed like every time she giggled or said too much he got nervous. So when Carrot's cheeks turned bright pink after she landed, Bolt tried not to giggle and just smiled instead. She looked at him with her big purple eyes while he spoke "Oh! I think I've flown over your farm before, all the farm land out there is a great place to practice flying fast because there's not much to get in your way"

    He started talking about stars and Bolt wasn't sure what to do, she usually didn't like talking about her boring hobbies like reading or sitting on clouds and watching stars. With Dash there she'd probably look like a nerd if she admitted she liked watching stars too, but right now she didn't care enough about that. "I love watching stars! although I don't really know about astronomy. They don't look that much closer up in the sky, the only advantage is you get to sit up on a comfy cloud and watch. We're also a little restrained by the weather, even though we can fly, it's not very pleasant trying to relax on a storm cloud..."

  6. so I've been keeping myself busy, here's my current customs progress...

    I rerooted a fluttershy with pussycat, I like the color a lot better but I had a lot of trouble styling it. It was very ... literal, I use straws and bobby pins for curlers and they aren't completely round, instead of nice round curls I'd get on the normal ponies this hair would give me a square shaped curl. This is original and rerooted fluttershy next to eachother (reroot is on the left)


    Here's star Chaser so far, my best advice is to use a paperclip for painting cutie marks and eyes, it works very well.



    (Star's future hair is in the plastic bag that is visible in the second picture)

    Also making Lily Blossom (my character, not the background pony)


  7. "A tour? of what's left of the laboratory which is still on fire? oh that's just a WONDERFUL idea!" Sprocket said in an overly cheery tone that was dripping in sarcasm, but it was stuff like this that made him love that crazy pony. Even with half of his lab spread out all over the surrounding area he was still excited to show off what was left in one piece and covered in ash. Looking around Sprocket stamped out a few little fires, and just general tried to assess the disaster he'd be cleaning up soon. Overall it looked like a pretty typical Tesla disaster, they might have even lost a little less of the laboratory than they usually did.

    Adorable? Cute? ugh... "Uh, yeah, I'm a dragon" he said dryly to Lola making sure to leave out the baby part, Sprocket wasn't a huge fan of being called a baby. Little dragon? come on, every time this griffin talked Sprocket was getting more tired of her. "I'm actually big for my age and besides eventually I'll be big enough to eat you if I felt like it, I wouldn't but I'm just saying... you're not THAT big either. I'm Sprocket." he was clearly getting grumpy, it was hard to tell if it was just Lola's attitude or the explosion or a mix of the two that was getting on his nerves, both would be a smart guess.

  8. bolt_pony_little.png

    Dash had a good point, they did still need to keep an eye on Derpy. Maybe she was being a little extra weird today, it was always hard to tell. Bolt followed Dash as she flew ahead of Carrot to begin their tour, slowly flapping her wings just enough to stay off the ground. She turned her head back to Carrot and saw him lost a day dream, she smiled and slowed down to match his speed. Bolt couldn't really think of anything to say but she felt bad leaving Carrot behind the two of them so as she slowed down to match Carrot she landed. Folding her wings back in she moved closer and quietly walked next to him.

  9. HollyBellheader.png

    Holly smiled as she listened to Bramble's story, it was her first real smile since he'd gotten there. "A professor? that's so cool! Universities look like fun" but when Bramble asked about her book she blushed a little "Oh... it's just an old story book, I use to make my parents read it to me all the time" a closer look would reveal that the book had all the signs of being taken all over the place by a little foal, for years. The edges of the cover were worn and the pages all curled and rippled a little bit.


    Once Lily got inside she had to push a few little things out of the way, they looked like they might have been a few of Sunny's toys. 'Sorry Bramble, it can get a little messy in here' A quick look around and it was clear that this house was very cozy and loved. There were flowers in pots on just about every free surface that wasn't a table or the inside of a book shelf. A row of pretty pots with the biggest star gazer lilies most ponies had ever seen were sitting on a little simple shelf over by a sitting area.

    Next to the comfy chairs were several book shelves all filled almost completely with all sorts of books 'Oh feel free to move in whatever you'd like, books, your favorite tea cup… just make yourself at home' Lily wasn't sure how much Bramble had brought with him to ponyville but she was sure they could find room for all of it.

  10. scootaloo_mini.png

    Scootaloo picked her head up and looked around, there was water all over a few dresses, the beige pony, rarity... it was pretty much all over everything. It was hard for her to believe such a big mess was made by accident while trying to fix a mess. The little foal stood up and looked over at Rarity, she was about to say she was sorry when all of a sudden the other pony started yelling. Quickly turning her head around in the other direction she glared at him and was about to open her big mouth when Rarity stepped in front of her and started yelling back at him! Scootaloo was a little confused why he was in trouble now, not her, but she wasn't going to complain. After the yelling was over it was clear that Rarity just didn't like anypony yelling at her sister or... at Scoot? really?

    Before little Scootaloo had too much time to think about it, she got snapped back into reality by Sweetie Belle squeaking. Scoot started walking over to Sweetie while Rarity was glaring at the customer. Before Scoot got to her she had already started crying and ran away. Once again she looked at the beige pony and shot him a mean glare "Look what you did!" she screamed and her voice broke a little bit. Unfortunately she didn't have time to see the consequences of her words because as soon as she said it she ran off to the back room after Sweetie Belle, tracking a little more mud around the shop as she went.

    When she got to the back, Scoot found Sweetie Belle crying, gave her a big tight hug and didn't let go. 'It wasn't all your fault, it was my fault. I jumped on you and made the mess worse, and I made Rarity even more upset. So stop crying, ok?' Scoot herself looked like she was about to cry because she hated seeing Sweetie Belle cry and felt like she was responsible this time. Scoot felt like she was suppose to keep Sweetie Belle from getting sad but this time it was her fault and she didn't know what to do other than keep hugging her friend.

  11. scootaloo_mini.png

    Scoot looked up at Rarity again after Sweetie Belle said "oh no". Oops, she must have gotten mud on Rarity when she shook out her wings. Weird though, Rarity usually loved being all covered in mud at the spa, why was this making her all upset. "Uhhhh sorry Rarity!" Scoot said quickly and stepped back a few feet, getting more mud all over the floor. She was beginning to wonder if Rarity's eye twitching had to do with the mess.

    "I'll um... I'm gonna help too!" with that Scoot ran off to grab the other bucket of water as soon as it slid out into the room, mostly to get away from Rarity who was starting to look really twitchy and scary. Before Scoot got over to her bucket Sweetie Belle tripped and spilled water all over the place. Scoot started to slip on the soapy water and tried using her wings to keep her steady, that took all of her concentration. While distracted she wasn't looking where she was going and slid right into a mannequin that had half a dress on it, knocking it over... right into her bucket of water.

  12. so this is just a quick sorry! to everypony who's RP I've been holding up... finals are icky, I'll be getting back into things asap. I'd rather wait until I'm not too busy to actually write good responses, I don't want write crummy half-assed responses... that's not fair to you guys.

  13. scootaloo_mini.png

    Scootaloo was happy to be running with Dash, times like these were the best. Going fast, hanging out with the coolest pegasus ever, nothing could be more awesome. As Dash flapped her wings a few times it made Scoot wish her own wings were ready to let her fly for real.

    So when Dash asked her to use her wings for real she gave it a shot. She flapped her little wings as hard as she could, like when she was on her scooter. Although her wings weren't great yet she could pick herself up a little and Scoot got herself about a foot off the ground. She looked a little silly with her front legs lower than the back ones and she was clearly trying as hard as she could. She didn't have to slow down from the speed that the two of them were running at but she couldn't go much higher than being eye level with her friend. She gave Dash a little grin and tried to keep her pace.

  14. bolt_pony_little.png

    Bolt just barely managed to not giggle at how flustered poor Carrot was getting. She did however have a goofy smile on her face that she was desperately trying to hide behind a hoof. "Well I could show you around most of town, but like I've said before I think Dash and Derpy know how to get to the post office better than I do. Maybe we could start with the post office and then just give him the whole tour, Dashie?" Bolt smiled at Dash. It was obvious that Carrot got nervous around fillies and Dash being so bold was only making him more nervous, it was cute.

  15. scootaloo_mini.png

    "Sweetie Belle!?" Scoot yelled loudly outside the Carousel Boutique, "SWEEEEEEEEEETIE BELLLLLE" She poked her head in the door and wriggled in past a beige unicorn, bumping into him but not noticing him at all. "Sweetie Belle!" Scoot tackled her friend who was covered in mud, getting it all over herself too. As she got up and shook some mud off of her wings Scootaloo casually looked up at Rarity as though nothing was wrong "Oh hey Rarity!" and then right back to Sweetie Belle "Hey I've been looking for you! wanna go on an adventure?" Scoot was completely oblivious to the mess she was making.

  16. I got hair from dollyhair for Star Chaser, I'm going to be turning a Dash toy into her... I don't have the toy or the paint yet (it's coming in the mail) so I've just been working on the little hair plugs. Does anypony know about how many plugs the G4s have? I don't want to count my current Dash because she's got her hair done and it will get all messed up.

  17. I got another brushable Pinkie Pie, I can do a walk through of the hair styling if anypony is interested in it... here's how my other two have come out (the one on the left didn't get fluffed yet in this photo)


  18. Sprocket picked himself up and tried to shake some of the soot and dust off of his wings.'Great....' he thought sarcastically as he started looking around for Tesla who was hopefully in one piece. Being smaller than a pony was he always got thrown further than Tesla which meant he had to go hunting him down after the lab exploded.

    "TESLA! TESLA! you crazy pony" he quietly mumbled the last bit of that statement and kept yelling Tesla's name as he wandered trying to get his bearings. Luckily the Laboratory still had smoke pouring out of it so it wasn't terribly hard to find once he was finally oriented.

    When Sprocket got back to what was left of the lab he started talking before he could actually see Tesla "Hey boss, great job with those clouds..." he trailed off when he noticed there was a griffin next to Tesla. How weird, griffins don't usually come around here, "What's a griffin doing all the way out here?" Sprocket said very bluntly.

  19. scootaloo_mini.png

    Scootaloo giggled as Dash came back into her view, she tried not to but she just couldn't help it. As Dash stretched out her wings Scoot did the same even though she was too little to fly. Her wings couldn't help her fly but they sure could help her go faster so she flapped them quickly and sped up even more.

    Just to scare Dash a little she almost ran straight into a tree but avoided it right at the last second. After she did that she looked over to her mentor to see if she had managed to scare her with that little trick.

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