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Posts posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. Bolt loved to watch Dash land, it was always so cool. Although really pretty much everything Dash did was cool so I guess this wasn't different. Although she tried, Bolt couldn't help but giggle a little when Dash asked her question "well yeah, and that mailbox over there" she said pointing at the mailbox Derpy had smacked into. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Derpy cramming letters and what looked like a muffin into another mailbox along her route.

    Looking over at Carrot and then back to Dash she spoke again "This is Carrot, he's trying to find the post office and he didn't realize Derpy was ... well... interesting? when he tried talking to her. I'd show him the way myself but I'm a little fuzzy on the details"

  2. After some discussion with the ponies in the chat, I have leaned towards not leaving. So, please, admins, do not remove my account. However, that being said, I am still giving up my characters. RCtwilightsparkle has applied for Purple Haze, and Teh_Brawler has applied for Djemba. I have freely offered the characters to them, and they will no doubt do me proud handling my girls. I don't see myself doing any RP anytime soon. While it is fun, I'm going to stay out of it, methinks.

    I'm glad you'll be sticking around! if you ever want Haze back please just say the word!

  3. Sunnyheader.pngHollyBellheader.png

    Sunny grinned in response to what Bramble said, and he thought about... 'you have to love the flower' he'd definitely keep it in mind when he went back to his pot of daisies. Looking over at his sister he sighed as she wasn't even paying attention to them. It was hard to tell if she was just ignoring everypony or really interested in her book. Either way Sunny wanted her to pay attention to their new house guest and his horn glowed brightly as Holly's book floated away from her. He giggled and watched her get frustrated "Come on, say hi for real Holly".

    "Hey!" Holly yelled, not realizing exactly what happened. She really had been lost in her book, not trying to be rude. That caused her to miss the whole part of the conversation where Lily invited him to stay over. She got up quickly and almost knocked poor little Poof from where he was sitting happily. The little cat decided to get away from what looked like it was about to be a war zone and trotted over to Lily and Bramble. As Poof got next to Bramble he started nuzzling his face and his fluffy sides against the purple leg that was new and interesting to him.

    When Holly saw the book floating near her brother she gave him a half smile, and than he asked her to say hello. Rolling her eyes a bit she looked over to Bramble and said "Hi... sorry... that was a really good book, the one currently floating over by my brother. I'm Holly, but you already heard that." she glared at Sunny again, silently asking him to give her book back.


    Lily giggled a little at the whole exchange, it's been a challenge to learn the twins dynamic and get use to their teasing each other. Before the two of them had moved in she'd only seen them on brief trips to Fillydelphia or when the family came to visit her, only a few times a year at most. They were a lot to handle but she loved having them, they brightened up her days and were never any real trouble. When Bramble spoke to her she looked back at him "Dear, don't worry about it you've been lovely and I have no doubts that you'll help out with the business. Now if you'll follow me inside I'll show you around." and with that Lily stepped inside the house.

  4. Hey mane I noticed its chatty in here already, maybe we can have a chatter thread and an official list that is sticky in OOC, kinda like meow's cast character list. So everypony has a quick reference guide (I wouldn't mind taking care of the sticky thread)

  5. StarChasercopy.png

    As Star looked at Rook she could tell he was sizing her up, like he was trying to learn everything with just a glance. He was clearly not bad at it, he recognized her and she was feeling a little embarrassed about it. The feeling quickly faded when he spoke to her so calmly, and clearly wasn't judging her based on the accident. Sometimes it was hard for Star Chaser to think that ponies saw her for her entire career in the Wonderbolts, and not just the crash.

    Star watched in a bit of awe as Rook used his magic on Cinnamon, she'd never seen a pony diagnosis quite like this before. Thinking about it she realized the same magic had probably been used on her, but she didn't remember that day. As Rook said her name, Star snapped out of her wandering thoughts and listened carefully. Once she had a set of instructions she did exactly as he said.

    Walking over to the first aid kit she located the gauze that Rook was talking about used it to apply direct pressure to the marked points on Cinnamon's legs. After she was confident she was doing this correctly she looked up at Rook while still applying pressure and watched him work.

  6. StarChasercopy.png

    'Oh good, a doctor... and he knows her!' Star Chaser thought to herself as she tried to calm down. As things started looking like they'd be alright, Cinnamon started fading fast. Before Star could do anything Cinnamon was on the ground and Star was totally panicked. She was starting to show all the physiological signs of being nervous which was very unlike her. Her knees were shaking a little and she tucked her right wing as close to her side as she could. Unfortunately she knew she couldn't do much to physically help at this point, leading her out of the forest was one thing but Star was in no condition to carry anypony anywhere.

    Although this new pony Rook seemed like he met Cinnamon once or twice before he clearly didn't know her very well. So Star turned to him and started explaining "Well, I'm pretty sure she must have hit her head because she's been going on about 'Gibberkin'. Monsters of some sort that are immune to magic and watch ponies sleep? I'm not too sure I just ran, quite literally, into this situation myself. My name is Star Chaser and if there's anything I can do to assist you just let me know"

    Once she started explaining what was going on she began to feel a little calmer, but Star was avoiding looking at cinnamon on the ground because that might get her nervous again.

  7. yeah the whole saved his life thing is the big part I'm still working on and as far as looks I was honestly picturing basically a gray spike, if that's not ok I'll change it.

    Well it would be nice to see some individuality. I mean it's your character so you can make him just a basic re-color if you like. But I think making him a little different, like his spines or maybe having wings or something would make him more stand out.

    ooh I didn't even think to give him little wings, thanks for the idea!

  8. Bolt had quite a hard time not giggling as Carrot tried to talk to Derpy, she didn't laugh but a goofy smile did spread across her face and she tried to cover it up with her hoof. It's not that Bolt was trying to be mean in having Carrot speak to her, but everypony has to learn sooner or later if they live in Ponyville. She decided not to add anything to the question that Carrot just posed to Derpy because if it got too complicated the conversation wouldn't go anywhere. So instead Bolt just stood next to Carrot and waited for Derpy to respond.

  9. This little guy is one of Tesla Coil's assistants viewtopic.php?f=30&t=935

    [ Creature Related Character ]

    RP color: color=#40404F

    Name: Sprocket

    Gender: Male

    Age: Baby Dragon (like spike)

    Species: Dragon

    Eye Color: Yellow

    Physique & Colors: steel gray with a black belly and spines, he has wings

    Residence: Everfree Forest

    Occupation: Assistant to Tesla Coil

    Likes: Eating diamonds, laughing at Tesla, playing tricks on Goggles, going for long walks by himself in the forest, Science (when it works), helping Tesla with good experiments, making up stories and trying to convince Tesla that they actually happened but he just doesn't remember them

    Dislikes: Tesla being dramatic, most ponies, not being allowed to push the big red button, when Tesla blows up the laboratory with bad ideas

    Character Summary: Sprocket loves working with Tesla, he really does... but that pony can be so over the top sometimes it's hard not to tease him. This little dragon had his life saved by Tesla Coil and swore an oath to stay with him forever, so he lives in the lab and helps with experiments while making fun of poor Goggles for doing nothing.

    Sprocket had a pretty ordinary life before he met Tesla Coil and learned all about SCIENCE! but these days he spends his time trying to keep the lab from being on fire and flipping levers for dramatic effect whenever Tesla gets overly excited about something he's about to break. Sprocket also spends plenty of his day doing normal lab assistant duties too, it just seems like this lab is extra flammable compared to most sometimes.

    His personality has always been very sarcastic and he doesn't like many ponies, or many other creatures at all for that matter. They tend to annoy him and get in his way, at least from his point of view. Since he never knew his parents (like most dragons) he's never been much for family or friends. Although he endlessly teases Tesla and Goggles the two of them are as close to a family as he's ever had.

    Tesla saved Sprocket's life about 5 years ago when the two of them didn't even know each other. Sprocket was walking out in the Everfree forest and ran into a cockatrice, he'd never seen one before but he could tell it wasn't friendly. Luckily for Sprocket, Tesla heard him screaming and came running to find him. Tesla got between Sprocket and the cockatrice and baited it into staring at him but because of Tesla's reflective goggles the cockatrice turned itself into stone! So these days the stone cockatrice is a hat stand in the corner of the lab.

  10. StarChasercopy.png

    Star couldn't help but smile at the two little foals, they were just too cute! "Ok this first one is pretty simple but it keeps your reflexes sharp and you can go as fast or as slow as you need to! zig zag through trees, the straighter the line of trees the better. Go only as fast as you can while still being totally in control, this one isn't so much about speed as it is coordination but you'll go faster and faster as you practice! And Starlight you can do this one on the ground, I'll do it with you if you want" She said smiling to the little pegsaus, practice on the ground would be good for him. She looked around and saw a nice not quite a line of trees that would be good for this. "We're going to use those trees over there" With that she started to head over hoping the two little ones would follow her.

  11. scootaloo_mini.png

    Scootaloo thought it was funny that the faster the two little foals went the harder Sweetie Belle squeezed her waist. Not that she could blame Sweetie, she was going pretty fast. As the two of them raced along Scootaloo kept seeing places that would be perfect for tricks, but she didn't dare to try anything with her friend on the back of the scooter.

    Scoot watched Sweetie Belle recover from being on her scooter and all she could think of is how she should have gone further into sweet apple acres before stopping because there was no way her friend would get back on. Now she'd have to be slow while Sweetie ran across the farm. 'Oh well, at least we didn't crash or I'd never get her back on a scooter again', she thought.

    Moving much slower than she was before she beat her little wings and the scooter raced across the farm next to Sweetie Belle. As soon as the two little foals saw AJ Scoot gave a cheerful "Mornin', AppleJack" but her face changed as she noticed the bully from the other day. She was so distracted and nervous she crashed right into an apple tree, but quickly got up and tried to pretend she just wasn't looking where she was going. She moved over to Sweetie Belle, but didn't say anything.

  12. Hey everypony! I love giving each of my characters a color that I use so people can tell who I am RPing, I find it especially useful if I'm RPing more than one character in a post. The list of font colors on the forum is a little lacking for me because I have a lot of different characters and they each need their own READABLE color. I found this!


    It's a list of tons and tons of colors and their codes... so if you want to use a color from the list you type


  13. Note: Star Chaser's accident happened within the last 5 months and before that she was an active Wonderbolt, therefore any character who follows news about the wonderbolts or is a fan of them may know who she is before she introduces herself.

    RP color: color=#3B444B

    Name: Star Chaser

    Gender: Female

    Age: young mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Jet Black

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Light blue, almost white , her mane is short and messy and her tail is long and messy

    Eye Color: Blue

    Cutie Mark: A blue (matching her eye color) 5 pointed star with rounded points and a shooting star tail coming off the back

    Physique: She has a bit more muscle than most but is pretty average looking unless you pay attention. However her left wing is currently broken and secured to her side with bandages at all times

    Residence: mainly in ponyville but traveling very frequently

    Occupation: Star was a Wonderbolt until a recent accident forced her to retire far younger than she would have liked. She currently doesn't have a real job and is just resting and recovering at a relative's house in ponyville (who I'm not actually making as an RP character) once her wing is recovered she would like to become a weather pony, possibly in ponyville but preferably in a big city.

    Motivation: Star has never liked being on the ground, everything was all about the sky for her. She was the first flyer in her class and ever since she hasn't spent much time on her hooves. She also has a fascination with astronomy but doesn't know very much about it formally. Since her career in the wonderbolts has recently ended she's been putting more of her time into learning about the stars.

    Likes: Oranges, Flying, watching the stars or the clouds, reading, cupcakes, being part of a team

    Dislikes: Being stuck inside, walking, being alone, the color green

    Character Summary: Star was living the dream, she was in the wonderbolts and having a great time enjoying her youth and career. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be and after only a year and half in the wonderbolts her career was ended by a flying accident. Since then she has not been able to fly at all and might never fly again, but she refuses to give up hope and keeps thinking that one day she'll be able to fly and be a weather pony.

    These days she spends lots of her time in the library tree of Ponyville reading about astronomy and the weather. She reads about astronomy for her own interest but she is trying to learn all she can about the weather so that even if she can never fly she might be able to get some kind of job with the weather ponies. Possibly weather planning, maybe paperwork and desk work. She also likes running, not nearly as much as flying but at least it's fast. She can often be seen in the fields outside of Ponyville running through the grass as fast as she can. Getting out of shape is a concern of hers so even without the use of her wings she is doing what she can, although she does have a few of Pinkie Pie's cupcakes every once in a while.

    Edit: Within the RP timeline Star's wing is now healed and she can fly again


    Star in her Wonderbolts costume, done by Muddy <3


    Star hanging out with Spitfire, done by Whatnot <3


    Brian <3


  14. There's quite a few lady-types that use brony as well; it just seems easier than bronette

    yeah... bronies also includes girls out of the target age group who like MLP FiM

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