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Posts posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. [colour=#800080]Twilight watched as the doctor absentmindedly skimmed through a book off the shelf. He seemed quite preoccupied, and didn't even seem to be looking at the book he was flipping through. He seemed to be staring past the book, and was flipping the pages way too quickly to catch more than a few words on each page. This whole situation was so strange, it really seemed like the stallion must be up to something, but what that something was, Twi just couldn't put her hoof on.

    Dr. Tale brought up the subject of library fees, which was a touchy one. When Celestia had her take over the library she was told to never forget to collect late fees. However, Twilight, being a bit absentminded herself always felt bad since she had been known to keep library books for far too long. So she collected the late fees occasionally but most of the time she just let everypony off the hook. A faint noise quickly distracted Dr. Tale right in the middle of his thought, he looked all around the library as if he was expecting someone to pop out at him. "Uhh... yeah... library fines can really add up." She said slowly and awkwardly as he went back to his book.

    "Expecting somepony you know?" Twi said shyly, it was honestly the only reason she could think of for him to act so jumpy at a little noise. [/colour]

  2. bolt_pony_little.png

    Bolt's ears drooped as Haze started yelling from behind the bush. This whole situation was starting to feel like some kind of strange prank, instead of the date that she was hoping for. Luckily before Bolt had too much time to try to piece together the situation herself, Carrot spoke up and explained everything. Now the night made a lot more sense, and seemed even sweeter to Bolt. [colour=#FF40FF]"Awww"[/colour] she said as a little smile spread across her mouth. [colour=#FF40FF]"Carrot, I didn't know you had a little sister!"[/colour] she paused briefly [colour=#FF40FF]"Well, if she followed you just to try to make tonight nice then there would be no way I could stay upset, is there?"[/colour]

    Bolt walked over to the bush that Haze was hiding in and leaned down to foal level, trying to find her. [colour=#FF40FF]"So you did all of this to make sure your brother had a nice time?"[/colour] Since she was almost positive that Purple Haze thought the night was ruined, Bolt tried to sound as happy about the whole thing as possible. Five minutes ago the night was going beautifully, one little misunderstanding ruining the whole thing would have been pretty silly.

  3. jen_pony_header_250.png

    [colour=#800080]Twilight stood in the pouring rain and tried desperately to ignore the fact that her saddle bags were completely soaked. Before she set off on this adventure she had cast a spell on her bags and the books inside to protect them, but she wasn’t sure how effective it would be. She’d never had a problem with it before, but this weather was something that her bags have never experienced before. Her long mane was drenched and her hooves were beginning to sink into the mud. The harder the rain came down, the more she sank. She looked around wondering how in Equestria she had ended up in this situation. This whole crazy thing had all started with Dr. Spin Tale and that diary in her library, and somehow led to a crumbling castle outside of Hoofington. Dr. Tale seemed as though he was as unhappy and surprised to be out in this kind of weather as she was, but Pathfinder seemed like nothing could get her down. That crazy mare was all smiles as she surveyed the odd group of ponies standing around her.

    Odd group of ponies was definitely no understatement, this was not a team of adventurers you’d see in any foal’s tale. They were all either inexperienced or completely crazy; she thought that last bit while glancing in the direction of Trixie and Pathfinder. However, they were going to have to make due and find the orb of overwatch to keep it from falling into the wrong hooves. Although, Twilight did have her doubts about if this group of ponies were necessarily the right hooves. On top of the fact that she’d just met them, Trixie was here. She’d have to keep a close eye on her to make sure she wasn’t here to steal it, and Twi had to do all of this without making herself look suspicious.

    The downpour was so loud that it was hard to hear a word that anypony else was saying. Pathfinder was yelling about something, Twi was able to make out the word door and then PF pointed at her and Trixie. Although it didn't take long for Twi to realize that Pathfinder wanted the door blown open, she was still beat out by Trixie. The blue mare could not seem to stop showing off no matter what the circumstances were! Even in this situation, instead of just opening the door like a normal pony she shot off fireworks and made a big fancy show out of it. Before Twilight could even roll her eyes, the situation turned dangerous; as soon as the door broke open there was a spear flying right at Trixie. Twilight didn't need to intervene because Trixie quickly slowed down the spear and Pathfinder caught it, good thing too... otherwise this expedition could have ended right here and now. Thanks to their teamwork, the whole disaster only resulted in some muddy personal effects. Unfortunately, among the objects were a few books; the sight of ruined books made Twilight cringe, always. She shook off the small feeling of loss and cautiously followed the team.

    Poor Twilight was beginning to desperately miss her companion, Spike. She was having trouble being brave without him here, it felt as though she had no safety net to fall back on. Even though she had trouble making friends back in Canterlot, Spike was always there for her, and now she just felt cold, wet and quite alone.

    After taking a few seconds to compose herself and shake away her feelings, Twilight stepped inside of the old castle. Her heart immediately sank as she was greeted with a room full of ruined books. There was debris all over the floor, including pieces of wood and ripped up books. From the looks of it, a lot of knowledge was lost here and would be quite unlikely to get recovered. Twilight looked over at Pathfinder and noticed that she was busying herself with the deactivated spear trap, this meant that Twi would hopefully have a few moments to do as she pleased. Since the issue at hand was books, Twi decided it was best not to waste any time. Her horn glowed softly as pages and torn book covers started gently floating off of the floor into a neat pile at Twi's hooves. She began reading some scraps as others continued to quietly make their way over to her location. Twi was certainly faced with an interesting collection of knowledge. Some of the [/colour][colour=#800080]scraps[/colour][colour=#800080] looked as though they came from record books and others looked like they may have been fiction but a few pages seemed to be about something real! Her ears perked up and she smiled when she realized she was holding a page from some sort of spell book, a very old one. Finally, something good happened today. She quickly tucked it away into her saddlebag without looking suspicious; the last thing she wanted was for Trixie to realize what she was doing.

    Twilight had been trying to generally ignore everypony else's whining as she took care of what she felt was important work. A few more pages were putting themselves away in her bag as others floated around her. However, she could not ignore Dr. Tale's yelling and finally turned around to see what was going on. Dr. Tale was clearly getting quite frustrated by the fact that this castle seemed to have nothing left in it but dust and broken rocks, but Twilight wasn't ready to mention what she found. The upset stallion continued to rant and Twilight continued to pull every s**** of paper off of the floor. She got the feeling that the team was about to move on (or possibly get into a fight) so she hastily stuffed the whole mess into her right saddle back, which she'd thought to leave empty in case she found anything. Everything she found of value however, was in her left saddlebag neatly tucked into the middle of a stack of books.

    The latch on Twi's saddle bag had barely been fastened for a second when Dr. Tales made the unfortunate mistake of leaning on one of the castle's crumbling, old pillars. Without any hesitation, Twilight jumped right into action. Her horn glowed so fiercely that the center was white, and she quickly grabbed every single piece of the falling ceiling out of midair. The pieces floated towards the corner of the room where nopony was standing and stacked themselves up against the wall. Twilight let out a deep sigh and let herself slump down onto her flank. This was going to be a long adventure... [/colour]

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  4. I'm sorry for my recent absence, I'm being forced to move across the country while dealing with some major surgery. I'm sorry to say that Derpy will have to find a new player while I get my life back in order. I'm sorry I let things get this far out of hand. I'll let you all know ASAP when I'll be back and ready to RP again.

    Good luck, Techie! I hope everything works out and we see you back here at some point. Maybe Derpy will still be waiting for you :)

  5. [colour=#800080] Twilight halfheartedly paid attention to the stack of books she was alphabetizing, but mostly kept an eye on the mysterious stallion. He seemed nervous, like he was trying to sneak around and wasn't very happy having company. As he wandered over to the children's section Twi casually raised an eyebrow, although it wasn't that odd; a lot of ponies came in looking for books for their foals. At least it wasn't terribly odd until he started to look almost horrified at the fact that he was standing in the children's section. Twi ignored the oddness of the situation and floated another stack of books over to herself; another soft thud filled the extremely quiet library. It wasn't like she could do much, he wasn't stuffing books into his saddle bags or doing anything else wrong.

    Twilight's eyes dilated a bit after Dr. Tale told her his name. This stallion ran the Canterlot Army Historical Society! Her brother always loooooved that CAHS and so of course, Twilight tried her best to stay on top of the news about it. There had been an article published recently about Spin Tale, it was certainly interesting. Although the fact that the same Dr. Spin Tale who ran the CAHS was now making himself quite suspicious in Twilgiht's library seemed even MORE odd than when he was just some random stallion.

    Deciding maybe it was time to go in for a closer look at Dr. Tale, Twilight walked over to a wall of books and pointed a hoof. "Oh! well any personal books such as diaries would likely be over here. Although, one of our rarest books has been missing since before I even got here. I hope you aren't looking for Lootraider's journal... we had one of the only copies in existence here; it went missing and the old records are too shoddy to trace where it went.

    Twilight felt a little silly after rambling on about that book, it was just one book in the whole personal journals section. Granted, the entire section took up one small shelf, but the odds that this Stallion was looking for that book were pretty slim. [/colour]

  6. [colour=#800080] Twilight watched as Applejack got Dash's order together at lightning speed, while handling other customers too! It had been a while since she'd seen AJ in action, and admittedly forgot how good her friend was at handling a crowded apple cart. Spike mulled over what he wanted, as usual the little dragon took forever when it came to food; not that Twi could blame him, AJ's snacks were the best in Ponyville. After another long hard stare at the apple cart, Twi finally came to a decision "Well while Spike figures out what he wants, I'd love an apple tart!" It was impossible to go wrong with anything that Applejack baked, but the tarts were always Twi's favorite.

    As the little exchange about valentines took place between AJ and Dash, Twilight couldn't help but giggle a little. She wouldn't have been too surprised if Dash was still secretly sending valentines to Soarin. After Dash leaned in and revealed what was really going on today, Twilight nodded and waited for AJ's response.


  7. [colour=#800080]Twi stood up and watched as Fluttershy paced back and forth. Fluttershy seemed just as worried as Twilight was when she first heard the scary news, completely understandable. "Fluttershy! don't blame yourself for leaving the cottage, I think the best thing we can do is start looking for her ASAP!." As her friend continued to pace, Twi was not even sure if Fluttershy even heard what she was saying.

    The purple mare couldn't help but cringe as her big brother got Fluttershy's name wrong, and then she blushed when Fluttershy started talking to him. At this point Twi wasn't sure what to do, she ended up just standing there awkwardly, hoping the moment would pass. Finally, after Fluttershy got quiet, Twi filled her in and suggested they start searching for PeeWee.[/colour]

  8. [colour=#800080]

    Twilight couldn't help but smirk when she noticed that the stallion standing in front of her seemed a bit caught off guard. It was always a little funny when somepony recognized her and then didn't know what to say. Although she always tried to play it cool, she sometimes got a little embarrassed by the attention. After all, she may have gone on some crazy adventures but she still thought of herself as a regular, every day filly, just trying to get through school.

    After their short exchange, it seemed clear that the stallion just wanted to be left to his own devices in the library. However, it wasn't good protocol to leave ponies alone so Twilight decided to keep herself busy in the main room while he looked around. "Ok, well, my name is Twilight if you need anything" and with that her horn glowed as a few stacks of books floated from from their respective corners over to the purple mare. She watched as the stacks organized themselves a bit and then let them gently drop to the floor with a soft thud. It was obvious that she was only half paying attention to her work (if it even was work), and was keeping an eye on the mysterious stallion who was walking around her library.


  9. jen_pony_header_250.png

    [colour=#800080]Twilight jerked her head up at the sound of the library's front door opening. She looked down at her desk and frowned at the slightly drooled on scroll that was laying there, covered in notes and scribbles. The purple mare stretched and blinked a few times, trying to get her eyes to focus. Once she could clearly see the clock on her wall she jumped out of her chair; it was almost noon!

    It was uncommon for Twilight to sleep in this late (or fall asleep at her desk) but she had been up all night working on some important homework for the princess. Celestia had asked her to analyze a few of Starswirl the bearded's books to see if she could figure out some of the more confusing spells. Starswirl was brilliant but he didn't have the best hoofwriting and sometimes his notes were complicated and strange. Twilight had managed to make some headway on a long distance teleportation spell that nopony else could make heads or tails of, but not nearly enough to cast it herself. The research was going quite slowly; last night had been her 3rd attempt to pull an all nighter to finish the spell.

    Twi looked around the room trying to find Spike, but he was nowhere to be found. Maybe he had been the one who woke her up by walking into the library. "Spike?" she said loudly enough to be heard in the other room "was that you?" after a moment of silence she concluded that it couldn't be Spike, or at least if it was he couldn't hear her from the bedroom.

    After a quick shake of her mane to get a few tangles out, she decided to go see if somepony needed her help down in the library. She pushed open her bedroom door and was faced with a stallion she had never seen before. Based on his cutie mark she suspected that perhaps he was from a different city and was looking for some of the rare books that Celestia had shipped over to Ponyville. Canterlot Univeristy students and professors came into the library on a semi-regular basis these days. "Hello!" Twilight said, trying to be cheerful despite the fact that she hadn't really slept "Are you looking for a particular book?" [/colour]

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  10. [colour=#800080] Twilight let out a little nervous noise as she got hug tackled from seemingly out of nowhere. She hadn't gotten more than 5 feet out the door before Fluttershy spotted her and swooped in. As soon as she realized it was Fluttershy, she switched right from startled to panicked.

    "Fluttershy! We were just looking for you! Spike is fine, Owlowiscious is fine... but we have no idea where PeeWee went! Spike told her to fly to your house, but I don't think she has any idea how to get there." she frowned as she finished her statement.

    The idea of PeeWee being scared and lost somewhere was deeply upsetting to Twilight. She was supposed to be taking care of PeeWee, and yet look what happened. Nobody had a clue where the little bird had flown off to and Twilight managed to let the library nearly burn to the ground.

    "Spike is sleeping in the bakery right now. He doesn't do well on very little sleep and just needs a nap. He might wake up in a few hours but for now we should just leave him be and try to find PeeWee. He thinks that she knows her way to your house but I really don't think she does. However, maybe we should start looking in that general direction?"[/colour]

  11. [colour=#800080] Twilight watched Spike as his eyes lit up at Dash's suggestion. It really was the perfect gift for Rarity. It seemed like it would be complicated and a little tricky to pull off, but ultimately it would be possible. Also if everybody did manage to pull it off, it would be so exciting for Spike and for Rarity.

    Before the group had much time to mull over what to do next, AJ spotted them from across the market. Twilight looked back at Spike's happy face and then trotted over to her friend's apple cart.

    Twilight made sure to stand off to the side to avoid interrupting the long line of customers that Applejack had at her cart. "Hi Applejack!" she said cheerfully. "Ohh everything does look good, but it looks like you have your hooves a little full right now... " Twi's voice trailed off so that she could let AJ handle the rest of what was going on around her cart. [/colour]

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