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Posts posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. [colour=#800080]Twilight was so busy pacing and worrying that she barely noticed Shining Armor getting coffee spilled on him. In fact, she really didn't notice much of anything until he yelled her name. As soon as SA yelled, Twi snapped out of it and looked at her brother.

    Using her magic, Twi lifted the coffee cup off of her brother's horn as she listened to him. "Last time I saw her, she was outside of the library with Spike and I." Luckily, Spike had a little more information than Twilight did...

    "You let her fly to Fluttershy's on her own?! Spike I really don't think she knows how to get there... which means she's lost!" The last part of her statement came out a little loud and panicked, but Twilight took a deep breath and tried not to freak out again. What she did do was nervously shuffle her hooves while wondering what was going to happen next.

    Twilight was trying to think up a plan, and Spike was falling asleep. It wasn't his fault, he's a baby dragon after all and they do need a lot of sleep. She watched him curl up and fall asleep on the chair and then gently covered him with a blanket.

    She whispered to her big brother "Spike will be okay in here for now, let's go outside and see if we can find PeeWee." With that, she quietly walked to the door, opened it and stepped outside, assuming that Shining Armor would follow her. [/colour]

  2. Twilight followed Spike through the market and listened to him talk to himself about what to do for the gift. Every little while she's try to make a comment such as "Well I think Rarity likes flowers... maybe... I've seen her smell flowers sometimes..." she kind of trailed off, knowing that Spike wasn't really paying much attention anyway. As the two of them looked through the market, Twi began to realize that this would be even more difficult than she suspected (and she had already suspected that it would be quite difficult).

    Luckily, as things were starting to seem like they were going nowhere at all out of nowhere came Rainbow Dash! She wasted no time getting to what she had found out from Rarity herself. As Rainbow Dash explained her plan at a mile a minute Twi just stood there and nodded while occasionally looking down towards Spike to gauge his reaction. Once the plan was fully explained it sounded like an awesome idea! It also meant that Twilight got to do research, which always made any idea an awesome idea.

    Once Dash finished explaining everything Twilight smiled and said "Dash this sounds perfect! have you told anybody else yet?". She paused and looked down at Spike "Well, what do you think, Spike? It sounds like a really thoughtful idea to me, and I'm sure it will be way more interesting than anything we could find here".

  3. As her big brother pointed out how books can be replaced, Twi couldn't help but cringe. She very despnately wanted to interrupt with the point that some of those books were quite rare and not exactly replaceable. However, he still had a point about nopony getting hurt and he was just trying to make her feel better. With a bit of a shy half sincere smile on her face, she looked up at her brother "Well yeah, I guess since books are mostly replaceable you've got a point. It could have been a lot worse.". Twi looked over at Spike and tried to put things in perspective, at least the two of them were able to sit here with Armie and explain the whole situation, and neither of them were badly injured.

    Twi listened to the conversation between Spike and her brother but was only half paying attention. She couldn't keep out of her own head, and couldn't stop worrying about how mad Celestia would be about the books. As they started talking about PeeWee, Twilight started thinking about the little troublemaker. When Spike mentioned Fluttershy having her, Twi realized that Fluttershy DIDN'T HAVE HER.

    The purple mare's eyes dilated as she stared off at the wall, realizing that she had no clue at all where PeeWee actually went. Twi snapped back and looked over at Spike, clearly panicked "Spike.... Fluttershy has her? When did you give PeeWee to Fluttershy? Because I didn't give PeeWee to Fluttershy and I thought you've been with me this whole time." by the end of the statement, she was nearly yelling, but nobody could get a word in before she started freaking out. Shining Armor's coffee was almost knocked off the table as Twilight jumped up and started pacing. "Oh my gosh, she's gone isn't she? this is all my fault I should have been watching her! How could I just LOSE her! ".

  4. Hey, I'm guessing this is just a typo but I'd like it fixed before this app gets stamped. You mention a place called Marehattan, but I'm assuming you meant manehatten.

    Origin/Residence:Partly Cloudy was born and did some growing up in Marehattan. The bustle of this bigger city may have been a grand adventure for some ponies, but for Partly Cloudy, it was merely a setback.

  5. Why hasn't this application been accepted yet?

    apps are looked at in the order they're taken in by the RP helpers, everybody has to be patient and remember that the entire staff is either volunteers or spends money on this place to keep it running for you guys.

  6. Sorry Starstorm,

    I'll be stepping in here for Mojo. As a foal your pony can't live on her own, it would be like a 10 year old human living on their own and isn't something we allow in mane RP. As for school, flight school is different from regular school, did she also drop out of that?

    Something to keep in mind, if she is a filly aged pony, she is allowed to live on her own as long as she has some way of supporting herself and paying her rent. That may work out better (and she could still be a blank flank a few years into fillyhood).

    - Helix

  7. Twilight looked at Pinkie with a bit of a confused look on her face "Um... Pinkie? nightshade isn't the best idea for anypony" but at that point she doubted that her friend was even paying attention anymore. As Pinkie started singing, Twi just shook her head no in response to if she knew the song that Pinkie was talking about. However, at that point it was too late, and Pinkie was gone.

    Twi looked over at Spike and nodded, now was their chance to slip off to the market without a crowd. Maybe since they were alone now they could do a little shopping without attracting attention.

    The two of them started walking past all sorts of stalls, but nothing that struck Twilight as a good present for somepony like Rarity. As Spike walked in front of her she briefly considered picking him up to let him ride on her back, but maybe now wasn't the best time... she had called him the boss after all. "Well Spike, see anything you like?" She asked with a cheery smile.

  8. Twilight nodded as Spike told the story of how they found Peewee, although they had no idea how to really take care of the little phoenix.. the alternative to having kept her wasn't something that Twi wanted to think about. However, maybe the task of raising Peewee on their own was beyond the two of them. Mentally, she started considering ways to tell the princess about their new pet, and thinking of ways to ask for advice without seeming in over her head. Maybe the whole thing would just come up, considering she needed to confess that so many of her books were destroyed in the fire.

    Spike got back to his story and Twilight couldn't help but wince at seeing his burnt scales, they looked painful. She listened and when he finished, she got back to her perspective on the incident.

    "Ok well, by the time the window frame was on fire I was awake, and rushing books out of the library. Like Spike said, the window fell and caught the grass on fire, which meant I had to move the books I was saving even further away. By the time that was done and I looked back things were WAYYY worse" she waved her hooves a bit for emphasis "Spike sure wasn't kidding about phoenix fire burning really hot. By the time I got back into the library I couldn't get to the second floor bedroom so I yelled to Spike to get, Peewee, get out, and maybe do what he could about some books."

    "By the time I started pulling books out of the ground floor rooms we may have been getting some attention from the neighors" Twilight recalled that at that point, a few of the neighborhood ponies were getting buckets of water or generally panicking. Unable to even consider the idea of ignoring the books to address the other ponies, she didn't do much about their presence.

  9. I can't stamp this yet, we've still got a few problems

    Likes: automobiles, working out, fighting (see below), firearms

    There are no automobiles in Mane RP, and absolutely no fighting

    Because of his rather bulky build, he feels a responsibility of sorts to keep any pony willing to give anyone else a hard time in line, especially his friends. If they persist after his first warning, expect nothing short of a thrashing to teach somepony a lesson.

    Use of physical violence in mane RP is 100% against our rules, this needs to be removed.

  10. <3


    Your app has been approved! since this is your first mane RP character, you aren't in the roleplayers group yet. Once you are moved into the roleplayers group you'll be able to post in mane RP with your new character :) it can take up to a few days for the admins to move you.

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