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Posts posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. He wants to be famous, and to know for himself he's an incredible flier. The only way he feels he can prove it to himself is by getting into the Wonderbolts.

    These aspirations don't really come off clearly in your application, you're going to need to make a few adjustments so that this character appears cohesive. Right now things are still a bit confusing...

    Edit: Because this will be your second set of revisions after being stamped, I'm going to put him back into applications so you can work on him there.

  2. jen_pony_header_250.png

    Twilight just smiled and let Spike lead the way to the Ponyville market, there was sure to be something there that he thought was perfect, at least she hoped so. Considering what a big crush Spike had on Rarity, it was possible that nothing would seem good enough to him. However, no matter what Spike ended up picking out, Twi had a good feeling that Rarity would love and appreciate it just because it was a gift from Spike. Twi quickly decided against pointing that out because finding a perfect gift was very important to him and she didn't want Spike to get the impression that Rarity would just try to be nice instead of really love the present.

    Twi's thoughts were starting to get a little sidetracked and she was thinking about all sorts of different presents she'd given to ponies in the past. Just as she was worrying if Princess Celestia didn't really like the book that Twi gave her as a present last year, Pinkie seemed to jump out of nowhere and give her a hug. A little startled, Twilight let out a little "Eep!" before realizing it was just a Pinkie hug. Before she could even apologize for her startled response Pinkie wanted to start singing, so Twilight did what she always did when Pinkie wanted to start singing, smiled and nodded. Once Pinkie decided that singing probably wasn't the best idea in this case, Twi just hugged her friend and nodded again "Probably for the best, we can sing about it once we find Spike's perfect gift!".

    As for Pinkie's disguise idea or Dash's talking to Rarity idea... Twilight didn't have a good answer. So, instead of saying anything Twilight just turned to Spike, smiled and said "Well, it's your present, so this decision is on you, boss".

  3. One more little snag I noticed and then you should be good to go, Appleloosa was founded only a year ago, so Buck could not have been born there. However, he could have been born anyplace near where Appleloosa was built and have grown up on a ranch. :)

  4. As a lot of you know this is my last semester of college, and I've got finals between now and May 4th. I'll try to keep up a little bit but I can't make any promises. However, as soon as may 4th is over I'll make sure I catch up on all of my threads as quickly as possible! Sorry for any hold ups :)

  5. Likes: Being called names, mean ponies, styling her hair, thinking of new magic tricks

    Dislikes: Dirt and uncleanliness, rude or crude behavior, disappointing anypony, and anything she does being anything less than perfect, the rough and tumble sort of ponies.

    Before I stamp this, her likes seem a bit odd. Was this an error or did you intend for her to like being called names and mean ponies?

  6. Hi Alison,

    This character is going to need some changes before it can be approved.

    - Although your character is a pirate, they cannot be destructive. It sounds like this character gets her kicks robbing people or fighting, and that isn't at all what mane RP is about.

    - Her bounty has to change, ten billion bits is an unreasonable amount of money for mane RP. You could easily change it to 'a large bounty' instead of a specific number.

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