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Posts posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. bolt_pony_little.png

    As soon as she mentioned a possible next time, a little foal jumped out of the bush behind Carrot. Bolt reacted as she usually did when something startled her, and without even thinking about it, she was now a few feet in the air. As soon as Bolt realized she jumped up, she was totally embarrassed. It was a nervous habit she'd had ever since she was a foal, and her friends back at flight camp would always pick on her about it.

    Oddly, Carrot was looking more embarrassed than surprised about somepony yelling, which was making Bolt suspect something was going on. He seemed like he was trying to act like nothing was happening, but he was blushing and kind of rambling. He MUST have heard her, although he couldn't have seen her because his back was facing the bush that the foal popped out of.

    After a few seconds of flight, Bolt blushed and landed back where she was standing. He was still trying to act like it didn't happen, which was really starting to confuse Bolt. Finally, when he asked if she wanted something to drink she couldn't think of anything to say other than "Um.. what ... was that?".

  2. jen_pony_header_250.png

    Twilight's enthusiastic smile started to fade as everypony dismissed her book idea. She really thought a good book would have been perfect for Rarity, everybody likes books. So when Pinkie started laughing and called her idea a joke she just tried not let it get to her. Pinkie wouldn't be mean on purpose "Well you know me and uh... jokes... those are ... always fun" she strained and flashed an awkward grin.

    However, since this was Spike's big present, if he didn't think a book was just right then it wasn't just right, and that was fine. Twilight sighed "Well ok Spike, if you don't think a book will do, we should shop around until you find something that's just right!".

    Spike nearly interrupted her when he got hit with a wave of ideas "I could help you find a spellbook, but something only a dragon could get? I don't even know what that would be, and I don't think any of us ponies could help you with that one" she said. Although at that point she wasn't even sure if Spike was coming up with real ideas anymore. Twi thought it was better to assume he was serious.

    Suddenly out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash dropped down from the sky and lazily handed a book to Twilight. Twi just used her magic to float the book in front of her and saw that it was one of her Daring Do books. It was so nice to see Rainbow Dash reading something.

    Before Twilight could ask her about the Daring Do book, Dash listed off a few of her own suggestions for Rarity. "A Wonderbolts costume....?" At this point Twilight just trailed off and let Dash talk to Spike.

  3. scootaloo_mini.png

    Scootaloo nodded enthusiastically as Sweetie added more to their story, she hoped it would be enough to convince Applejack to come help them. When Applejack responded, Scootaloo nodded "Yeah! But she's been stuck in there for like uh... well... probably more like 15 minutes!".

    Once Applejack finally said yes, Scootaloo jumped and yelled... but of course there was a but to her statement. "All of these apples, that will take foreeeeever" she whined as she cleaned the apples as quickly as she could.

    Finally! All of the apples were clean and they were heading back to Rarity's shop. Scootaloo strapped on her helmet and hopped on her scooter. Once Sweetie belle was safely on the back, Scoot took off behind Applejack. It seemed like it was taking so much longer to get back to Carousel Boutique than it did to get to town.

    Once they got near the front door, Scoot nearly tripped over her scooter because she was trying to get back in the door so quickly. She grabbed Sweetie by a hoof and raced back up the stairs to the closet.

    Ok, they were upstairs in front of the closet! Then it hit Scoot that her and Sweetie couldn't actually do anything now. Scoot stepped out of the way and looked up at Applejack, waiting for her to do something awesome.

  4. bolt_pony_little.png

    It made Bolt feel a lot better knowing that she wasn't the only one who was bad with names, and that even the ancient ponies who came up with the real names for stars didn't always have the easiest time of it. "Even you forget the names of some stars? Well... there are so many to keep track of." She stared up at the sky as Carrot walked away to grab one of his maps. As he was getting up, she thought she heard a noise, it almost sounded like a giggle or somepony whispering. "Did you hear that? I thought I heard somepony giggling... but I thought we were all alone out here." She just as quickly put the noise out of her mind, must have been nothing.

    Bolt was still a little annoyed that she forgot to bring the snacks, she even remembered exactly where she left them. The bag of hay chips was sitting right next to the tomato and dandelion sandwiches on her countertop back at home. She let out a little sigh as she thought about how forgetful she was tonight.

    Carrot was trying to be reassuring that forgetting the snacks wasn't a big deal, and he sounded sincere about it so Bolt tried not to beat herself up over the whole thing. However, right in the middle of saying it was his own fault he realized that *he* brought snacks. "Oh! good! you packed something!" she said with a smile. "Now I don't feel nearly as bad for forgetting... but I'll totally remember for next time!" After implying that there was going to be a next time she got quiet... maybe she was assuming too much.

  5. scootaloo_mini.png

    As Scoot ran out the front door of the boutique she strapped on her helmet and checked to make sure that Sweetie was following her. Once she heard the familiar click of Sweetie's helmet locking and felt her friend hold on tight, she took off!. Little wings were buzzed loudly as the foals raced towards town in search of Applejack, or some other pony to help Rarity.

    Since Sweetie hated stunts and cool tricks, Scootaloo had to resist the urge to jump off every vaguely ramp shaped thing in their path. Scoot did a few *little* tiny innocent tricks, but her friend still squeaked fearfully. "Sweetie! That was such a little jump, it was fiiiiiine!" she protested as they headed into town.

    Applejack was surprisingly easy to find, right in the center of town! Scoot sped her scooter towards the cart and then jammed on the breaks, sending dust and dirt all over the place. The cloud of dirt hadn't even settled before Scootaloo jumped right into a giant, confusing, rambling story about what happened at the boutique. "Sweetie Belle and I were just playing and then there was mud everywhere, and the dresses got ruined... I tried to fix it and so did Sweetie! and now Rarity is stuck in the room with the wobbly doorknob. At first Sweetie thought it was just a trick but she's really totally stuck! I know because now the doorknob fell off when I tried to open it and so she's extra super stuck! You haaaaave to help us save her, Applejack!"

    Scoot let out a big sigh at the end of her story and stared up at Applejack with big puppy eyes.

  6. jen_pony_header_250.png

    All sorts of ideas raced through Twilight's head as she tried to think of good presents for Rarity. Spike wanted something that would last; so flowers and chocolate just wouldn't do. Gems were beautiful, but it would be hard and expensive to top the last one he gave to her. Shopping for a pony like Rarity was never an easy task. As everypony was standing around thinking it hit her... a book! Her face lit up and she excitedly said "Spike! You should get her a book! you could find her a book all about fashion or maybe just a book about sewing! That would be sweet AND practical". Twilight was grinning like she just had the best idea ever.

    "Wouldn't it be perfect? It's unique, unexpected, and who doesn't love a good book?"

  7. jen_pony_header_250.png

    The smirk on Twilight's face turned into a warm little smile as Spike admitted what he was really up to. Spike got a little quieter as he explained what he wanted to do, and so Twilight just listened and nodded. When he was done she said "Oh Spike! you could have asked! I have this book all about hearts and hooves day." as she spoke she floated a big book with a pink cover out of her saddlebag. The book drifted over to Spike and hovered there waiting for him to grab it out of the air. "I could even go with you if you wanted! Since I already read the whole book I know all about what kinds of presents to get a filly for hearts and hooves day"

    Just as Twi was about to ask Fluttershy if she wanted to come along, Angel Bunny made it very clear that he wanted the two of them to finish up their own errands. She decided to stay quiet and let Spike decide who, if anypony, he wanted to bring along on his shopping trip.

    During the short pause when Twi was waiting for Spike to speak up again, Pinkie stuck her head out of Spike's backpack and hissed at Twilight! Pinkie was obviously trying to remind Twi not to tell Spike's secret, but Twilight had already learned her lesson last time and certainly would not mention who the super-secret special somepony was. "I remember, Pinkie! A promise is a promise!" she paused, considering asking about how Pinkie got into the backpack in the first place, but decided maybe it was better not to ask.

    At this point Spike had a lot of options and a few ponies willing to lend a helping hoof, so Twilight just smiled and waited for Spike to let everypony know what he wanted to do next. This was his special shopping trip, after all.

  8. scootaloo_mini.png

    Scootaloo came scampering back up the stairs with a small pile of rags on her back. Once she got to the doorway she dropped them in a neat little pile on the floor; just in time to hear Rarity and Sweetie Belle talking about changing the plan. The little foal pouted "Awww but guys... I totally got the rags already." but when she heard the new plan it DID actually sound a lot better. Scoot paused for a second like she was lost in thought "Well, AJ probably WOULD be better at bucking the door down. almost like the whole thing was her idea.

    Scoot looked over the door one more time like she was carefully inspecting it, she wanted to be able to tell Apple Jack exactly what was going on. Once she thought she could do that she looked through the keyhole and said "Ok Rarity we're gonna save you! We'll be back!" and tore back down the hallway to the first floor of the boutique.

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