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Everything posted by Derpyy

  1. "Well...seeing as I'm dressed in a fancy leotard and partially made up I would assume I'm likely part of the circus, or just a really weird pony." "I'm part of the troupe. Name's Daydream. Need any help finding anything?" Care didn't know why he didn't think of that before! She obviously was a circus pony. He felt a bit stupid for not realizing this but then again he had never been to a circus before so he had no idea how a pony was supposed to look when dressed for a circus. Care lifted up a bit and grabbed her hoof. He proceeded to flap his wings and he lifted off the ground. He hovered in the air and shook her hoof. [colour=#8b4513]"I'm Care Package! Equestria's best mailpony! Nice to meet you!"[/colour] He smiled at her and then let go of her hoof. "[colour=#8b4513]Oh wow! You're part of the troupe! I don't know what that is but I'm sure it has something to do with the circus! It must be awesome being a circus performer. But honestly this will be my first circus to see. So.." [/colour]He let out a small nervous chuckle. [colour=#8b4513]"As for finding things...I think I'm alright." [/colour]He laughed a bit. [colour=#8b4513]"Thank you though."[/colour] He then realized that the mare had eyeliner on only one of her eyes. Was this a trend now? Only on one eye..? He knew that some mares dolled themselves up and tried to look their best but.. Oh Care didn't know. He didn't wear makeup and all so he had no idea. Maybe it was circus pony thing. But the mare did seem like she was very nice. Not stuck up like most Canterlot ponies. But he only just met her so he had no idea what to think clearly about her. As he waited to hear her reply he turned his head and saw a tall and slender black stallion. He looked older than him so Care decided not to mess with him. He didn't want any trouble.
  2. Care Package couldn't believe he was in Canterlot. The young stallion was still a fresh pony when it came to delivering mail. But he still loved his job. He had only delivered letters to Cloudsdale and Ponyville. But now he could add Canterlot to that list! The energetic stallion was full of excitement. A few Canterlot ponies stared at him as he flew lazily along the streets. He should been trotting on the ground. It seemed proper in the city. But he didn't know that. Besides, he loved to fly. Care had actually delivered all his mail earlier today. Now he was just wasting..well not wasting, spending his time exploring Canterlot. He pretty much bumped into everypony and got disgusted looks from all the high class ponies. He had no idea they were mad at him though. Care noticed one thing about the city. There was a circus in the city! Care had never been to a circus before..so he figured he would check it out. Care decided to check around every where for the circus. He contemplated asking a few ponies where the circus was but he figured he could find it on his own. Just as Care was lazily listing along a certain smell hit his nose. He took a deep breath and let the smell fill his nostrils. He let out a satisfied ahh as he closed his eyes and took a big sniff again. The smell was incredible. He smelled...apples? Deep fried somethings...he just loved the smell though. Smelled nothing like the food in Canterlot. Just as Care opened his eyes he managed to head face first into a large stallion. The stallion didn't budge. He just moved away from Care and gave him a disgusted look and then let out a Hmph! And then trotted off. Care picked himself up and started to apologize but the stallion was gone. And just in that moment Care found it. The large tent and food vendors and ponies every where. Yup. Care had found the circus! Care made his way towards the food vendors. He was amazed by everything. He saw a sign. [colour=#800000]"Wingling brothers circus? Hmm..Never heard of them before."[/colour] Care put a hoof to his chin and tried to think. The teal stallion couldn't think of any Wingling brother. And his mind was lost again. Which led Care to find a mare. The mare was a light blue unicorn with a rather messy mane and she was wearing a white leotard. Not something Care would wear but hey..he didn't judge anypony. Care decided to approach the mare. He flapped his wings a bit and landed next to her. [colour=#800000]"Um..excuse me miss?"[/colour] He smiled at her. "[colour=#800000]Are you here for the Wingling Brothers Circus as well?" [/colour]He gave her a very happy facial expression. He figured he would need a ticket to the circus soon if he planned to attend it.
  3. Heart finished bandaging up Silver's wing. He had to admit..he did a good job on such short notice. And he didn't even have the right supplies for the job but he figured he wouldn't tell Silver or Fleur that. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them. Heart stretched a bit and sighed. The white doctor's jacket he was wearing pulled a bit on him. It was kind of small even for him. But it was alright. He didn't want to take it off yet. Heart looked back to Fleur and Silver. He never noticed the way Fluer's mane was coloured. Maybe it was the lighting in the room? It just made it seem so..shiny and elegant. Fleur herself was very..elegant as well. Heart still couldn't believe this though. He met up with an Alicorn prince and the lovely Miss Fluer. What a day. Heart turned back to Silver and gave him a warm smile. [colour=#8b4513]"You're all good to go Silver. I recommend not flying for a few days though. Unless you want to break it again and end up coming back here and repeating the whole process again."[/colour] He took a breath. [colour=#8b4513]"Not that I would be more than happy to fix your wing again, but I am only going to be here for a few more days and you need to get well and I hate seeing injured ponies and I.-"[/colour] Heart stopped himself and just laughed. [colour=#8b4513]"I just want you to be ok."[/colour] He laughed again.
  4. I'm requesting something. Can someone make me a .gif?

  5. [colour=#00FFFF]You have a crush on Vinyl Scratch!"[/colour] Vinyl turned her head in the direction of the voice. What was said made her smile a bit. She had never heard of a pony having a crush on her. She spotted a few ponies sitting a table a bit away from her. One had a rainbow mane and one had a pink mane. Two mares and a stallion. The stallion she didn't know. She knew the two mares. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Both nice mares but she never really spoke to them. She hoped that the one that apparently had the crush on her was the stallion. She didn't want to imagine if it was one of the mares. Vinyl was happy to see other ponies here though. She moved a bit and decided to go over to the table and speak to them. Though she was a bit skeptical at first she was sure her nerves would calm down. She noticed that the stallion was staring at her though. He was drinking his drink. Which reminded her...she had her own drink. Vinyl then turned her head back to her table and levitated her glass up to her mouth and drank the rest of the drink. She let out a small ahh when she finished and put the glass down. She then trotted over to the table. There was a waitress at the table now awaiting to take their orders. She moved to the side a bit and smiled at all of them. [colour=#0000ff]"I hope I'm not intruding on anything. But I just wanted to pop by and say hello."[/colour] She smiled at all of the ponies. She then turned to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.[colour=#0000ff] "I know you two."[/colour] She giggled a bit. [colour=#0000ff]"Then again, who doesn't know you two?"[/colour] She laughed then turned to Flash. [colour=#0000ff]"But I'm afraid I don't know you."[/colour] She then felt like she was interrupting the waitress. So she moved back a bit and looked at the light green coloured mare. [colour=#0000ff]"I'm sorry miss."[/colour] She smiled at her and nodded.
  6. Vinyl shook her head. Her two coloured mane fell in her face a bit forcing her to shake her head again. She moved her mane out of her face. She loved her mane though. She was having a regular day. She had played for a party last night and she was a bit worn out. Though she could still function properly, she just fest tired. She figured she would be used to this feeling by now. Vinyl yawned a hearty yawn and smacked her lips a bit. She was sitting outside at a table of one of her favorite restaurants in Ponyville. She loved this place. Came to it all the time. She loved the food and the fact that everypony was nice. She loved that about Ponyville as well. Everypony was so nice to each other. While there were some mean ponies, most of them were only mean because of something that happened to them. Usually their anger can be resolved. But moving on. All Vinyl had ordered was a drink. She wanted a cup of Cider. She loved the stuff but her drink had not come yet. Ponies that came to the restaurant after she arrived had already gotten their drinks and food. Why had she not gotten her's? Just then the waiter showed up. [colour=#8b4513]"Sorry for the wait Miss. Here's you Cider."[/colour] The waiter smiled at her and placed the glass on the table. Vinyl smiled at the waiter. [colour=#0000cd]"Thank you." [/colour]She waved and nodded. The waiter nodded and trotted off to cater to another pony. So now that Vinyl had something to wet her mouth with she decided to do just that. She took a big drink from the glass. When she finished her gulp she put the glass down and let out a satisfied Ahh. She still had some cider in her cup left. So she decided to save it. She glanced around the other tables and saw ponies in pairs and some in trios and some with four to a table. She looked over at the empty seats by her. While she didn't mind being alone she always enjoyed company. Vinyl put on a happy face and decided not to look at the other ponies at the tables anymore. She didn't have her glasses on her so her red eyes were exposed. She knew that she had some alternate pony name when her glasses were on. But she always loved Vinyl. Vinyl blinked a bit and decided to take a look again. She knew she said she wouldn't but..what the hay. Vinyl looked to the left and saw a few pegasi flying and earth ponies trotting along. She then looked to the right and again saw some pegasi along with a few unicorns and earth ponies. She wondered if anything would happen today.
  7. Light was all set and ready to go up the stairs so his new found friends could drop off their things. He was excited. He had to admit. He had just realized that he was going to be the two pony's host. For the whole city. While he already knew he would be. He just realized how much fun it should be. He was ready to start the day and show these ponies the wonderment of Las Pegasus! But then Light froze. He heard a strange voice he had never heard before. He turned around to see a large zebra talking with Whirligig and Flashbomb. He blinked a bit and rubbed a hoof over his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He wasn't. Weird how this zebra shows up right when Light finishes telling his story about his zebra friend. "Well little lady I think dis be your lucky day den. I apologize if I be imposin upon yer discussions, but I could not help but to overhear the hovering ladies exclamations. It would be a shame not to grant the wish of such an exuberant young lass. It is a pleasure to make yer acquantances, I be Foghorn, but ye can jus call me Foggy." Foggy hm? Light had never heard of him. But he had a music case. Maybe he played around and Light had never seen him before. “Oh, wow wow wow! It most certainly is my lucky day! Oh, I am so glad my friends convinced me to come on this trip, aren’t you, Flashbomb? Looky look, a Zebra! And such a classy one, too – it most certainly is my pleasure to meet you, Mr Foghorn Foggy sir! Do you live in Las Pegasus? I definitely didn’t know there were any zebras living in Las Pegasus, but I guess a place like this brings folk from all over the world, hey? Oh, I’m so excited to get to see more of this place!” Light chuckled a bit. Whirligig said she always wanted to meet a zebra. Light trotted over to the two ponies and the zebra. [colour=#800000]"Guess this city makes wishes come true huh?"[/colour] He laughed a bit and then turned to the zebra with the booming voice. [colour=#800000]"Nice to meet you Foggy. I am Light Harmony. But everypony calls me Light." [/colour]He shrugged a bit. [colour=#800000]"Now, I have to say that I have never seen you around. I am pretty sure you aren't new...or are you? You have that case there...do you play?"[/colour] Light raised an eyebrow in curious question. He had an idea that if this pony played music then maybe he and Foggy could play together! But maybe. [colour=#800000]"Hate to sound rushed Foggy. But these two were going to drop their things off in my place a few flights up. They have been carrying them for some time now. Would you like to come along? After they drop them off we are going to go see the city. Well I am going to show them really. " [/colour]He laughed again.
  8. Could I join as a random canon character? Like Vinyl?
  9. I was looking it over and I realized that I still needed to change a few things. And add in a few. But then I had another idea for a character. So I still need to change a few things with this one If that is okay. Like after I wrote everything for him, I realized I wanted to change a bit I will work on it shortly!
  10. Name: Shady Daze Sex: Male Age: Foal Species: Earth Pony Eye colour: Eye colour starts at the top of his eyes being a dark blue then near the bottom the blue turns lighter. Coat: His coat is a very light blue. Almost white but it is still blue. Mane/Tail: His mane is rather short and simple. It goes above his forehead slightly and is a bit jagged as it goes down his neck. His tail is very short. It barely goes past his hind legs. His tail and his mane share two colours. A blue colour and a slightly whitish colour. The colour seems to streak across his mane and it seems to split his tail. Making it look two different colours. Physique: Shady is small compared to the bigger ponies. As are all colts and fillies. He is just the right size for a colt his age. He is the same height as his friends Residence: Ponyville Occupation: Shady has no job. Student Cutie Mark: Shady does not have his cutie mark yet History: Shady was born in Ponyville and life growing up for Shady was great! When he started going to school he met lots of new ponies who are his friends now! He loved going to school. School is also where he became interested in Journalism, which he only does for the school newspaper. He volunteered to work on the staff once and had a blast! So now every time the newspaper staff needs ponies to work on it, Shady is among the first to volunteer. Shady and his parents got along, and still get along, well. They have no problems with Shady he is a good pony. Shady pretty much always follows his parents rules and tries to follow in their footsteps. He wants to be successful so he generally tries his best at everything he does. And his parents support him in everything he does. They are hoping high for him since he is a still a colt and since he doesn't have his cutie mark yet. But they are sure he will get his mark soon enough. He is still in school and he loves ever day of it. Since Shady is still a colt he still tends to get nervous around ponies older than him. He doesn't want to make them angry at him or anything but he usually keeps to himself but, when he does speak he is nice. He is coming out of his shell though and speaking more. He has his friends and family beside him to help him as he grows and matures. As for where Shady wants to go from here...he honestly doesn't really know. He doesn't have his cutie mark yet so he knows that he can be whatever he wants to be if he sets his mind to it. But, he also knows that he wants to stick to the things he likes and the things he is naturally good at. He feels that if he does this his cutie mark will appear and he will be ready to go out into the real world! After he matures a bit that is. Character Summary: Shady has a knack for snapping good photos but, he doesn't take photos constantly or for a living. He does take a few here and there. He excels at working hard and being a dependable pony. That may seem typical for most ponies but when Shady is assigned something to do, he will make sure he gets it done and it looks good. While he isn't a perfectionist he doesn't want everything he does or makes to be looked down on because it wasn't neat or clean so he is a hard working little colt. He often dreams of running his own newspaper making company, which he wants to be the editor in chief and the staff photographer and the pony who runs all of the machines of it. Though he he has never been an editor, he always wanted to try. But that is a dream. Shady likes working on the newstaff. He loves every minute of it. He really likes when his best friends are on the newspaper staff with him. When he is with his friends the fun never stops for Shady. He loves always telling them jokes and making them laugh and vice versa for his friends. For hobbies, Shady likes to be with his friends. Really his favorite part of the school day is Recess, since it is the time when he can be outside and enjoy some good games with his great friends! And for games, what games doesn't he and his friends play? While he can't do much on his own on account of his age, he likes to dream with his friends about what life will be like when they are older Shady is well mannered and nice. He respects his teacher and pretty much everypony older or the same age as him but, he is a young pony so sometimes his naive nature can get the best of him. He is a very kind and sweet pony thatnever wants to hurt anypony's feelings. He wants everypony to be happy. Being around Shady is great. He loves making his friends laugh and have a good time Shady also enjoys reading, reading anything really. Books, posters, flyers. Pretty much anything that has words on it. One thing about Shady, that he doesn't like to admit about himself is that he loves math. He just gets the feeling that a pony that loves playing games outside and being active as much as he is shouldn't like math. But whenever they are going over math in class, he can't help but give all of his attention. Making friends for Shady is easy. He just assumes that everypony is his friend. He feels like everypony should have a few friends. If a pony had no friends then who would they play games with? Shady still has a small fear of the dark. He usually turns a light on when he goes to bed but he is trying to get over that fear. He knows of a few of his friends that aren't afraid of the dark and he wants to be like them. Another fear of Shady's is, heights. He is afraid of heights and he is glad that he is an earth pony and not a pegasus. Just the thought of flying up there high up in the sky makes Shady a bit queasy, so he generally tries not to think about that. Likes The Outdoors School Playing Games Photography All of his friends Apples The colour purple Working on the school newspaper staff Dislikes Rejection Winter Not completing something Cherries Taking tests Mean ponies Shady Daze:
  11. Derpyy

    Hey =w=

    Hello and welcome to Canterlot!
  12. Yay! You posted it! Name: Arc Angel Gender: Stallion Cutie Mark: A pair of white feathered wings. They are connected. They just spread out. Like..wings I guess. Edited the colour of the wings since he has a black coat Brief history of Magic: Arc has always been a pony interested in magic.His parents knew it as well. Ever since he was little. He read a few books on magic when he was little but he would always skip through the pages and then get mad when he had no idea how to do the spell. Because he missed it in the book. He still loved trying though.He is a rambunctious pony though. Though his magic wasn't strong he still tried to use it everyday. Trying to lift things and such. But now he was gotten older. His magic stronger but not strong enough. He hopes that the college will help him become a very powerful magical unicorn! (Didn't really know how brief it had to be) Favorite Spell: Teleportation. He can only teleport short distances though. Very weak teleportation. Appearance of Character:
  13. Heart was a bit shocked. By his mouth? Him..the best doctor in all of Equestria? No. Couldn't be. He was a modest pony but this was a bit to much for him. He didn't want to seem like he was trying to brag on himself. It was hard because he was already sure Miss Fluer assumed that he just wanted to hear about himself. He hoped she didn't think he was full of himself. Heart then went back to looking at the x-ray. He laughed a bit. "[colour=#8b4513]Well. I don't know about the best. I just do my job."[/colour] He glanced over at Fluer and Silver and then went back to looking at the x-ray. [colour=#8b4513]"Thank you though." [/colour]He wasn't looking at either of them but he had a smile on his face. He was happy he met these two ponies. Speaking of ponies he had a pony to help. Heart then moved up and went over to a desk that had some bandages on it. He moved them on a table since he would need a few. He pulled the table closer to Silver, who was still in the bed, and he stood next to the bed. Without saying anything he carefully moved Silver's wing a bit. Just enough for him to work on. He smiled and said, [colour=#8b4513]"Now. I'm just going to bandage you up. I won't make it hurt so continue to talk. It will help the process go faster since your mind will be taken off of it." [/colour]He chuckled a bit and then examined the wing. He pretty much memorized the x-ray so he knew where the injury was worst. He then carefully took some of the bandage and had it dipped in a cleansing material. All wounds needed to be cleaned before they were bandaged up. He knew it would probably sting. But only for a bit. Heart then took the material and started to wash the wound. Once he got it all cleaned up he moved on to the bandages. He brought out a few wraps and started to carefully and slowly wrap the wing.
  14. Yay! The changling attacks on Canterlot are over!

    1. Halide


      But they'll be back... THEY'LL ALWAYS BE BACK! Probably. Maybe. Honestly I have no idea.

  15. Care had no idea who this griffon was. That was until he heard him say his name. Razor huh? Care had seen a few griffons here and there but never one so up close. He realized how sharp the talons looked. It scared him a bit. But Care had other things to think about. It took him a little bit to realize... [colour=#800000]"You're an Alicorn??" [/colour]Care started to freak just a bit. He just delivered a letter to..an..Alicorn! Oh..he couldn't wait to tell his friends and family about this. First letter of the day and it was to an Alicorn. Care didn't know what to think. He was stunned. His mouth was hanging open as the others were standing. He realized this so he closed his mouth. The young stallion was even more excited now. Though he always loved delivering any type of mail to any pony. This time just felt different. Care chuckled a bit. His happy chuckle turned into a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head. He flapped his wings slightly out of nervousness. [colour=#800000]"I um..sorry about that outburst. I just wasn't expecting to deliver a letter to an Alicorn. I assumed those types of mail were for the higher ranking mailponies. I'm sorry Miss Sparkle." [/colour]He smiled and blushed a bit. He turned away from her and Razor and casually looked over at all of the books. Though he figured they could tell he was nervous.
  16. [colour=#a9a9a9]"What's up Heart?"[/colour] Heart shook his head a bit. He looked over at Silver and away from the machine and said, "[colour=#8b4513]Hmm?"[/colour] He gave him a half smile. Mainly because he had no idea what he was talking or asking him about. He just said nothing. "So is the machine almost done? What'll it tell you exactly?" Heart now looked at Silver. He still had his half smile on. [colour=#8b4513]"Yes. It is almost done. And it will actually give me a picture of the inside of your wing there."[/colour] He chuckled a bit. He always loved doing x-rays. Even though most ponies found them boring he still loved to do them. They were needed to do operations and give proper diagnostics after all. As the machine finished up Heart looked around a bit. He noticed that Fleur was sitting on the floor still. He had no idea why. She could have sit on a chair or something. But then again...ahh it doesn't matter. Heart was sure they would only be in here a little while longer. He heard her say something about not falling asleep now. She must be bored. He was sorry that medical things didn't entertain her. It sure entertained him. But he remembered that everypony had what they liked and what they didn't like. Everypony was different. "So..since Fleur here knows of you your reputation must precede you Heart. I'm glad I am in such capable hands and I will do my best to thank you as much as I can afterwards." Heart smiled. "Well...I had no idea I had a reputation." He sighed a playful sigh. "Now it looks like I have something I have to uphold no?" He laughed a bit. As he finished laughing he realized that he was right...what if he did something wrong? His reputation would be ruined! And really...he also just realized...he didn't much care. Heart turned to Fleur and said ,[colour=#8b4513]"Um. Miss Fleur. Might I ask how I am known in..Canterlot? I was just you know...curious..and all and.."[/colour] he laughed a bit at his nervousness. Usually he was a modest pony but his curiosity got the best of him. Just when he finished speaking the machine finished as well. It printed out a black type of sheet with an x-ray of Silver's wing on it. (We all know what an x-ray looks like XD) Heart studied the image carefully. Making a few tsk noises as he looked over the bone structure. But on the bright side only one bone was broken. And that was what was the problem. So Heart turned to Silver and said, "[colour=#8b4513]Good news! You have a broken wing!" He laughed a bit. "No. But really your wing isn't as bad as I thought it was. It can be fixed up with a few bandages and such things. Also with not flying on it." [/colour]He smiled.
  17. Hello and Welcome to Canterlot! Enjoy your stay!
  18. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria Name: Casanova Sex: Male Age: Stallion Species: Unicorn Eye colour: A light purple colour Coat: His coat is a light brown. Mane/Tail: Casanova's mane is a dark blue colour. Same as his tail. His mane is quite long in length. It goes down to his neck and not any further. He makes sure to keep his mane and tail very well kept. Very pampered. His mane goes over his eyes just a bit but he usually has it over to one side. His tail is quite long. Though it doesn't touch the ground. He often keeps track of his tail length. He doesn't want it to drag on the ground at all. He doesn't want dirt or anything in his tail. Physique: Casanova is a a tall and lean stallion.. Though he isn't very muscular. Residence: Canterlot Occupation: Casanova's job is to be a party planner. Or a social gathering planner really. Though he usually plans parties for no good reason.He usually likes to have social gatherings. He is a very high class stallion who loves to enjoy a good party. The parties he plans though have very strict rules and guidelines that must be followed. Proper attire and etc. He often makes extra observations of ponies at his parties and the parties he plans for other ponies as well. Whether it be a birthday party, or an after wedding party or anything! He will make sure that the party is amazing and FABULOUS! Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is a black masquerade mask. One of the simple ones Just a simple black mask. Casanova got his cutie mark at a young age. As all fillies and colts did. But anyways. When Casanova was growing up in Canterlot he had a large group of friends that he held dear. He and his friends did almost everything together. He was a very happy colt. Then one day in class he realized something. One of his friends birthdays was coming up! He figured he would get him a gift for his birthday..NO! Everypony always just gets the birthday pony a gift. Or a card or a cake or something. Casanova figured he would take the birthday party matters into his own hooves. He told his friend not to plan anything on his birthday. As a few days went on Casanova was rocking his brain trying to think of the best way to have a party for his friend. He had a lot of ideas...he was getting very nervous for his friend's birthday was in a few days. He looked around his small space in his Canterlot home and then hit him. All out of nowhere he got the idea! He would throw his friend a costume party! He loved the idea and he was sure his friend would as well! He got everything he needed. Which was really just his parents getting the food and the normal party necessities. But Casanova told them exactly what to get. He wanted to make the party exactly the way he wanted. He figured he could have the party at his house. So after getting the OK from his parents his proceeded to let all of his friends know about the party. The word about the party spread to the friend who was having the birthday. And it came time for the party. Once the friend showed up in his costume everypony jumped out and congratulated him on his birthday. The friend was so excited for the party. Even though he knew about it since he was wearing a costume. Casanova stayed with his friend the whole time during the party and every now and then he would break off and visit with other colts and fillies. He was absolutely amazed though. Everypony was having a good time and they were all wearing amazing costumes! Casanova was simply wearing a mask that he made out of a few pieces of fabric and other things that you use masks for. He would often tell his friends he was the Masked Colt! He loved it. The party was great and went amazingly. When it was over Casanova waved goodbye to the last pony. He looked down and his parents told him he had his cutie mark. He looked down and saw the mask on his flank. He freaked and hugged his parents. His mother and Father were so proud of him. His mother told him that his mask looked like a mask that a pony would wear to a ball. Casanova, being the young colt, he had no idea what a ball was. But he was just so excited to have his Cutie mark. History: Casanova is a Canterlot pony. Born and raised. He loves the city so much. It's shining lights and elegance. He loves how clean the city is. That is one of his things about the city. As for life for Casanova growing up...it was great. He had a lot of friends that liked him as well. He was a very likable pony. One thing that his friends didn't really like about Casanova though was his obsession with beauty. His friends would often ask him why he was so obsessed with those kind of things. His colt friends told him that those were thing that mares would like. Casanova told them that anypony can like whatever they want to like. Casanova's parents were very respectable ponies. They loved their colt and still do. They were behind in in every decision he made. His father was a bit skeptical about Casanova's cutie mark when he got it. But he learned to love it. He was his son after all and he loved his son. His mother loved his cutie mark and never once was skeptical about his attitude and behavior and cutie mark. As for Casanova's life now..he lives on his own in a house in Canterlot. He loves everyday of his life. Though he usually is seen with mares than stallions. He has more mare friends than stallion friends. But he doesn't care. He loves planning parties for random reasons or just to plan a party to have a party. He isn't some party fanatic he just loves a good formal meeting with a his friends and their friends and whomever they want to invite. Though some of his parties are invite only and are very very formal. Most of parties are very formal anyways. Casanova believes that he would not be where he is today if it wasn't for his parents and the fact that they lived in Canterlot. He believes his life would be completely different if he lived anywhere else. His parents supported his parties one after the other after he got his cutie mark. Once his mother asked him to plan a party for some of her friends and their friends. It boosted his self esteem greatly. Casanova hopes to get to where he is so well known for his party planning skills that every one of his gatherings needs to be invite only! He wants so many ponies to want to come to his gatherings! He wants to be famous! He wants to be well known! He wants to stay clean...he hopes his tail and mane hold their shine. Character Summary: Casanova's talents are well..knowing how to make a gathering of ponies last a while. He knows the things anypony needs to have a great party. Assuming they want a formal and fancy party that is. He is pretty sure that just him making an appearance at a party is enough to keep it alive. He assumes that everypony loves him and his skills to plan parties. Casanova's motivation in life is to be so well known for his parties that when he plans a party he will have to plan the party a few weeks in advance because ponies not only from Canterlot but Trottingham and Las Pegasus want to come. He wants to be known as the most regal and fancy of all ponies. He is sure he already is though. And because of that motivation after every party he usually spends a few days trying to come up with a better idea for his next one. If the next one he has to plan isn't a pony's request that is. Casanova likes cleanliness. He loves fanciness and elegance. The bar for what he considers nasty or bad is set extremely high. He wants to be one of the cleanest ponies in all of Equestria. He also despises ponies who attend either a party he planned for no reason or a request that don't follow his guidelines for proper gathering etiquette. A pony does not have to be wild and crazy to enjoy a party. He loves the parties where he can just stand around and chat quietly with his friends and guests and listen to the music. He loves music. Not crazy music though. Soft and soothing music. It soothes him and he believes it helps him keep calm. As for hobbies, Casanova loves to attend plays and shows and absorb the culture. While he has never really left Canterlot. He feels that there is much to absorb in Canterlot. He loves the fact that there are ponies who want to be actors and musicians. He greatly appreciates them. Without them..there would be no music or plays. Casanova also appreciates the ponies who help him keep his mane and tail so clean and nice. He loves being clean after all. For behaving in general. Casanova can be rather rude sometimes. While he doesn't mean to his attitude sometimes gets the best of him. It sometimes causes him to get this feeling of that he is better than most ponies. When this happens he just wonders why ponies can't be as fancy as him. But that doesn't happen that much. Unless a pony or something makes him angry. Such as a ruffian at one of his parties or a pony not dress properly. He can be mean but Casanova also has a sweet side. He is a sucker for beauty as well. He often tells random mares that he finds beautiful to be beautiful. Even if their husband or coltfriend is nearby. He doesn't care. Casanova's faults..his biggest one would be his attitude when he gets in his "I must be better than you. I'm fancier" stage. But that doesn't happen that much. Another thing is his ability to handle a ruffian at a party. Being a pony who doesn't believe in violence. He often cowers away when there is a pony causing mischief at one of his gatherings. He hates this about himself. But it is who he is. One of Casanova's biggest worries...when he planes a party and gets a few responses and then the day comes for the party he is afraid that someponies wont enjoy it. He wants everypony to be happy at his parties. He wants them to have fun, and stay clean or keep the filth away from him that is, and enjoy themselves. And hopefully want to come to one of his parties again. He worries that he won't become as famous as he wants to be. That worry kills him on the inside. But that will all unfold.
  19. Heart continued to do his thing. He knew the two were talking about something. He just didn't know what. He was to busy concentrating. He moved the machine a bit over Silver's wing and the machine proceeded to do its thing. Heart sat back a bit. He just made sure Silver didn't move his wing. He loved how this process was virtually painless. Silver didn't seem to be noticing it one bit. "Do what you need to do doc. Though I suspect there won't be any missing...Unless my body somehow ate them." Normally he would have stopped and laughed at this. But he didn't. One thing that confused him a bit was that Silver called him "Doc". While it wasn't a mean thing to say and in no way hurt his feelings. He just didn't like the sound of it. But Heart figured he would forget about that. He wasn't one to hold a grudge over trivial things such as that. Heart watched the machine do its thing, He remained quiet while it was working. It would take a few minutes for the results to be in hoof. As he was waiting he looked over at Fluer. He noticed her cutie mark and he heard something about her beauty. And it was true. She was a rather beautiful mare. He just never said it. He wondered where she was from. Canterlot maybe? He remembered she said that he was quite well known in Canterlot. It made him blush slightly. He had only been to Canterlot a few times. He wondered what it was for? Why was he known there? Maybe for his studies? [colour=#8b4513]"Hmm? Did I..no it was..Ah..maybe? I..hmm..." [/colour]He realized he was talking to himself. His voice was quieter while he was just speaking then. Then he shut up again and continued to wait. Or...bah whatever. He shall think about that another time
  20. [colour=#8b4513]"And next time I will remember![/colour]" Heart chuckled. The door was a bit open as he came in yelling that down the hallway. There were as a mare and a stallion that were laughing at whatever the three were talking about. But now it Heart was back. Heart came into the room and closed the door. He let out a soft sigh. He was wearing a white doctor's coat. He always wore one when he was in the office. He also had a few things in the pockets of the coat. He looked over himself quickly and then back to Fluer and Silver. He chuckled a bit. [colour=#8b4513]"Apologies. I was gathering my things and a few old friends of mine paid a visit. I had no idea they were here so I had to catch up. Again Apologies.[/colour]" He smiled at both of them. He swore he had heard talking form this room when he got near the door. Perhaps the two had been talking a bit. He hoped he wasn't interrupting their conversation. But he needed to get started. But Heart was happy none the less that they had been talking. Or at least he figured they had been talking. Heart moved over to the bed side and made sure to not hit Fluer who was on the ground. He moved over to a few pieces of equipment. He smiled as they began to work and his knowledge of how to work them stayed in his mind. He was happy that he knew how to do his job. Once the machines were on he looked over at Silver. He was laying on the bed. Good Pony. He moved a bit closer. [colour=#8b4513]"Now Silver. I am going to need to get an x-ray of your wing. If you would please..roll over and let me move this machine so it can scan your wing. This is needed to we can see if any bones are broken or fractured or...missing." [/colour]He laughed a bit as he waited for Silver to move his wing. The machine wasn't huge but it still wasn't tiny. It got the x-rays done. As he waited for him to move his wing he looked over at both of the ponies. [colour=#8b4513]"I hope everything has been going alright with you two. Not that I am saying anything would be wrong I am just saying that if something was going wrong....you know what. I'll be quiet." [/colour]He laughed again and looked away.
  21. "Trottingham...? Is that nearby?" Heart shook his head. "Mmmm...no. It's not nearby. But it isn't forever away if that makes sense." He chuckled a bit and continued to trot along. And just then the group entered the hospital. Heart noticed that there were no ponies in the waiting room. Either no ponies were injured and waiting on ponies to come see them. Or there was just no visitor today. Heart glanced around some more. He saw the lone receptionist as the desk. He smiled at her and trotted over to her. [colour=#8b4513]" Hello there."[/colour] He smiled at her. The mare smiled back. "[colour=#4b0082]Hello Dr. Heart." [/colour]She giggled when she spoke now. [colour=#4b0082]"You do know you don't work here correct?" [/colour]She raised an eyebrow. Heart laughed as well. [colour=#8b4513]"Ah yes. But I just wanted to check on a friend of mine. You see he...he um. Is .." [/colour]He shrugged and smiled. The mare laughed again. [colour=#4b0082]"I see. Well you know what you are doing Doctor." [/colour]She smiled at him. Heart smiled back and said, "[colour=#8b4513]Thank you."[/colour] He smiled yet again. He kept the same smile as he came back to the group. Silver was standing tall as usual and Fluer was..freaking out about dirt? Heart couldn't help but smile even wider. His thoughts about this mare changed every minute. He moved so he could see both of them. [colour=#8b4513]"Um. I think the ponies appreciate you cleaning that up..But we need to move on. Come along then."[/colour] He smiled and then moved through a door. He held it open for Silver and Fluer. Once they came through he pointed towards a door to the right. It was the closest door. On the door was a sign that read Room 1. Heart just pointed at it.He knew what the inside of the room looked like. It was a beige coloured room with a two windows looking outside. It had a few bookshelves and things that ponies need when they are bored. Should be fine for this moment. He smiled at Silver and said, [colour=#8b4513]"If you two would be so kind as to wait in here for me. I'll just be a second. Silver. Please sit on the bed in the room and do not touch your wing. And Fluer."[/colour] He gave her a serious look. [colour=#8b4513]"Make sure he doesn't touch that wing." [/colour]He smiled and then trotted down the long hallway. He had to get some things for Silver's examination. While this wasn't surgery he still had to get a few things.
  22. Heart stopped trotting and turned to Silver and Fluer. He then took a quick glance over at the hospital. He was worried that Silver was perhaps scared of the building. He knew a lot of ponies that were afraid of hospitals but he was sure Silver would get over it. Maybe he could get a nice piece of candy when he was done. Ok clearly that was not going to happen. Maybe. But Heart looked around the building. He could see some places that were dark. He hated the dark. But he wondered what the others thought. As he moved his head to Fluer and Silver he came back to Fluer going on about how disrespected Silver was. Heart moved in front of the mare and Silver. He put a hoof on Fluer and looked back and forth between them. [colour=#8b4513]"Please. Calm down. We don't need to yell.[/colour]" He smiled at Fluer and Silver and then took his hoof off of her. He turned back away and kept moving a bit. "So...that's the hospital huh?" He had heard a few things Silver said but this one stuck out the most. Mainly because it was a question but that didn't matter. He heard him say things like "Good idea" and such and it made Heart feel smart. He like the feeling. But now he figured and answer was due. So he turned to Silver just in time to hear Fluer. [colour=#282828]"Oh heart I would love to be your company!"[/colour] [colour=#282828]Heart smiled back at her. [/colour][colour=#8b4513]"Good to hear that." [/colour][colour=#282828]His smile grew warmer. He then turned to Silver. He hesitated to speak because he was confused. Fluer's tone had changed from being mean to Silver to being happy and cheerful to Heart. Perhaps to quickly..But anyways! Heart shook his head and said, [/colour][colour=#8b4513]"Why yes. This is the Ponyville Hospital. I'm afraid I do not know of any other hospitals in this small little town. But then again this is only my fourth time to be here. I live in Trottingham. But anyways! This is a great hospital. You have nothing to worry about. Normally Dr. Stable would be checking on you but that is my job now." [/colour][colour=#282828]He chuckled a bit and kept trotting towards the Hospital.[/colour] [colour=#282828]Once he got the front door he opened it. He moved his hoof in a motion at both Fluer and Silver[/colour][colour=#8b4513]. "Come on! Come on!" [/colour][colour=#282828]He smiled at them. Though he really did want to hurry Silver along. Injuries can get worse if they are not cared for.[/colour]
  23. Welcome to Canterlot! I was surprised to see your name there! It brought back memories of when I read The Great Gatsby...one year ago XD Still a great book! But again welcome!
  24. I hope everything is alright!
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